I was hoping the posts from yesterday would spread light to our soon to be neighbors in San Pedro that the owners at Sapphire Beach are a team and are eager to be a part of the local flavor. How disappointing for me to find the people on this board only wanted to attempt to tear us down and accuse us of drinking the 'kool-aid', lying about our identities, and being idiots/fools in general.

My name is Niki Salter, I am a 28 year old female from the great state of Texas. I am an Aquarius and a dog-lover. I work hard, love hard, drink too much and have a foul mouth for a Southern Lady. I opened my profile in October of 2008, about 5 months after my boyfriend (now my husband- love you, babe) and I purchased a piece of sand that was to one day be a cabana at Sapphire Beach Resort. We were 25 years old and $160,000 was a lot of cash for us to part with but we believed in what we saw and the potential for what we didn't.

I joined this site in 2008 so I could keep up with local news at this place I'm so ready to be a part of. Along with some of the other owners, I have watched as so many trashed our resort and said only negative things. Many of the owners only joined yesterday, not as fictional charachters in a free advertising scheme, but as real people that finally want the chance to say their piece- their HAPPY piece. My heart is sad that so many of the people I was looking forward to meeting one day (locals, I assume), would rather feed on negativity and drama, rather than encourage us to stick through what could have been a travesty. So many have not only not been supportive, but have gone even further by saying hateful things designed to destroy our hope and faith. I am not looking forward to meeting some of you, anymore, and that's a shame, because I am a wonderful friend and a great person to know.

I'm sure no one will read this, and it may even be deleted, but I stand behind my statements and what I've said. Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives. I choose to live my life with no regrets, jump naked into a cold pool, and run when the sign says walk, just because I feel like it. If I lose $160,000 in a bad investment, it hurts no one but me... And in the end, if I lose, and if it makes you feel better, you can tell me "I told you so".

Niki Salter, Unit 13B- Proud to be KOOL-AID FREE!!!

I have no plans to die, today...