Robbery and burglary is down here on the island in the last year. Way down and this year to date is well below last year. Overall the efforts being made are working but there is much work left to do. The blame should be passed around to people other than the police. Developers, businesses and retail businesses that do not contribute in a meaningful way to help reduce crime are just as much to blame as the criminals.

Well said scubaldy. We cannot protect people that refuse to use common sense and look for drugs and take tours with illegal operators and invite strangers into their hotel rooms or condos, etc.

42 years ago the population on this island was about 500 now it is 20,000. Thinking there is any correlation between now and then is just as silly as comparing this place to Miami.

If you are not doing anything to prevent crime (installing cameras, contributing to your local neighborhood watch, being vigilant, calling the police when you see something wrong, looking out for your neighbor and of course helping you fellow islanders)then you are part of the problem!