No we didn't have it in our mouthes or on our lips. Mostly belly, armpits, and bikini line where they got caught as the water slipped off of us exiting the water.

But just to make life interesting, one member of our group has become the "host" for a botfly larva. It is in her ear lobe and growing. It pokes it head out for air once every couple hours. Her ear lobe is three time the size it should be and red. Lymph node on her neck is huge.

We tried some of the recommended home remedies like smoke in a coke bottle held up against the site, camphor in a cotton ball, and vasoline to force it to come out for air. Didn't work, so she went in to the Doctor to get it cut out yesterday. Haven't heard from her yet.

For those looking for Sea Safe on A/C. I did notice some bottles for sale at the Blue Hole Dive shop. I already had my bottle that I brought with me bought at a Florida dive shop. I didn't know to keep applying it after leaving Belize to deal with the itchy rash.

Is that right, Sundinrocks?

Hey Jude