I'm getting married in 2 weeks. Iraida has a lot of trouble with her email. Sometimes she replies but I never receive the email. It has been a constant struggle since I started this process. I can tell you that lately (as the wedding is literally 2 weeks from now) her replies come quickly. I think that most people who marry in Belize really wait until the last minute to work out the details. Everything there is slower! Trust me when I say that I know it is very difficult but let her be your guide as to whether it is time to make a decision about x, y, or z...

My other suggestion is to keep forwarding the original message that you sent to her asking if she received the first message. I went through a month long freak out because she wasn't writing me back but she hadn't received any of my emails.

I'll write a trip report when we return on April 8 and let you all know how everything went!