Originally Posted by divingcowgirl
Originally Posted by GwenA
The issue of how long someone has lived in whatever part of Belize, doesn't help someone who wants to know about how things are now about building and insuring houses.
If someone built their house way back when and it cost $40,000, how does that help someone now.
I've heard all these great stories about people getting residency after a few months, paying $100, and having it granted in a month. That was 20 years ago. If someone provides that kind of info to someone who asks what does it take to get residency, what good is it.
Things change, so if half of the plywood houses were destroyed in a hurricane, and 10 percent of more sturdy houses were destroyed, on whichever Island; what kind of house do you want to build?
Then because of that kind of information, you decide to build a concrete house, do you want costs from twenty, ten or five years ago?
That isn't caustic, it's realistic. And what I said about insurance is how it's done now.

I didn't know you sold insurance in Belize?! And also owned a construction company? I know that you are trying to be helpful in getting the most recent costs and information to those that are asking, but your tone has been pretty caustic IMO. While I know nothing of building, insurance nor the cost of living in Belize, I feel that if you were to tone the rhetoric down some and appear to be more helpful that might be a little more receptive by those that are asking.

Popcorn anyone?

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But then what do I know, I am but a mere caveman