I have been able to get 9 computers donated to St. Peter's college, all in excellent shape, however we have run into a problem getting them from Lancaster, PA to any port, where a shipping company that services Belize would take over and the freight would be paid.The school does not have to pay freight from the States to Belize, but will not get money or support for any shipping in the States. So if anybody out there knows of a way to get them transported in the States please let me know asap. The goal was to have them for first day of school, which was yesterday. I am working closely with both Mr. Frank and a wonderful lady named Nancy, some of you might know her, an ex-cop, to get the computers here. We are both, as of yesterday, members of the board, and will do what we can to help the kids in Belize. Will YOU help? You can e-mail me directly at [email protected] or call 226-3335.