There have been amendments over the years, reading the laws posted above, for instance a .44 pistol was legal, now it's a 9mm or .32 max.

Laws were changed regarding violations as noted in the article below from Amandala dated August 2009. As the new law stands you cannot get bail at the magistrate's level and go directly to jail. How long you stay there depends on the skills of your lawyer and the availability of the Supreme Court to hear your application for bail.

"An entire Belize City family, the Canto family, ran afoul of the strict amendment to the Firearms Act, and a father and his son are behind bars, and the man's wife almost ended there, too, if it were not for a medical condition that caused the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions to withdraw the two charges against her.

The gun laws of Belize have gone through various amendments over the years as gun crimes in Belize have been escalating at a frightening pace. Legislators have taken a much more serious attitude towards the proliferation of handguns and the most recent amendment to the Firearms Act has even taken away the jurisdiction of granting bail at the magistrate's court level.

Anyone found with a firearm or ammunition is automatically remanded to prison for three months, unless they apply for a bail petition before the Supreme Court through an attorney."

There has been at least one case where an unlicensed gun has been found in a location with multiple persons present. Under the new law all present get the automatic 3 month jail term unless someone cops to the possession.