would like to post a response to the this thread

Because® was identified regarding design of the subject seawall, we want to correct misrepresentations regarding our involvement.

  1. Contrary to representations,® was not consulted on the design of this seawall.

  2.® does not endorse the construction of seawalls and our Patents Pending technology has been demonstrated as a viable alternative to the hardening of shorelines.

  3. The conceptual drawing in your article shows the mangrove root system growing down through holes in the seawall; however, the natural morphology of the mangrove tree is to develop a shallow root system forming nothing like what is shown in the conceptual drawing. This type of supposition is extremely na�ve and indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of the structure and biology of the species.

  4. Based on our international experience in mangrove reforestation, the design of the subject "seawall" is critically flawed and will not create tangible habitat as advocated by the developer.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Bob Riley
Managing Director
Tel: 321-431-6595
Mangrove Habitat Creation & Coastal Reforestation