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Bosses Of GSG and Taylor's Alley Killed, City Reels Into Panic

Tonight, it is as if the landscape of the entire Belize society has changed; the two most prominent gang leaders in the country, Shelton Pinky Tillett and Arthur Young are dead - after a weekend that rocked the nation to its core and caused widespread panic and public terror.

First off, despite reports that there had been a wild murder spree and a soaring body count, that didn't happen - but that doesn't mean it isn't bad as it is.

Four persons - including Pinky Tillett and his female friend - were murdered between Friday and Saturday. There were two more shootings: one on Saturday and one this morning - combined, they left three persons injured.

We'll tell you about all of them, but we start with the biggest news of the weekend: the execution of a gang boss. For those who knew him, Shelton Pinky Tillett was not a menacing or aggressive character - but he was considered the boss of the George Street Gaza - the most powerful and dangerous gang in Belize.

Tillett himself though, seemed to have been taking it easy on Friday night; he was in the Coral Grove area with a female friend; he didn't have any soldiers with him, and his guard was down. He certainly wasn't expecting to meet a gunman on a singular mission to kill the biggest gang name in Belize.

But that's just what happened - and Monica Bodden was at the scene:..

Monica Bodden reporting
The double homicide happened at mile 2 on the Northern Highway - at the Esso Ramon's Gas Station - just before 11 on Friday night.

it was inside this white Ford Ranger pickup truck that the George Street General - Shelton Pinky Tillett was excused.

Seated on the passenger side of Tillett's vehicle - was 23 year old Kamill Andrews - who too was violently shot up. Just before 11 that same night, both Tillett and Andrews arrived at the gas station - he parked his pickup at the entrance and went inside the store.

When he got back into the vehicle a man described as wearing a dread hat and a mask over his face - came out of a silver pathfinder -armed with a gun- and began firing shots inside the vehicle.

According to one eyewitness, at least 13 shots were fired. Both Tillett and Andrews died just moments after and their bodies were quickly transported to the KHMH.

Back at the crime scene, it was an eerie atmosphere - as all the lights at the gas station were dimmed. While heavily armed police officers guarded the area - and investigators processed the scene - gunshots were heard ringing off in the silence of the night - we couldn't tell from which direction they were coming from.

Tillett's ford ranger pick-up truck was towed away shortly after. And from where he was parked - a surveillance camera stood watch right above his vehicle - so before you know it, police had themselves a suspect.

Michelle Williams - Sister-in-law
"I received the news like 5 minutes after it happened because he was out here with us. He left from out here around 11 0' clock. Where he went I don't know because he just left in a hurry."

Monica Bodden
"So he was hanging out with you guys all along?"

Michelle Williams - Sister-in-law
"Yes, he was with us drinking."

Monica Bodden
"So, just minutes after he left then you heard?"

Michelle Williams - Sister-in-law
"Yes just minutes after, we still can't believe what happened because it happened so quickly. We heard that he was talking to someone, but we don't know who, we don't know who the gunman was. They gunned him down right there inside his vehicle."

"Apparently he got about 5 shots, but I only saw two in his neck. I don't know where he got the rest."

Monica Bodden
"When you went to view hos body you only saw two in his neck?"

Michelle Williams - Sister-in-law
"Yes, the news says that he got 5 shots."

31 year old Tillett - the notorious George Street general was shot to the center of his chest, the left side of his chest, his right arm and neck. 23 year old Kamill Andrews was shot to the left arm, left arm pit, right breast and right rib cage.

Michelle Williams - Sister-in-law
"All of us are friends. I don't think that he had anything with the young lady because she is the wife of another man. So, I doubt it, everyone is friends and company. We don't want to get it twisted that she was his sweetheart or that she was the other woman. Everybody was just friends."

Even though Pinky Tillett was considered the General of one of the most infamous city gangs- many would attest that Shelton Pinky Tillett was pursuing a change for the better when he became a part of the government's newly formed gang truce which seeks to bring about peace within rival gangs. But was his quest for peace -what brought this notorious street figure to his death?

Michelle Williams - Sister-in-law
"We are taking it hard because he was begging for peace and because of the peace, he put himself in the public to make it well known they gunned him down. We still can't believe that he is dead."

"He is my brother-in-law, before they say that he use to give trouble, we didn't find anything bad about him, he has changed his life and because of that he got gunned down."

"He wasn't seen in the public, but because of the gang truce and the peace he got gunned down by peace."

Monica Bodden
"Now, you think that he was genuinely into this gang truce trying to make a difference, trying to make a change?"

Michelle Williams - Sister-in-law
"Yes he was because he showed himself everywhere; everywhere they had meetings he attended."

Today family and friends of Kamill Andrews are also left to mourn her sudden passing. She was known for her jovial personality and big smile. Andrews who was a part of LA Fashions Boutique group of models was also one of the company's poster girls.

Carla Torres - Manager, LA Fashions
"Kamill has been a model with LA Fashions from the beginning. She is also a friend of LA Fashions and staff and basically that's it. We know her as a very jovial person, someone who gets along with everyone and she is always an open-minded person."

"It was just shocking because to hear of Kamill like that - at first we thought it was someone else. We didn't expect that it would have been her. It's just sad and sad to us also as part of an extended family in the sense that she was a part of LA Fashions family. She was a very vibrant part of our family and it's sad and heartbreaking."

Immediately after that killing the word went out from Police and on the streets that Arthur Young was the masked man who pulled the trigger. Bar none, Young is THE most feared man on the streets.

And that's what triggered a manhunt for the Taylor's Alley boss that ended in him being killed by police last night. But before that happened the city - and, indeed, the country, exploded into a deepening panic - which to some extend still continues tonight. City residents feared that with the killing of the biggest gangster in the city - a full out, gang war which police could not contain would erupt on all fronts in all areas, putting the lives of regular folks at risk.

Thankfully, that did not happen, but that is not to say it was a peaceful weekend.

Far from it; it was tense, violent in areas and downright scary. Jules Vasquez followed events closely and he has this report:..

Jules Vasquez reporting
With the execution of the boss of Belize's biggest, most dangerous gang, allegedly by the boss of the second most dangerous gang of the moment, the community was gripped with the fear that a massive, indiscriminate retaliation would be launched imminently by George Street to avenge the death of their slain leader.

Police launched into an operation - this is them at the corner of George and Orange Streets two hours after the shooting.

While the senior officers of Eastern Division went into a meeting at the Raccoon street station at 2:00 am to devise a short term suppressive response.

The next afternoon we saw the GSU locking down George Streets and Wagner's Lane - but like a rubber balloon, apply pressure in one area and the concentration of mass just goes to another area.

And so, by 4:00 pm on Friday this was the scene on Caesar Ridge Road not far from the Esso Depot - another daylight murder, another paroxysm of grief - as his family - who lives up the street - angrily demanded to see the body.

26 year old Peter Flowers Jr., a stevedore lay dead on the sidewalk - reportedly killed as he was going to work.

Peters was shot, fell to the sidewalk and then his shooter, jumped out of a Black Toyota Camry and stepped up to finish him off with a relentless shower of lead, pumping Flowers with a full clip, 13 shots. Police say he had 5 gunshot wounds to the head, 3 to the abdomen, 3 to the right hand, 3 to the center of his chest, 1 to the right arm, 2 to the back, 2 to the neck, and 1 to each leg.

We saw 13 markers on the scene and as police scooped up the slug fragments - the crowd counted along.

As police got ready to move the body, pained crying could be heard, and the crowd of family, friends and onlookers pushed forward - a powerful wave of anguish swept across the gathering his sister fell back and cried as she watched the bloodstained sheet that covered her brother while his father helped put the stretcher in the pickup - and it drove off, leaving this family with nothing but unending grief.

After that, panicked false reports of all kinds of shootings and deaths went out - and by Saturday night, all you could see on Albert Street were closed shutters - merchants shut down for the busiest shopping night of the week, fearing the outbreak of gang war on the city's main street - and the same on Orange Street.

The next morning at the Raccoon Street police station, the police minister and Restore Belize held a meeting with some Gang leaders. Minister Anthony Boots Martinez was in a preparatory meeting:

Jules Vasquez
"Is this a political emergency?"

Hon. Anthony Martinez, Port Loyola Representative
"I don't know about a political emergency. I think it's an emergency - if you want to call it political emergency, I think it would be an emergency for any government."

And by the afternoon, the Prime Minister convened all his Belize City representatives and the police minister at the ITVET building to discuss a strategy for the city.

After the meeting - which lasted an hour and a half, Saldivar was non-committal:

Jules Vasquez
"Will you state making any authoritative moves to contain what people feel would be an outbreak of a gang war?"

Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"We are confident that our measures will be adequate and we'll announce them tomorrow."

That press conference was held this morning - and we'll have a full report on what was said later on.

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Arthur Young Killed By Police: Was It Extrajudicial?

And so the end of that meeting left us at Sunday afternoon. The situation then was that Arthur Young was on the run. 7news has confirmed that Young communicated to his attorney and police that he would turn himself in on Monday morning. But, Arthur young is considered to be one of the most cunning and daring figures in Belize's crime underworld - and police weren't about to wait around for him to show up at the police station.

Intelligence was received that he was hiding out in the Ladyville Area. An operation was launched and it led police to an abandoned home in Vista Del Mar. Jules Vasquez went there looking for answers - and found some disturbing ones:..

Jules Vasquez reporting
This is the abandoned house on Bonefish Avenue in Vista Del Mar where Arthur Young was hiding out. Last night around 11:00, police parked their vehicles nearby and walked to the house - declared their presence with a bullhorn - and then stormed in.

Police say Arthur YOUNG was found inside and attempted to escape, but was apprehended.

Residents say they saw police vigorously beating the person in the house - which has no curtains. They say he was brought out in cuffs- and then thrown into the back of a pickup.

From there, it gets unclear, but this is where he may have been killed about a half mile away at the entrance to Vista Del Mar where this bloodstain was seen on the street and residents saw police processing the area this morning.

Commissioner Henderson gave the media the official account this morning

David Henderson - Acting Commissioner of Police
"On Sunday, April 22, at about 11:15, based on information received that Arthur Young, leader of Taylor's Alley, who was wanted in the double murder of Shelton "Pinky" August of George Street, which occurred on Friday, April 20, 2012, was being harbored at a house owned by Robert Mariano on Bonefish Avenue, Vista Del Mar in the Ladyville area - based on that report, police officers were deployed to the area where he was apprehended. And during a struggle with the officers for their gun, he was fatally injured."

Now, residents told us they saw him handcuffed - so, if that is accurate, then he could have only reached for the gun if they took off the handcuffs.

And the official account says it happened in the pan of the police pickup, but then why the bloodstain on the street - assuming this is where he was killed.

Police would not discuss where he was killed or anything else:

Jules Vasquez
"How many times was Mr. Young shot, and was he shot as a suppressive measure, or was he shot as an accident resulting from the struggle?"

David Henderson
"Jules, in response to your questions, I must make it quite clear, that matter is presently under investigation, I believe that the police have sent out the details that are necessary, and as soon as the investigation is concluded, any further details will be given to you in a full briefing."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, you understand that the concern of many persons I've spoken to this morning, are somewhat skeptical, and they feel intuitively - and this is an opinion - that it may be a type of state-sponsored execution. How you respond to a criticism such as that?"

David Henderson
"I will not speculate. I will not jump to any conclusions. The matter is under investigation, and as soon as it is through, you will know the true facts, and you will get whatever you need to get."

Jules Vasquez
"However, sir, are you able to say if he was shot more than once, or just one time?"

David Henderson
"I have already made it quite clear; the matter is under investigation. As soon as we are through, we will give the details."

And while we won't hold our breath for that - police were guarding the morgue last night even as the questions about the circumstances of his death linger.

An important correction to what the commissioner said is that the home is not the residence or property of Robert Mariano. We spoke to the former cyclist in Chicago where he's been for almost a year. As we understand it, the home is currently the property of a lending institution and it is abandoned.

But, the important thing about this story is the circumstance of the killing. As you saw, police would simply not discuss the details of how many times Young was shot or where it happened.

When we asked the police press officer for details on where the supposed struggle occurred, he flatly refused to provide us details. But two reliable law enforcement sources have confirmed to us that Young was fatally shot right at the spot that we showed, the entrance to Vista Del Mar. From the appearance of it, he was not in the pan of the pickup, but on the road - and this is also confirmed by two sources.

So was there a struggle, or was it an extrajudicial killing? It is a question that must be asked but the only answer we'll get right now is, the deathless: "police are investigating."

Those who have seen the body say he was shot three times. Today, Young's associates on Taylor's Alley declined comment fearing reprisal's from the state.

Tomorrow, we'll take a more complete look at Arthur Young, one of the most complex, compelling crime characters Belize has known, a man with a magnetic personality- but also known in the streets as a ruthless killer.

That complete look will also reprise an old interview we did with him when he told us police were out to kill him - that was 3 years ago, but it has now proved grimly prophetic.

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Police Increase Presence. But Is It Enough?

What all that happened since Friday - and all that was rumored to have happened, Belize city residents were literally afraid to come out of their house this weekend - and still today, many fear that an all-out gang war will spontaneously erupt in the streets. It may seem dramatic but that's what a good many city residents genuinely fear. And so, today the Ministry of National Security held a press conference to ally those fears, and tell the shaken populace to take heart, help is on the way, things are under control. But as Jules Vasquez found out, the press conference was less than confidence- inspiring. Here's his report:..

Hon. John Saldivar - Minister of National Security
"The gang rivalry activities between George Street and Taylor's Alley started with the death of Orlando Reyes on the afternoon of April 20, at around 3:30 p.m. This was followed with the double murder of Shelton August Tillett, aka "Pinky, and Kamill Andrews, approximately 8 hours later at the Esso Gas Station at Mile 2 1/2 on the Northern Highway. About 14 hours or so later, another murder occurred in the city, on Allan Pitts Crescent, on April 21, 2012, where Peter Flowers was shot and killed. And on April 22, Mr. Larry Sutherland was shot in the stomach, and he remains in the KHMH in a critical condition. There have also been reports of random shots fired."

Jules Vasquez Reporting
There were four murders in the city in 24 hours - which is astounding, but Saldivar seemed more concerned with the rumors that there had been three times that:

Hon. John Saldivar
"It must also be noted that only one of these murders took place after the murder of Pinky Tillett, which means that the reports - especially in the social media - of a blood retaliation, which rumored up to a dozen dead and more to come, was thankfully just idle or malicious exaggeration. These reckless rumors and the real anticipation of retaliation however, did put our entire nation on edge for almost 72 hours."

A nation on edge - but really the result of a panicked community - living in a state of sustained terror, concerned about the brazen-ness of criminals, the randmness and the prelavcne of murder. And, less than assuringly, Saldivar says some relief is on the way:

Hon. John Saldivar
"Starting yesterday, Sunday, April 22, 2012, the Belize Police Department, supported by the BDF, commenced the deployment of troops and police which will see at its height the number of officers on the streets of Belize City increased by close to 80. The concept of this operation is to contain the level of violence in Belize City by increasing the presence of security forces. This will be done by effectively patrolling by means of foot, ATV, motorcycles and vehicles, and targeting of special areas and persons of interest."

But simply stepping up patrols sounds like a tried and failed solution for an escalating problem and Saldivar concedes that they can't stop crime...

Jules Vasquez
"It is apparent that the suppressive measures the patrols thus far have been ineffective in-so-far-as, we have had a spate of murders - probably 14 homicides in 15 days - what will be different - numerically, volumetrically - about this new operation?"

Hon. John Saldivar
"This will result in a reduction in crime. I don't know that anybody expects that we will completely be able to stop crime, even with the efforts that we have now. But we are confident that it will reduce the level of crime in the country at this time and in this city. We feel that the current strategy can work, and will be given a time to work. If it doesn't, we will then need to take it to next level."

Saldivar also spoke encouragingly of the gang truce. Incredibly, with full out gang warfare raging, he says it is working:

Hon. John Saldivar
"In terms of the gang truce, we did have a meeting yesterday with - I believe - 11 leaders of various groups across the city. We are confident that the gang truce is holding among those leaders, and we are still currently looking to dialog with the other remaining groups that were not present at the meeting yesterday. But we are confident that, aside from what has happened over this weekend, the gang truce is holding."

Jules Vasquez
"You said the truce is working. On what do you base the conclusion? I saw the meeting yesterday. I was outside the Raccoon Street Station. I didn't see the principals of George Street and Ghost Town which are reputed to be two of the most active gangs. On what do you base the conclusion?"

Hon. John Saldivar
"I think that I said clearly that from those that participated in the meeting yesterday, the truce is holding."

Jules Vasquez
"But sir, I don't want to be argumentative, but that's like saying, 'We have all political parties involved except the PUP and UDP. I'm saying that these Ghost Town and George Street are considered, and certainly Taylor's Alley."

Hon. John Saldivar
"And as far as I know, Ghost Town was there. George Street was absent, and I believe Gill Street was absent. But those are the only two that were not there. As I have said to you, what we have gathered from those that were there is that they are holding to their part of the bargain."

Jules Vasquez
"Are you prepared to concede being the fact that at the moment of your address, two more persons were shot, broad daylight, major thoroughfare - Freetown Road - are you prepared to admit that something must be wrong if you are starting a press conference talking about the new measure which have begun, and obviously if it happens on a main street in the city, something is not working?"

Hon. John Saldivar
"Well, I don't know if after a few hours of putting some new measures in place, we can actually say that it is not working. And like I say earlier, we are attempting to reduce the level of crime. We are not going to be able to stop every criminal."

A less than inspiring show, and the look on the PM's face seemed to say it all.

The press conference lasted only 32 minutes - such events of national import usually go for 75 minutes. This afternoon, Saldivar followed up that underwhelming performance with a media tour of the ongoing police operations. That is underway at this hour, and we'll have the full report on it tomorrow night.

The opposition also weighed in on the Press Conference with a press release. It says: The PUP is extremely concerned at the tepid response of the Government and the Minister of National Security. The response of Government falls short of providing any hope or calming the fears of residents so they will feel safe and secure in their homes and communities." The release closes with an unusual gesture of partnership, saying:

"The PUP is prepared to work, as a matter of urgency, with Government and civil society partners.."

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The Opposition People's Untied Party has issued a press release regarding the crime satiation in Belie City. The release states, and we quote: "The People's United Party is extremely concerned at the tepid response of the Government and the Minister of National Security to the elevated levels of violence currently occurring in Belize City, which has blanketed the City and surrounding communities with fear, placed citizens under siege, and put at risk the lives of residents. This state of affairs can only be categorized as severe and urgent. The PUP reminds the Government that the Constitution of Belize guarantees all Belizeans, the protection of the state which has a duty and an obligation to ensure safety and security. The response of Government falls short of providing any hope or calming the fears of residents so they will feel safe and secure in their homes and communities," end of quote. The PUP release ends by saying that the PUP is prepared to work, as a matter of urgency, with Government and civil society partners to chart a way forward which will reflect the multidimensional and holistic approach needed at this time.


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Taylor's Alley Gang Leader, Arthur Young, killed in police custody

Arthur Young

There are still lingering questions over the killing of Arthur Young, who police believe murdered the other gang leader, Pinky Tillett on Friday night. Young evaded the long arms of the law for many years and more recently, he was attached to the Conscious Youth Development Programme. Young also surfaced as the leader of the Taylor's Alley affiliates in the recent stand-off with the Gang Suppression Unit. Immediately, after Tillett was killed on Friday night, there was word that Young had pulled the trigger. Then on Saturday, it was reported that Young was to hand himself over to the police. That did not happen and by this morning, he was dead. But there are more questions than answers. News Five's Andrea Polanco also has that story.


Andrea Polanco, Reporting

Arthur Young, the leader of Taylor's Alley Gang was allegedly shot and killed in the pan of a police truck around mid-night on Sunday. According to police, Young resisted arrested and a scuffle ensued, whereby Young was fatally shot by a police officer. Young was wanted in connection with the murders of thirty-one year old Shelton "Pinky" August, leader of George Street Gang and twenty-three year old Kamille Andrews. According to police, they received information that Young was hiding in this abandoned house in Vista Del Mar:

Fitzroy Yearwood

Insp. Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer

"We were looking for a suspect in connection with that double murder and it was confirmed that last night around 11:15, police received information of the suspect, one Arthur Young, the known leader of the Taylor's Alley Gang, was hiding in a house in Vista Del Mar. the house appeared to be abandoned. Police entered the house; found Mister Young in one of the rooms. He made an attempt to escape. He was apprehended and whilst he was being escorted to the Eastern Division Station on Queen Street, on his way there, he made another attempt this time to disarm a police officer that was in the back of the pickup with him-the pan of the pickup. A struggle ensued, the firearm went off and Mister Young was fatally injured."


The gas station where Tillett & Andrews were killed is fitted with surveillance cameras, and while police say they are using the images to help them serve the double murder, was Young positively identified in those images?

Insp. Fitzroy Yearwood

"We have viewed a surveillance video. The content of it I will not disclose at this time, but yes we have viewed it."

But if Young was shot accidentally, the acting Commissioner was careful in offering no details of the accident:

David Henderson

David Henderson, Acting Commissioner of Police

"I must make it quite clear that matter is presently under investigation. I believe the police had sent out the details that is necessary and as soon as the investigation is concluded or any further details you will be fully briefed."


Jules Vasquez, 7 News

"You understand that the concerns of many persons I've spoken to this morning are somewhat skeptical and they feel intuitively and this is an opinion that it may be a state sponsored execution. How would you respond to a criticism such as that?"


David Henderson

"I will not speculate, I will not jump to any conclusion. The matter is under investigation. As soon as it is through, we will know the true facts and you will get whatever detail you need to get."


Jules Vasquez

"However sir, are you able to at least say if he was shot more than once or one time?"


David Henderson

"I have already made it quite clear that the matter is under investigation."


Young has a long history of run-ins with the law, dating back to early 2000. Over the last ten years he was in and out of the courts on a number of charges from murder to the possession of unlicensed firearm. He was one of two men charged with the August 2002 shooting death of Jose Chavarria on West Canal. After he was fingered in that murder, Young fled Belize for the U.S. that same year. He was deported back to Belize in October 2006; was remanded for a brief period, released and subsequently went into hiding. He was later acquitted of the murder on a nolle pros motion. A year later he was also named in the stabbing murder of Calvin Young in November of 2007; however, the case was thrown out in January 2010 after the key witness reportedly suffering temporary amnesia. But years later, Young would categorically state that kept away from ill-reputed groups:

Via Phone: Arthur Young, In Hiding [File: April 8th, 2010]

"I changed my last name at that time because people might hear my name and get kinda nervous and I don't like to go around saying my name because I don't really do things in public you know. I try my best to stay far away from these and other groups of peoples. I'm not active in the streets of giving no young boys nothing in no kind of way. When I talk to the youths it's gotta be positive. People know me in society, but the ones that don't know me think that I'm into just evilness and that's because they don't know my whereabouts. I chose to live privately and secret just so I don't get harassment. But every time the police force or whoever is behind this trying to bad mind me, I don't know if it's something personal which I never sent any threat to the police like that."


In April of 2010, Young was named as a person of interest after police had raided a house in Vista Del Mar where they found drugs and a lathe machine with a sound suppressor or silencer for weapons. An associate of Young, Errol Haynes, was found in the home. Whilst, Young wasn't present at the time of the search, documents belonging to him were discovered and he was wanted in connection with that incident. Whilst in hiding, Young had called News Five to say that he believed police wanted him dead:

Via Phone: Arthur Young, In Hiding [File: April 8th, 2010]

"I really fear for my life because they out to try and kill me. I even heard that couple weeks they had a meeting about me saying that wherever they find me, whatever, I know they got the job to do but they reach the point they are harassing me now. I really don't know where to turn to because nobody is on my side. And the way I move, I don't really go and tell this one and tell that one. But you know today I just sit down and say this is one of the best reason I need to bring it to the public also. For the truth, I didn't do anything wrong for them to try give me a charge I didn't know about."

Jose Sanchez

"At this point they say you are a person of interest because you rented the house. Does that bring any comfort to you?"

Via Phone: Arthur Young

"Well what I heard is that my name is on the charge sheet. If I'm a person of interest because I'm renting the house then my name should not be on the charge sheet. They went to the house and I heard that they found my old driver's license and my social card. So I'm saying maybe they are trying to put me there now because I heard couple weeks ago that whatever they can hold against me to send me to jail, do that. I don't know why these people are dealing with me like this."

Jose Sanchez

"So you don't know anything about the equipment used to make silencer for handguns or books on gun use and tactics?"

Via Phone: Arthur Young

"I don't know nothing about that. I don't know what they took out of the house. All I heard is that they went there and took Errol Haynes. I don't know the details of nothing. I'm not even there at the time when I heard that. I was somewhere far away from there."

Jose Sanchez

"At this point you don't intend to go to the police?"

Via Phone: Arthur Young

"I'm not, I'm in hiding because I fear my life with the police. So I'm in hiding, I already spoke to my attorney and got I some advice."

However, Young went into hiding. In May of that year he was caught at the Chetumal Airport after he attempted to board a flight enroute to Mexico City with a fake passport. He later walked free from those charges. Reporting for News Five, I'm Andrea Polanco.


While police report that Young was being harbored at a house in the Vista Del Mar area, which is owned by Robert Mariano, News Five today received a call from Mariano who says he has nothing to do with it. According to Mariano, he moved out months ago and now lives in the US.

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George Street Leader, Pinky, and female companion murdered

Shelton "Pinky" Tillett & Kamille Andrews

There was a prevailing sense of insecurity that enveloped the Old Capital over the weekend as open gang warfare flared up. In the past fifteen days alone, there have been fourteen murders; that's almost one per day. But turning to the bloodbath, at the start of weekend on Friday afternoon, Orlando Reyes was killed at the corner of Orange and George Streets. He was not the intended target but eight hours later, one of the City's most dreaded residents and leader of the George Street Gang, Shelton "Pinky" Tillett was gunned down at a service station along with a female companion. On Saturday afternoon, another gang affiliate from the SSG was killed on Caesar Ridge Road. This morning, the well known gang leader Arthur Young of Taylor's Alley was killed while in the custody of the police. We will have the full reports and the murder scenes of all the murders in the City and another in Belmopan which means that six persons lost their lives in the weekend's violence. We start tonight's newscast with the murder of Shelton August Tillett AKA Pinky of George Street who was killed on Friday night. Considered the most dangerous gang leader, Pinky was murdered just before midnight at a service station on the Northern Highway. He went inside the convenience store and on returning to his vehicle, someone opened fire from a silver pathfinder parked near the street. Pinky died immediately and his female companion, Kamille Andrews, was also shot dead. News Five's Andrea Polanco reports.


Andrea Polanco, Reporting

George Street Gang leader, Shelton "Pinky" August Tillett's vehicle was riddled with bullets on Saturday night shortly before eleven-thirty. Killed on the spot, August is seen slumped over the driver's wheel. He was shot to the center of the chest, left side of the chest, right arm and neck. Also in the vehicle at the time, was twenty-three year old Kamille Andrews, she was also fatally shot to the left arm, left arm pit, right breast and right rib cage. It is reported that Tillett was at the gas station to make a purchase inside the mini-mart, and upon re-entering his vehicle; a man with a dread hat and mask over his face exited a pathfinder and fired the fatal shots:


Fitzroy Yearwood

Insp. Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer

"A little after eleven o'clock on Friday Shelton August also known as Shelton Tillett, the claimed leader of George Street Gang was driving his white Ford Ranger pickup. He arrived at the Esso Gas Station on the Northern Highway in the company of one Kamille Andrews. Mister August exited the vehicle, made a purchase in the gas station and immediately upon returning into his vehicle, a lone gunman opened fire on him and the female killing both of them on the spot."


Tillett, along with Micah Thompson and now deceased, Charles Woodeye were jointly charged with the San Pedro murder of John Paul Saldivar at the end of January 2009. In 2010, the murder charge against Tillett and four others was withdrawn. In November 2011, Pinky was one of the three men, all affiliates of George Street who won the lawsuit against the government on the grounds of false imprisonment on the murder of John Paul Saldivar. Tillett, Thompson and the family of Woodeye were compensated $25,000 each:


Agnes Segura Gillett, Attorney [Nov 15, 2011]

"I think that their life at liberty was worth more than twenty-five thousand dollars. So we are not satisfied with that aspect of the decision. They have been awarded their loss of earning in respect of one of them and they have been awarded their attorney's fees and fees that they had paid in the criminal trial. However they have the recourse of appeal; to appeal the quantum of damages and that will be up to them to decide how to go."


Agnes Segura Gillett

Jules Vasquez, 7News

"Obviously your clients have a certain public reputation and while no evidence was used in court to indicate anything that they are George Street affiliates or anything, do you think that the quantum indicates that there were some sub textual, implicit consideration of that? Because I would like to think that a lay person such like as myself if imprisoned for eleven months, I would get more than twenty-five thousand dollars."


Agnes Segura Gillett

"I would hate to think that that was one of the considerations that was taken into account because at the end of the day, they are human beings, they are entitled to liberty and they were deprived of that liberty. They were imprisoned in super max, they gave evidence that they slept on the ground. I mean all of these things affected them psychologically. They were deprived of access to their family. Even if you are a member of a gang, you are still entitled to your freedom and you don't suffer any less because of who you are."

Earlier that year, In September of 2011, Tillett along with key dons of the different gangs, engaged in peace talks with the Prime Minister. That discourse later led to the "gang truce." Back in September of last year, Prime Minister Barrow met with key figures in the George Street Gang after they went public expressing their grievances against the GSU and making blank threats against innocent civilians and public safety.


Dean Barrow

Dean Barrow [Sept 2, 2011]

"The primary purpose was to diffuse the situation in terms fot he threat that had been issued. By the time I got here this afternoon, I learnt that a press release had in fact been given to you yesterday and that the George Street and Affiliates had already given an undertaking. It was nevertheless necessary to confirm that undertaking in today's meeting and to go beyond that. We had two sets of meetings. The minister arranged for everyone else other than George Street to come one-thirty and we spoke to them and then of course we had the meeting with George Street and its affiliates at three-thirty. We agreed with both sides that there is a need for a face to face dialogue and all parties meeting with government-of course with the state acting as facilitator and that will take place on Sunday. The idea is to try and forge some kind of a truce and that was made clear to both sides-both sides expressed that willingness to talk about exactly that objective. Whether we will actually be successful coming out of that meeting on Sunday is another matter, but given where we are, it is certainly worth the effort and I certainly am absolutely committed to investing my time in the process to try and achieve the outcome that we all desire."

Channel 5

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VIDEO: Commissioner of Police comments on the death of Arthur Young

George Street Leader, Pinky, and female companion murdered

Shelton "Pinky" Tillett & Kamille Andrews

There was a prevailing sense of insecurity that enveloped the Old Capital over the weekend as open gang warfare flared up. In the past fifteen days alone, there have been fourteen murders; that's almost one per day. But turning to the bloodbath, at the start of weekend on Friday afternoon, Orlando Reyes was killed at the corner of Orange and George Streets. He was not the intended target but eight hours later, one of the City's most dreaded residents and leader of the George Street Gang, Shelton "Pinky" Tillett was gunned down at a service station along with a female companion. On Saturday afternoon, another gang affiliate from the SSG was killed on Caesar Ridge Road. This morning, the well known gang leader Arthur Young of Taylor's Alley was killed while in the custody of the police. We will have the full reports and the murder scenes of all the murders in the City and another in Belmopan which means that six persons lost their lives in the weekend's violence. We start tonight's newscast with the murder of Shelton August Tillett AKA Pinky of George Street who was killed on Friday night. Considered the most dangerous gang leader, Pinky was murdered just before midnight at a service station on the Northern Highway. He went inside the convenience store and on returning to his vehicle, someone opened fire from a silver pathfinder parked near the street. Pinky died immediately and his female companion, Kamille Andrews, was also shot dead. News Five's Andrea Polanco reports.

Andrea Polanco, Reporting

George Street Gang leader, Shelton "Pinky" August Tillett's vehicle was riddled with bullets on Saturday night shortly before eleven-thirty. Killed on the spot, August is seen slumped over the driver's wheel. He was shot to the center of the chest, left side of the chest, right arm and neck. Also in the vehicle at the time, was twenty-three year old Kamille Andrews, she was also fatally shot to the left arm, left arm pit, right breast and right rib cage. It is reported that Tillett was at the gas station to make a purchase inside the mini-mart, and upon re-entering his vehicle; a man with a dread hat and mask over his face exited a pathfinder and fired the fatal shots:

Fitzroy Yearwood

Insp. Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer

"A little after eleven o'clock on Friday Shelton August also known as Shelton Tillett, the claimed leader of George Street Gang was driving his white Ford Ranger pickup. He arrived at the Esso Gas Station on the Northern Highway in the company of one Kamille Andrews. Mister August exited the vehicle, made a purchase in the gas station and immediately upon returning into his vehicle, a lone gunman opened fire on him and the female killing both of them on the spot."

Tillett, along with Micah Thompson and now deceased, Charles Woodeye were jointly charged with the San Pedro murder of John Paul Saldivar at the end of January 2009. In 2010, the murder charge against Tillett and four others was withdrawn. In November 2011, Pinky was one of the three men, all affiliates of George Street who won the lawsuit against the government on the grounds of false imprisonment on the murder of John Paul Saldivar. Tillett, Thompson and the family of Woodeye were compensated $25,000 each:


Agnes Segura Gillett, Attorney [Nov 15, 2011]

"I think that their life at liberty was worth more than twenty-five thousand dollars. So we are not satisfied with that aspect of the decision. They have been awarded their loss of earning in respect of one of them and they have been awarded their attorney's fees and fees that they had paid in the criminal trial. However they have the recourse of appeal; to appeal the quantum of damages and that will be up to them to decide how to go."

Agnes Segura Gillett

Jules Vasquez, 7News

"Obviously your clients have a certain public reputation and while no evidence was used in court to indicate anything that they are George Street affiliates or anything, do you think that the quantum indicates that there were some sub textual, implicit consideration of that? Because I would like to think that a lay person such like as myself if imprisoned for eleven months, I would get more than twenty-five thousand dollars."


Agnes Segura Gillett

"I would hate to think that that was one of the considerations that was taken into account because at the end of the day, they are human beings, they are entitled to liberty and they were deprived of that liberty. They were imprisoned in super max, they gave evidence that they slept on the ground. I mean all of these things affected them psychologically. They were deprived of access to their family. Even if you are a member of a gang, you are still entitled to your freedom and you don't suffer any less because of who you are."

Earlier that year, In September of 2011, Tillett along with key dons of the different gangs, engaged in peace talks with the Prime Minister. That discourse later led to the "gang truce." Back in September of last year, Prime Minister Barrow met with key figures in the George Street Gang after they went public expressing their grievances against the GSU and making blank threats against innocent civilians and public safety.

Dean Barrow

Dean Barrow [Sept 2, 2011]

"The primary purpose was to diffuse the situation in terms fot he threat that had been issued. By the time I got here this afternoon, I learnt that a press release had in fact been given to you yesterday and that the George Street and Affiliates had already given an undertaking. It was nevertheless necessary to confirm that undertaking in today's meeting and to go beyond that. We had two sets of meetings. The minister arranged for everyone else other than George Street to come one-thirty and we spoke to them and then of course we had the meeting with George Street and its affiliates at three-thirty. We agreed with both sides that there is a need for a face to face dialogue and all parties meeting with government-of course with the state acting as facilitator and that will take place on Sunday. The idea is to try and forge some kind of a truce and that was made clear to both sides-both sides expressed that willingness to talk about exactly that objective. Whether we will actually be successful coming out of that meeting on Sunday is another matter, but given where we are, it is certainly worth the effort and I certainly am absolutely committed to investing my time in the process to try and achieve the outcome that we all desire."

Taylor's Alley Gang Leader, Arthur Young, killed in police custody

Arthur Young

There are still lingering questions over the killing of Arthur Young, who police believe murdered the other gang leader, Pinky Tillett on Friday night. Young evaded the long arms of the law for many years and more recently, he was attached to the Conscious Youth Development Programme. Young also surfaced as the leader of the Taylor's Alley affiliates in the recent stand-off with the Gang Suppression Unit. Immediately, after Tillett was killed on Friday night, there was word that Young had pulled the trigger. Then on Saturday, it was reported that Young was to hand himself over to the police. That did not happen and by this morning, he was dead. But there are more questions than answers. News Five's Andrea Polanco also has that story.

Andrea Polanco, Reporting

Arthur Young, the leader of Taylor's Alley Gang was allegedly shot and killed in the pan of a police truck around mid-night on Sunday. According to police, Young resisted arrested and a scuffle ensued, whereby Young was fatally shot by a police officer. Young was wanted in connection with the murders of thirty-one year old Shelton "Pinky" August, leader of George Street Gang and twenty-three year old Kamille Andrews. According to police, they received information that Young was hiding in this abandoned house in Vista Del Mar:

Fitzroy Yearwood

Insp. Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer

"We were looking for a suspect in connection with that double murder and it was confirmed that last night around 11:15, police received information of the suspect, one Arthur Young, the known leader of the Taylor's Alley Gang, was hiding in a house in Vista Del Mar. the house appeared to be abandoned. Police entered the house; found Mister Young in one of the rooms. He made an attempt to escape. He was apprehended and whilst he was being escorted to the Eastern Division Station on Queen Street, on his way there, he made another attempt this time to disarm a police officer that was in the back of the pickup with him-the pan of the pickup. A struggle ensued, the firearm went off and Mister Young was fatally injured."

The gas station where Tillett & Andrews were killed is fitted with surveillance cameras, and while police say they are using the images to help them serve the double murder, was Young positively identified in those images?

Insp. Fitzroy Yearwood

"We have viewed a surveillance video. The content of it I will not disclose at this time, but yes we have viewed it."

But if Young was shot accidentally, the acting Commissioner was careful in offering no details of the accident:

David Henderson

David Henderson, Acting Commissioner of Police

"I must make it quite clear that matter is presently under investigation. I believe the police had sent out the details that is necessary and as soon as the investigation is concluded or any further details you will be fully briefed."

Jules Vasquez, 7 News

"You understand that the concerns of many persons I've spoken to this morning are somewhat skeptical and they feel intuitively and this is an opinion that it may be a state sponsored execution. How would you respond to a criticism such as that?"

David Henderson

"I will not speculate, I will not jump to any conclusion. The matter is under investigation. As soon as it is through, we will know the true facts and you will get whatever detail you need to get."

Jules Vasquez

"However sir, are you able to at least say if he was shot more than once or one time?"

David Henderson

"I have already made it quite clear that the matter is under investigation."

Young has a long history of run-ins with the law, dating back to early 2000. Over the last ten years he was in and out of the courts on a number of charges from murder to the possession of unlicensed firearm. He was one of two men charged with the August 2002 shooting death of Jose Chavarria on West Canal. After he was fingered in that murder, Young fled Belize for the U.S. that same year. He was deported back to Belize in October 2006; was remanded for a brief period, released and subsequently went into hiding. He was later acquitted of the murder on a nolle pros motion. A year later he was also named in the stabbing murder of Calvin Young in November of 2007; however, the case was thrown out in January 2010 after the key witness reportedly suffering temporary amnesia. But years later, Young would categorically state that kept away from ill-reputed groups:

Via Phone: Arthur Young, In Hiding [File: April 8th, 2010]

"I changed my last name at that time because people might hear my name and get kinda nervous and I don't like to go around saying my name because I don't really do things in public you know. I try my best to stay far away from these and other groups of peoples. I'm not active in the streets of giving no young boys nothing in no kind of way. When I talk to the youths it's gotta be positive. People know me in society, but the ones that don't know me think that I'm into just evilness and that's because they don't know my whereabouts. I chose to live privately and secret just so I don't get harassment. But every time the police force or whoever is behind this trying to bad mind me, I don't know if it's something personal which I never sent any threat to the police like that."

In April of 2010, Young was named as a person of interest after police had raided a house in Vista Del Mar where they found drugs and a lathe machine with a sound suppressor or silencer for weapons. An associate of Young, Errol Haynes, was found in the home. Whilst, Young wasn't present at the time of the search, documents belonging to him were discovered and he was wanted in connection with that incident. Whilst in hiding, Young had called News Five to say that he believed police wanted him dead:

Via Phone: Arthur Young, In Hiding [File: April 8th, 2010]

"I really fear for my life because they out to try and kill me. I even heard that couple weeks they had a meeting about me saying that wherever they find me, whatever, I know they got the job to do but they reach the point they are harassing me now. I really don't know where to turn to because nobody is on my side. And the way I move, I don't really go and tell this one and tell that one. But you know today I just sit down and say this is one of the best reason I need to bring it to the public also. For the truth, I didn't do anything wrong for them to try give me a charge I didn't know about."

Jose Sanchez

"At this point they say you are a person of interest because you rented the house. Does that bring any comfort to you?"

Via Phone: Arthur Young

"Well what I heard is that my name is on the charge sheet. If I'm a person of interest because I'm renting the house then my name should not be on the charge sheet. They went to the house and I heard that they found my old driver's license and my social card. So I'm saying maybe they are trying to put me there now because I heard couple weeks ago that whatever they can hold against me to send me to jail, do that. I don't know why these people are dealing with me like this."

Jose Sanchez

"So you don't know anything about the equipment used to make silencer for handguns or books on gun use and tactics?"

Via Phone: Arthur Young

"I don't know nothing about that. I don't know what they took out of the house. All I heard is that they went there and took Errol Haynes. I don't know the details of nothing. I'm not even there at the time when I heard that. I was somewhere far away from there."

Jose Sanchez

"At this point you don't intend to go to the police?"

Via Phone: Arthur Young

"I'm not, I'm in hiding because I fear my life with the police. So I'm in hiding, I already spoke to my attorney and got I some advice."

However, Young went into hiding. In May of that year he was caught at the Chetumal Airport after he attempted to board a flight enroute to Mexico City with a fake passport. He later walked free from those charges. Reporting for News Five, I'm Andrea Polanco.

While police report that Young was being harbored at a house in the Vista Del Mar area, which is owned by Robert Mariano, News Five today received a call from Mariano who says he has nothing to do with it. According to Mariano, he moved out months ago and now lives in the US.

Southside Gang Associate murdered on Caesar Ridge

On Friday night, Shelton "Pinky" Tillett was gunned down. Retaliation was highly anticipated and while it is not confirmed if it is related, on Saturday afternoon, another gang affiliate was killed. Peter Flowers Junior who is associated with the South Side Gang, the SSG, was gunned down in the most vicious way. Flowers was a marked man, the gunmen drove up in a car and blasted him as he headed to work at the Port. News Five's Delahnie Bain has this story.

Delahnie Bain, Reporting

A crowd of spectators gathered on Caesar Ridge Road at around four o’clock on Saturday afternoon after gunshots rang out in the area. It was a gruesome scene as twenty-six year old Peter Flowers Junior laid dead on the sidewalk in a pool of blood. He had been shot twenty-one times, including five to the head, two on the neck and three in the center of his chest. And while the crowd was largely made up of onlookers, Flowers' family members soon arrived, overwhelmed with emotion and devastation at the heinous killing. The area was cordoned off and the crowd was kept at bay as police arrived to process the scene. Police say Flowers tried to escape the gunmen, but he could not outrun the car or the hail of bullets.

Fitzroy Yearwood

Inspector Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer

"From the information we received out there, he was on his way to work; he was a Stevedore and upon approaching the Port of Belize main entrance a Toyota Camry came around the lane off the boulevard and opened fire on him. he ran and tried to escape from them but they ended up catching up with him and he received several shots to head and upper body region and to the legs. He died on the spot."

Throughout the weekend, there was increase police presence on the streets, but it did not deter the wave of bloodshed that was anticipated since the gang warfare started on Friday. Police are still investigating, but it is known that Flowers was affiliated with the South Side Gang, known as the SSG. Someone clearly wanted Flowers dead and he had no chance of surviving the brutal attack. Delahnie Bain for News Five.

Channel 5

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●Phone: 501-822-0094 or 822-0092 ●Fax: 501-822-2671 ● website:
Belmopan, 24th April, 2012. The Ministry of National Security wishes
to inform the general
Public of the details of their planned operations in Belize City. With
effect from 4 pm
yesterday, 23rd April, 2012 the following measures have been taken:
1. Static and roving vehicle check points were established throughout
the City and
at Hattieville and mile 4 on the Western highway, Boom junction and at the
Manatee lookout area on the Northern highway. Members from the Criminal
Intelligence Unit are assigned to these areas in order to assist in
the Identification
of known gang members and their affiliates.
2. Vehicle Check Points were also established at The River crossings
at Belcan and
Bel China with security forces lookout points at the approaches to the Swing
Bridge. Motor cycles are assigned to the lookout points in order to intercept
and interdict criminal element operating in those areas.
3. A security Corridor is established along Central American Boulevard
and Princess
Margret Drive from the Esso Depot to UB Campus in Button Wood Bay.
ATV's are assigned to the security team along the Security Corridor. This is to
ensure that Students and Workers can move freely to and from their place of
business in those areas.
4. Over forty (40) Belize Defence Force Soldiers were sworn in as
Special Constables
to allow them to carry out their functions during this operation.
5. In the various "Hot Spots", stop and search operations at key areas
are established.
Key choke point areas are manned especially in the vicinity of George
Street, Taylors Alley, Rocky Road and May Flower areas.
6. Static and roving foot and vehicle patrols are established in and
around the various
zones where criminal activities are known to occur.
7. CYDP operations continue in the various problem areas.
There are other planned initiatives which complement these overt
operations, which, for operational security reasons, we are unable to
share with the Public.
In view of these manpower intensive containment operations it is
expected that there will be some inconvenience and disruption of the
lives of many due to the nature of our intended operations. We
therefore, want to appeal to the Public to lend their support and have
some understanding for the action of the security forces as we act in
the interest of public safety, especially over the next few days.
Also, in order to avoid any unnecessary delays motorists (the driving
public) are asked to have a valid driving license with them and other
members of the public are encouraged to have some form of ID since
there may be instances when they may be asked to ID themselves.
The Ministry asks that the general public remains calm as we assure
you that the situation is being thoroughly and properly managed.
Thank you in anticipation for your kind cooperation.
Ministry of National Security
Curl Thompson Building, Belmopan.

Joined: Jun 2009
Posts: 81
"The Ministry asks that the general public remains calm as we assure
you that the situation is being thoroughly and properly managed"

That statement is a f**%# JOKE!! The gang/crime situation has NEVER been thoroughly and properly managed!!....Never!! Who are you kidding! I feel sad for all the honest, hard working decent people who have to live and work in Belize City. The unfortunate thing's going to get worse, before it gets better.

"I only fish on days that end in "Y"

Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 13,675
Sometimes there is value from outside opinions.
A tourist made a serious suggestion to me several weeks ago that didn't sound at all like the normal silly tourist remark.
He said It was a shame that Belize City had the same name as the country of Belize and that when the world heard the name Belize it made an association for the whole country.
His suggestion was change the name of Belize City to something other than Belize.
That sounds a little strange at first but think about it, the question of safety and violent crime against tourist is on their minds because of this negative Belize publicity. They don't realize its not typical of the country of Belize and contained in this one harbor town in Central America that's isolated from the majority.
Changing the name of the city won't solve the crime problems but it truly might separate the countrys reputation from this arm pit.

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