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Virginia Melendez has been cooking for 20 years, and as the proud owner of Itza Belizean Place eatery in downtown San Pedro, provides special items like hudut, boil up and more. With her repertoire and reputation preceding her, it made sense to taste her version of the boil up. Taught by her mother to make this dish, Virginia served up a beautiful plate complete with whole fish, some ground food, a sauce and the classic boiled cake.

A combination of tomatoes, coconut oil, fish, root vegetables, a surprisingly light dough disc that had been boiled to perfection, and years of tradition, all came together for a 'boil up'. There really is no better name that that, because that's just what it is! I can't wait to hit up some more items now!

Click here to read the rest of the article in the My Beautiful Belize Blog