The key is to balance your TOTAL Alkalinity first before trying to balance the ph that the standard testers test for. If you total alkalinity is out of whack and then the regular ph test results are false - and during that time the chlorine levels will go haywire and then you will get the algae blooms which turn the pool water murky. Your cyanuric acid levels (stabilizer) must be carefully adjusted. Exercise extreme patience - it is easy to over do this and then you will experience constant ph bounce.
An interesting point is the fact that algicide is only a preventative and will not actually kill algae. You need to scrub the pool and vacuum then over chlorinate it - the algae will die. Clean filter. Scrub pool again, vacuum, clean filter. Do this until you see obvious improvement. You must remove all algae bloom - which can be found within your pool lines, lights, jets etc. If even a little remains you will continue to have algae problems. Once you have removed the algae the regular algaecide treatments will prevent new growth.

When you over chlorinate the pool and begin aggressive treatment the pool needs to be completely closed to bathers.

You are going to have to run the pool pump continually till you get a handle on the problem.

Good luck.