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from a friend....

This is truly devastating. Jasmine was a Scout (Scouts participated in the search for her. I hope none of them found her!), was going to participate in the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, and had climbed all the way to the top of Victoria Peak

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On Patrick Jones' facebook page last night he mentioned that the family had called the child's cell phone and after many attempts that initially went to voicemail, a "woman who answered in English, but with a Spanish accent" responded.

When the family asked for Jasmine, the person hung up.

If this is true, maybe the police can track down the location of the cell phone using gps.

After all, that is how they tracked down Arthur Young to off him.

They have the capability.

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LOVE FM Broadcast On Jasmine Death

Glad to hear they have asked for FBI assistance...

Length: 5:23

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Except they have already allowed the parents to bury the body as the ME could not determine anything including the cause of death. FBI has nothing to work with as far as evidence. Too little too late. So sad for the girls parents.

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In this heat a fast burial is usually requested and the family needs to grieve and begin picking up the pieces. Belize is in its infancy regarding forensic evidence gathering and DNA testing. When we are ready to have a good chance of catching someone based on the forensics I will the first to urge people to conduct an autopsy.

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One Man, One vehicle Detained In Jasmine Lowe Investigation

Tonight, Cayo police have one person of interest detained and a vehicle impounded in the Jasmine Lowe murder investigation. Details are not being given out at this time because the police say the investigation is still at a preliminary stage.

As we reported last night, a post mortem could not determine the cause of death due to the advanced state of decomposition. It also could not determine whether the child had been carnally known - again, due to decomposition. She was found fully clothed, with her clothing intact.

But what we do know is that the apparent murder of this 13 year old girl has created a wide imprint of grief across the Cayo district, and indeed, across the nation.

Tonight we revisit some of the known fact - and explore some of the more nuanced ones - as we all look for answers in the disappearance and death of Jasmine Lowe:

Jules Vasquez reporting
On Monday afternoon at around 2:00, Jasmine Lowe got into an eastbound taxi here at the foot of the Hawkesworth Bridge on the Santa Elena side of the Macal River.

Strange, because she was heading west to her mother's house on Bullett Tree Road.

Chris Lowe, Father of Deceased
"She usually would ride a Bullet Tree taxi which is more direct than get a ride at the bridge foot and go the opposite direction and circle around. Even when I go to town because we live close by I would walk because it's quick and closer. It just doesn't make any sense. Apparently she talked to the person for a few minutes either convincing her to get in I suspect, we don't know."

Senior Superintendent Chester Williams - Officer Commanding Cayo Division
"Jasmine may have been murdered or kidnapped by someone she knew and I say so because I do not believe that she would board a taxi which is driven by a stranger."

Jasmine had been a Scout from she was 7. On Monday night she was scheduled to participate in a Queen's Jubilee event in Belmopan where she would have read the Queen's Prayer. She was going to her mom's to get ready for the event.

Chris Lowe, Father of Deceased
"She had an important thing to do - the Queens Jubilee scouts in Belmopan, she was all excited. She memorized the prayer and everything and so she stayed in the town the day Monday. They help my worker produce my products and she left the house at 2 o' clock. She is usually more intelligent about jumping in a taxi - she must have known the guy, she should have cross over the bridge but she caught a taxi right in front of the highway super market by the bridge foot there."

"She was supposed to go at her mothers' salon to get her nails done and that sort of thing so she could look presentable at the Jubilee in Belmopan."

She never reached either Belmopan or her mother's house and was reported missing at 9:00 am on Tuesday morning - by which time she had probably already been killed and been dumped off to the side of the road at this farm:

Senior Superintendent Chester Williams
"From my own experience, having dealt with a number of dead bodies in the past, I believe that the time of death may have been sometime Monday night. And we also believe that she was murdered sometime Monday night, and the location where the body is at this, I do not believe that this is the area where she was murdered. We believe that she was murdered elsewhere, and dumped in that area."

Jasmine Lowe was finishing up a year off from school. He father Chris said at 12, she was too young to go to High School so he kept her home for a year:

Chris Lowe, Father of Deceased
"I didn't want to put her in high school at 12 years old. Some people say that I was crazy, but with all the influence, I left her out of school for this year and I am happy I did because spending all this time with her has been good. We've been learning music and computer, she was an incredible child, it's really sad when a young person life is cut short. She had so many potential. Like I said, I spent this last time with her learning, not reading about history but experiencing it."

And this single father who had custody of his daughter - like any single parent - did have his challenges with a teenaged girl:

Chris Lowe, Father of Deceased
"I didn't want her to buy high heels shoes this Saturday. She had a way of talking me into some things."

And now her father can only reminisce about the time he had with his daughter:

Chris Lowe, Father of Deceased
"I am happy for her in some ways, she is in safe hands now, it's sad but everyone has their time, their destiny."

Suleny Lowe - Sister of Deceased
"The person who did this; I hope that they find out who it is. He took away my only sister, and I don't anyone else. And I loved her a lot, and I am going to miss her."

Now, the police department is asking for the community's help first in helping to identify this car, a white station wagon seen at the top of the frame from a surveillance camera:

Senior Superintendent Chester Williams
"We are very optimistic that this latest crime will be solved with the assistance of the community. I am appealing to everyone who may have any information that they believe would be able to assist the police in solving this matter to please feel free to contact us or if they want their identity to remain unknown they could call the 922 TIP number."

"I would also like to appeal to the residents of the Cayo area that if they know of any white station wagon taxi that they believe might be involved even if they are not sure to pass the information to us. Let's bring in those taxis and their owners to verify or to eliminate those persons who we suspect at this time."

Kimo Jolly - Family Friend
"I think that when a girl gets raped or killed - it can't be just one more girl that got hurt and rape. We have to as a nation make everyone talk about this and not just brush it under and forget about it. We have to talk about it and we have to find the person."

"We are getting to a point where we get use to people dying "oh yes another one, what did she do?, For what did she get into a taxi?" - All kind of excuses. It is not normal, our crime only looks normal but when we compare ourselves to Guatemala, Salvador, Mexico which is at war."

And to show that they won't let it go just like that, the Cayo Community will have a vigil on Saturday night. It is being organized by the National Scouts Association and the Cornerstone Foundation for Saturday 9th June in front of the San Ignacio Police Station.

The office of the Special Envoy for Women and children, Kim Barrow issued a personal statement today saying that she has been working to get measures in place to better protect children and punish perpetrators.

Channel 7

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Kim Simplis Barrow on murder of Cayo teen: Preventative agencies in the works

The Following is excerpts of a statement issued by Mrs. Kim Simpliss Barrow, Special Envoy for Women and Children

"The news that 13-year-old Jasmine Lowe was discovered dead has left me and many Belizeans very saddened. An innocent life has been taken, leaving a family and community devastated. Residents are calling on the authorities and government to not only bring the perpetrator to justice, but to strengthen the existing systems so that these crimes are more difficult to commit and easier to prosecute. In my role as Special Envoy for Women and Children, I have been advocating the drafting of new legislations for the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Trafficking in Persons and sexual assaults. I made a suggestion to the former Minister of Police, Mr. Doug Singh, for the establishment of a new Special Victims Unit. This idea has been embraced by the new Minister of Police, Hon. John Saldivar, and is being formed as we speak-of course as a part of a holistic initiative. Presently, there are many public officers in the United States being trained in forensics, evidence gathering, inspection, and the like. I've been working to get measures in place to better protect our children and punish perpetrators. I know it may not be happening fast enough for some, but the appropriate linkages have to be made for these efforts to be truly effective. In the meantime, I urge parents and guardians to improve communication with their children, teach them how to protect themselves, get to know their friends and their friend's parents. We also need to re-embrace the adage that "it takes a village to raise a child" and start looking out not just for our own children but all children. I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the Lowe family in their time of grief; no parent should have to endure heartache from the death of their child."

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Cayo Police have Car & Suspect In Custody

Tonight, Cayo Police are keeping a white car under tight wraps - as they believe it could play a central role in the Jasmine Lowe murder investigation. The driver - who we understand to be an older man from San Ignacio - is also detained as a person of interest. Police wouldn't let us videotape the car, which is hidden from public view - and today officer commanding for the Cayo district Chester Williams wouldn't tell us too much about it - only to say that it has been scoured for forensic evidence:..

Senior Superintendent Chester Williams
"We have since brought in one person of interest and have detained a person of interest as well. However we are still in the elimination stage of our investigation. We have done certain forensic works through the National Forensic Service as well as utilizing the Belize Scenes of Crime Unit with the new van that they have receive just recently to do some work within the vehicle that we have in our custody."

"We are very optimistic of the result of that but we have to wait until the forensic expert get through with their investigation. We cannot say definitely that that is the vehicle but we believe it is. We will be able to confirm that that is the vehicle as soon as we get the enhance video which has been sent to the US Embassy for further analysis. When we get that video back from the Embassy then we will be able to say whether or not it is indeed the vehicle by virtue of the license plates."

"With respect to speculations; the girl may have been rape. That was also inconclusive as well?"

Senior Superintendent Chester Williams
"Yes that was also inconclusive but I doubt pretty much that she was rape because I don't see a rapist raping a child and then putting back on her clothes so perfectly because her clothes was totally intact. It doesn't seem to have been tampered with. I am not saying that she was not rape but I doubt she was."

"I can tell you though that as the officer commanding this formation that we are doing all we can in order to ensure that we find the person or persons responsible for this particular crime. It is a gruesome one it can go unpunished. So we are sure that we will do our utmost best even if we have to seek assistance from abroad in sending things for testing or whatever the case may be, we will go the length because we want it to be solved."

"I would just like to appeal to taxi owners within the Cayo District that if they know of any their colleague who might be involve in this type of crime to please feel free to forward the information to us. All we need is information and once we get the information then we will be able to act swiftly from there."

If you feel you have any information that can assist in this investigation, you can call 0-800-922 TIPS or 911.

Channel 7

Suspect detained for questioning about Jasmine Lowe's murder

Jasmine Lowe's murder continues to send shockwaves and galvanize communities across the country. Tonight, police can confirm that one man, a taxi driver from the Cayo area is in custody as a suspect in the brutal murder of the thirteen year old scout, who went missing on Monday and was found dead on Wednesday in Cristo Rey. This evening at six, community activists and concerned residents are lighting candles in front of the police station in San Ignacio. On Saturday at seven p.m., the National Scouts Association will be holding a second vigil in the teen's honor. The attendees are expected to speak out against violence of children, with an emphasis on the recent murder of Jasmine. Officer in Charge of the Western Police Formation, Senior Superintendent Chester Williams told News Five that a taxi car with Benque Viejo license plate has also been impounded as investigations continue.

Jasmine Lowe

Sr. Supt. Chester Williams, O.C. Western Police Formation

"We continue to look at the investigation. We have since brought in one vehicle of interest and have detained one person of interest as well. However, we are still in the elimination stage of our investigation. We have done certain forensic work through the national forensic service as well as utilizing the Belize scenes of crime unit with the new van that the police received just recently to do some work within the vehicle that we have in our custody. We are very optimistic with the result of that but we have to wait until the forensic experts are through."

Andrea Polanco

"Now O.C., a few days ago at the press conference you said you are looking for one vehicle in particular. Is that the vehicle you have at this time?"

Chester Williams

Sr. Supt. Chester Williams

"We cannot say definitely that that is the vehicle but we believe it is. We will be able to confirm if that is the vehicle as soon as we get the enhanced video which has been sent to the U.S Embassy for further analysis or further improvement. When we get back that video from the embassy, then we will be able to say if that is indeed the vehicle, by virtue of the license plate."

Andrea Polanco

"Now, I know that you've specifically been calling on the public to assist you guys. Anyone been coming forward with information?"

Sr. Supt. Chester Williams

"Yes, I must say that the people of the Cayo District, particularly San Ignacio and Benque have been very helpful to the police in providing information or leads that they may gather from off the streets. As soon as we receive those leads we follow up with it. I must say that I have my deputy in the person of Inspector Reyes, in charge of the investigation, so that shows the level of commitment that we have to the investigation. I must also say that that is the only major incident we have on hand and so there is no need to divert from that right now and so we will still continue to focus fully on that investigation. For people to say that the police are not doing enough; that is their opinion. I can tell you though, that the officer commanding this formation; we are doing all we can inorder to ensure that we find the person or persons responsible for this particular crime. It is a gruesome one and it cannot go unpunished. Even if we have to seek assistance from abroad in sending things for testing, whatever the case may be, we'll go the length because we want it to be solved."

Andrea Polanco

"O.C, in terms of the post-mortem results, it stated that it was inconclusive due to the advanced state of decomposition. With respect to the speculations that the girl may have been raped, that was also inconclusive as well?"

Sr. Supt. Chester Williams

"Yes, that was also inconclusive but I doubt pretty much if she was raped because I don't see a rapist raping a child and putting her clothes back on her so perfectly because her clothes was totally intact; it doesn't appear to have been tampered with. So I'm not saying that she was not but I doubt if she was. I would just like to appeal to taxi owners within the Cayo district that if they know of any of their colleagues that may be involved in this type of crime to please feel free to forward information to us. As I said before that information is forthcoming to us and as soon as we get them, we act on them in order for us to eliminate. Also I appeal to members of the public, if you have any information likewise to please call us: 911 or they can call the 0-800-922-TIPS number-if they do not want their identity to be revealed. All we need this information and once we get the information then we will be able to act swiftly from there."

San Ignacio police hope that by next week they will be able to get back the surveillance video that was sent abroad for enhancement.

Channel 5

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There are unconfirmed reports that the "suspect" in detention in San Ignacio regarding the Jasmine Lowe murder investigation has been released. I am told that the reason why the police had to release him is because he has strong alibis which have been checked and verified by law enforcement authorities. The investigation however, is continuing, and the search continues for a child murderer in Cayo.

Patrick Jones, 8pm Sunday nite

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UPDATE: The Jasmine Lowe murder investigation

The death of 13year old Jasmine Lowe has captured the attention of the country. Jasmine's body was found on Wednesday on the Cristo Rey Road. Officer in charge of the Cayo District and Officer in Command of the San Ignacio formation. Sr. Supt. Chester Williams appeared on Plus TV's Rise and Shine this morning where he dispel some of the misinformation surrounding Jasmine's disappearance. While it has been reported in the media that she went missing on Monday according to Williams, the minor went missing on Sunday and it was reported on Monday. Williams says that police cannot say for sure if she even got into a taxi.

Louis Wade Jr., Host, Rise and Shine
Did she or did she not catch a taxi?

Sr. Superintendent Chester Williams, OIC, San Ignacio
We cannot say definitively that she caught a cab - that was the initial information.

In addition to that, the initial hunch that police had been going on was dismissed after the driver of the white car, who police had as a person of interest was able to give an alibi that checked out.

Sr. Superintendent Chester Williams
We have brought in a number of white taxis and this was as a result of the information we have received initially - that she was seen boarding a white taxi. As the nation would recall, we showed a video on the news that shows this taxi going over Santa Elena and coming back. I must say that we have located that specific taxi. We are confident that we have located the taxi; the issue is that I can say definitively that that taxi did not pick up Jasmine Lowe. We brought in the driver, we interviewed him, he gave his alibi, we checked out his alibi and it was confirmed. I must say that the taxi man, having seen his taxi on the news, came in voluntarily; we did not have to hunt him down.

Williams says that they are not discouraged though and the San Ignacio police is leaving no stone unturned; so much so that a search was conducted at the home of Jasmine's father yesterday who has a farm in the area where his daughter's body was found.

Sr. Superintendent Chester Williams
We cannot just focus our attention on taxis; we have to look at every possibility. When you see things like this happen, we have to look at people who are close to Jasmine. It might be hurtful to some people, we might step on a couple toes, they might say 'We are grieving and the Police are coming after us,' but we have to focus our investigation around them as well. When a child goes missing in the States, the first suspects the Police go after are the parents. I am not saying that the parents are involved, yes I must say that it was very painful, but yesterday we did go after the father and I must say he was very cooperative with the Police. He understands what we are doing and as I said, I believe Jasmine may have been killed by someone who she knew and who she knew well. So I am going back to what I said earlier, that we must explore all possible angles in relation to that.

An on-site post mortem was conducted by Dr. Estradabran but he was unable to determine the cause of death because of the advanced state of decomposition. He had observed superficial wounds on the body but concluded that the wounds alone would not have been enough to cause her death. Which raised questions concerning the autopsy being inconclusive.

Sr. Superintendent Chester Williams
In cases where the Police come across bodies that are in an advanced-state of decomposition, for health reasons, the hospital morgue will not accept those bodies. So it is the practice from time that the autopsy be conducted on the scene where the body is found. In relation to the inconclusive nature of the doctor's findings, that is Dr. Estradaban's field - I am not a doctor, he knows what he looks for when he examines a body. I am not going to discredit Dr. Estradaban because he has been in this business for over twenty five years, so I am certain that he knows what he is doing. Some people may want to say that because the doctor could not determine the cause of death that the Police will not be able to charge for murder, but I will categorically state that murder is intentionally and unlawfully causing the death of another human being by unlawful harm. We have a dead body, she certainly did not die of a natural cause, she was harmed by someone and that harm caused her death, so therefore if and when the perpetrator of that act is found, he or she can and will be charged for murder.

Plus news has been reliable informed that someone went to burn the area where the body of Jasmine Lowe was found.


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