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Weeks of June 12th - June 18th, 2016

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy to start the week with stormy weather at the end of the week

Winds: The winds were moderate at 5-10 mph from all directions, changing every few hours. Building to 20-25 mph on Saturday.

Air Temperature: Highs were between 83� and 88� with lows in mid to high 70's.

Water Temperature: Temp: 81 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 29.73 - 30.01

Sunrise: 5:16 am Sunset: 6:28 pm

Moonphase: The first quarter moon was on June 12th


BONEFISH (Macabi): Lots of first time bonefish pins were awarded this week including Will, Owen, and Graham, while the parents Christine and Mark added to their totals. The biggest fish of the week was 4 pounds, caught in our back lagoon. Returning guests Spence, David, Asa, Kai, Chris, Bridger, Jesse, Ned, Peter, David, Mackensie, Travis, Jack. Albert, Cinco, Melissa, Preston Sarah (her first bonefish) Jeff, Wendy, Isaac, & Eli are among the many bonefish masters this week.

PERMIT (Palometta): Keith started off the week with a nice permit, Mark landed his first permit and Peter's fish was part of his slam, Albert was pleased as punch with his first ever permit!

TARPON (Sabalo): Twin Brother Eli and Isaac chased some tarpon and were victorious! Mark landed his mid week, and Peter added to his slam tarpon with an additional tarpon while wandering the lagoon on his own. Several tarpon were seen off the dock as well but no one hooked up. Only one or two boats went after the migratory tarpon this week with a few hookups but nothing landed.

OTHER SPECIES: Jacks, Snappers, Barracudas, Snook, ladyfish

GRAND SLAM: Peter got a grand slam with his first visit to El Pescador with a nice tarpon, a feisty permit and a solid bonefish. A Soft Slam goes to Mark as he led his great family to a great vacation catching a permit, tarpon and bonefish during his visit to El Pescador.


FOR BONEFISH - Christmas Island Specials, Crazy Charlies, Gotchas

FOR PERMIT - Christmas Island Specials

FOR TARPON - Black death. Blue deceiver, Olive cockroach

This Week's Summary:

Even though the week ended with a rainy, stormy day most of the week was pretty successful, with anglers taking advantage of the great summer fishing here at EL Pescador. The Migratory tarpon are here in addition to the year round resident tarpon , permit and bonefish.

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador guest Peter and his tarpon

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Weeks of June 19th - June 25th, 2016

Weather Conditions: A few rainy days this week with some partly cloudy to mostly cloudy days surrounding the rainy days.

Winds: The winds were blowing hard for a couple days, with moderate winds the rest of the week.

Air Temperature: Highs were between 83 and 90 with lows in mid to high 70's.

Water Temperature: Temp: 81 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 29.95 - 30.03

Sunrise: 5:19 am Sunset: 6:30 pm

Moonphase: The first quarter moon was on June 12th


BONEFISH (Macabi): Taking our plentiful supply of bonefish for granted is something we are all guilty of here at the lodge. We are blessed with more bonefish per square mile than any place I have seen.. They are not world record size but they are very fun to catch. Some folks kayaked out to our back lagoon, others went out with a guide and all were rewarded with at least a few bonefish. Our biggest this week was 4 pounds with over 100 brought to the boat altogether. There were several first time bonefish on the books this week and a couple were first time fly fishers! Learning to fly fish while fishing for bonefish is pretty cool stuff!

PERMIT (Palometta): A busy permit week again! Michael Sr. landed the first 2 early in the week with Mike Jr, On his heels with 2 himself. James from Australia wasn't counting is 4-pound permit but fixed that with a 12-pound beauty on the last cast of his last day fishing - the pressure is off, the trip was a complete success. Barry landed one, and lost 4 more the same day, his fishing buddy Jeff couldn't stand that and promptly caught up adding one to the permit scorecard. Altogether 15 permit this week with the biggest around 15 pounds.

TARPON (Sabalo): Christa got the tarpon picture of the week with a tarpon flipping out of hers arms catching her totally by surprise and her face tells it all. Father son team Mike and Sean visited us from Connecticut to attempt some large migratory tarpon. Weather was not in their favor and ended up seeing some rolling fish but no bites. On another day they did manage to land a couple resident tarpon to help ease the pain!

OTHER SPECIES: Jacks, Snappers, Barracudas, triggerfish, grouper

GRAND SLAM: No grand slams despite a few attempts since some of the permit were landed quite early.


FOR BONEFISH - Island Specials, Crazy Charlies, Gotchas

FOR PERMIT - Christmas Island Specials, Camo Crab, Merkin, Avalon

FOR TARPON - Black death, White toad

This Week's Summary:

Good permit fishing despite some of the iffy weather. It was a small group at the lodge with just a few boats going out each day.

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador guest Christa and her Tarpon

El Pescador guest James and his permit

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Weeks of June 26th - July 2, 2016

Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy to clear 50% and overcast skies 50% with some scattered rain showers.

Winds: Moderate out of the east ranging from 8-20 mph being calmer in the afternoon hours. With 90-degree air temps, we love the east breeze off the 80-degree water!

Air Temperature: Highs from 87 to 90 degrees with lows just below 80 degrees

Water Temperature: Temp: 81 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 29.94 - 30.05

Sunrise: 5:21 am Sunset: 6:30 pm

Moonphase: The last quarter moon was on June 26th


BONEFISH (Macabi): As usual, the bonefish were cooperative although no big ones this week. We did record lots of our standard one, two and three pound fish, with one boat boasting 24 fish for the day. There was also some good success off the dock with bonefish, permit (a tiny one) and a tarpon hooked off the main dock!

PERMIT (Palometta): The permit population continues to amaze the guides and guests, although the success ration this week was not as strong as last week. Higdon caught his first ever permit here at the lodge and almost made a slam out of it but the tarpon seemed to outfox Higdon. Ian and James also joined the permit club with some good sized permit. One of our youngsters caught a 5 inch permit off the dock!!

TARPON (Sabalo): Alexander returned to El Pescador after being here just 2 months ago. Luckily he brought his good luck charm ( Ivy). Ivy loves the yoga class down the beach, reading by the pool and welcoming Alexander back from a hard day of tarpon fishing. Two tarpon to the hand for Alex this trip, so I would say it was a great success. Mike and Craig were also successful when it came to the silver king.

OTHER SPECIES: Jacks, Snappers, Barracudas

GRAND SLAM: No grand slams despite a few attempts since some of the permit were landed quite early.


FOR BONEFISH - Christmas Island Specials, Crazy Charlies, Bunny gotcha

FOR PERMIT - Christmas Island Specials, Bauer Crab, Merkin

FOR TARPON - Black death, gummy minnow

This Week's Summary:

A quiet week at the lodge giving us all time to get to know the guests even better!

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

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Weeks of August 1st - August 13th, 2016

Weather Conditions: I am sure most of you heard about Hurricane Earl that struck EL Pescador August 3-4. That put a damper on a few days of fishing for sure. The lodge survived, we lost our docks, a few trees, had some boat damage but most of the lodge was OK. The staff and some heroic guests that chose to weather the storm with us pitched in for a monumental cleanup that saved the day and allowed us to reopen a day earlier than expected! The storm also cut the annual Tres Pescados fishing tournament short but we are still very proud of long time EL Pescador guests Jenn and Hackney Parker along with their guide Cesar for their win in what turned out to be a single hard day of fishing. It is great to keep the bragging rights here at the lodge where it belongs! The rest of the weather seems like nothing after that with partly cloudy skies, a few thunderstorms here and there, moderate winds, good fishing weather.

Winds: If we don't count the 80 mph winds of Hurricane Earl the winds were mostly east ranging from 8-15 mph and with some 90-degree air temps we love the east breeze off the 80-degree water!

Air Temperature: Highs from 85 to 90 degrees with lows between 76 and 80 degrees

Water Temperature: Temp: 81 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: ?? - 30.05 (the hurricane knocked out the weather station so we don't know how low it went.)

Sunrise: 5:21 am Sunset: 6:30 pm

Moonphase: The first quarter moon was on August 10th


BONEFISH (Macabi): I am sure you may get tired of me saying how reliable the bonefishing is but it is the truth here in Belize. They may not be the biggest in the world but they do seem to be pretty darn cooperative!

PERMIT (Palometta): Every week with decent weather seems to result in 6 or 7 permit for our anglers and this summer was no exception. Lately, Bill got 3, Jean got her yearly permit, Stephen, Eric, our longtime friends, Dean, Kevin and Adam landed some just before the hurricane hit while they were warming up for the tournament, Graham, Guy and Mike also got in on the permit action. Let's not forget John, Tanya, Chris, Robert, Elisa, Emily, either!

TARPON (Sabalo): It is tarpon season here on Ambergris Caye as there are groups of migratory tarpon (the big ones) that come through the area all summer and into the early fall. Add this to the year round resident tarpon and it is the best tarpon fishing in the year. Lots of tarpon! Eric, Stephen, Jeanna, Jenny, Sherry, Luda, John,1, John 2, Mike, Brandon, Jay, Preston, Catherine, Emily, and Elise, just to name a few of the blessed anglers who were able to get a tarpon to the boat, plus there is all the folks who had encounters ranging from a slashing bite, to a spectacular jump that all ended with early releases.

OTHER SPECIES: Jacks, Snappers, Barracudas, sharks, ladyfish, snook, grunts, shad, tripletail, triggerfish

GRAND SLAM: Robert was married here at EL Pescador, he has two lovely children who came to visit this year and they both slammed!!! Elise's was a super slam, and Emily was the normal run of the mill grand slam. Wow! John G. and John L both slammed the same week, Stephen - Grand Slam, Eric grand Slam times 2!! Almost had a double grand slam one day on his boat. Mike got a tarpon (a big one) and came back and caught a permit off the dock but couldn't manage a bonefish off the dock� heartbreak! I am still waiting for someone to do a grandslam unguided in our back lagoon or Oceanside flats. Anyone up for the challenge?


FOR BONEFISH - Christmas Island Specials, Crazy Charlies, Gotcha

FOR PERMIT - Christmas Island Specials, Bauer Crab, Camo Crab, Mantis shrimp

FOR TARPON - Black death, Green Deceiver, white toads, White Deceivers, Cockroach, Olive Cockroach, more black deaths!

This Week's Summary:

Lisa I are back from my summer vacation with a recap of the fishing while we were gone. My apologies for to all the guests I did not get to congratulate in person or in my normal weekly reports.

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador guest Michael and his big migratory Tarpon

El Pescador guest Jana and her big tarpon

Click here for old fishing reports...

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Weeks of August 14th - 20th, 2016

Weather Conditions: The weather was all over the map this week, with some days with too much wind, some with too much rain and a couple that were really nice.

Winds: 5-20 mph mostly from the east, and occasional squall sent the wind speeds high a couple days.

Air Temperature: Highs from 85 to 90 degrees with lows between 76 and 80 degrees

Water Temperature: Temp: 78 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 29.81 - 30.

Sunrise: 5:33 am Sunset: 6:10 pm

Moonphase: The full moon was on August 18th


BONEFISH (Macabi): Bonefish were hooked and caught this week but this week was all about tarpon. Adam Marton has fielded an incredible array of anglers that gather each summer to help catch and tag migratory tarpon in the waters of Belize. So even though the bonefishing remained great, very few people chose to target them.

PERMIT (Palometta): Young Ryan was the first on the board with a permit. The young man got after it on his first day! We had a school of small permit near the dock one day, and a handful of anglers were successful right out front� who needs a guide? I know Kevin got one, Brando got one, Eric and Amy both landed one as well. Dylan and his grandfather both caught permit, Jared (from Silver Kings Television) caught a few, Mike was a permit expert for a day and our fearless leader Adam got a permit with David closing the deal as well.

TARPON (Sabalo): Our tarpon fishing seems a little odd since the hurricane, and with some tarpon experts on hand the conclusion could be water temperature, perhaps the hurricane as left some colder water than what we are used to in August. On some flats the temperature was a full 10 degrees cooler than the week before. Still Anglers succeeded, with longtime friend Kevin getting one early on in his trip, Bou (from Silver Kings Television) landed some tarpon and fed a bunch more, Greg was victorious, Dylan and grandfather Tracey each got one on their family trip.

OTHER SPECIES: 3 kinds of Jacks, 4 kinds of Snappers, Barracudas, Snook

GRAND SLAM: No single day slams but 3 week long slams which is no easy task. Congratulations to Kevin, Tracey, and Dylan for their angling success with all three species this week.


FOR BONEFISH - Christmas Island Specials, Crazy Charlies, Gotcha

FOR PERMIT - Christmas Island Specials, Mantis shrimp, Avalon, Squimp

FOR TARPON - Black death, white toad, black bunny, chartreuse toad

This Week's Summary:

Adam Marton and this tarpon tagging expedition has become an annual event here at El Pescador. Adam brings a skilled group of Anglers to Belize each summer to satellite tag adult migratory tarpon (fish that are 80 pounds or more are sure to be sexually mature) This is in an effort to save tarpon throughout the world and especially Belize. We do not have any idea where our migratory tarpon are migrating to or from! Tarpon are in decline worldwide and Adam has taken on the cause full force. I personally thank him for this efforts and I am humbled by the time and energy he donates to this cause. The Silver Kings TV show also took up residence here for a few days of permit and tarpon fishing. Look for a couple episodes coming your way soon!

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador guests watching Jumping Tarpon

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Weeks of August 21th - 27th, 2016

Weather Conditions: Great weather for the last 5 days of the week. It feels hot when the wind dies down!

Winds: 0-10 mph mostly from the east, with a few swings from the west.

Air Temperature: 88 to 92 degrees with lows between 78 and 80 degrees

Water Temperature: Temp: 78 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 29.84 - 30.08

Sunrise: 5:33 am Sunset: 6:10 pm

Moonphase: The last quarter moon was on August 24th


BONEFISH (Macabi): Bonefish were just plain easy for everyone again this week. A few first bonefish ever, a few first bonefish on the fly, a few first El Pescador bonefish in other words there were no complaints about the bonefishing whatsoever. The biggest fish of the week ws 4 pounds.

PERMIT (Palometta): Brad started the permit board off strong this week with two fish, with the biggest being a solid 12 pound fish. Jim added the second permit, with Mike right behind him. Chuck landed his first permit, Warren and Bill got their goals met with a permit each Jason got 2 in one day as part of his slam, Chris's permit was also part of his slam effort. The 2 female permit awards went to Deena and Denise!! Long live the permit queens!

TARPON (Sabalo): Tarpon fishing continued to pick up with at least 20 fish landed and scores more hooked up. Kent, Alex, Bob, Brad, Garth, Bruce Chuck, Danny got a few (one 50 pounder), Jason, Josh, David, and Chris all had one or more tarpon to the hand this week. Marina is visiting from London with a tarpon problem� she just had to catch one, the pressure was on, this was her Olympic moment. I am happy to tell you the fish appeared, the correct cast was made, and the fish ate. Marina had her first tarpon on, and a few minutes later it was hers. There were multiple tales of fish jumped, hooked fish, long follows, surprise attacks, spit hooks, bent hooks, broken fly lines. exciting stuff.

OTHER SPECIES: Jacks, snappers, barracudas, shad, catfish, tripletail and more!

GRAND SLAM: Breaking news - Jason landed 2 tarpon, 2 bonefish and 2 permit all in one day!! A Double Grand Slam!! Jason is a favorite South Carolina guide who brought a large group of anglers with him to El Pescador. Check him out at:


FOR BONEFISH - Christmas Island Specials, Gotcha, Foxy Clouser, Squimp

FOR PERMIT - Squimp, Bauer crab, Merkin, Mantis shrimp, small Avalon.

FOR TARPON - Black death, More black death, all white deceiver, all white bunny, Cockroach, gummy minnow

This Week's Summary:

: 3 grand slams, lots of permit, lots of tarpon and a great group mostly from South Carolina made the week go by fast. Thanks do out to Jason and Josh for hosting a great group here at EL Pescador.

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

Fishing photo of the week:

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Weeks of August 27th - September 3rd, 2016

Weather Conditions: Great weather for half of the week. A little too windy the rest of the week. An occasional rain shower here and there throughout the week.

Winds: 0-10 mph mostly from the east early in the week, 10-20 late in the week

Air Temperature: 88 to 90 degrees with lows between 78 and 80 degrees

Water Temperature: Temp: 81 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 29.83 - 29.91

Sunrise: 5:36 am Sunset: 6:06 pm

Moonphase: The first quarter moon was on August 29th


BONEFISH (Macabi): Bonefish were found in shallow water tailing, they were found in deeper "muds" and they were found flashing in large schools on deeper flats. Singles, doubles or schools of hundreds were encountered. The bonefish were a little shy on the flats in the afternoon on calm days as the water temperature would get up too high. Most of the fishermen were leaving pretty early to take advantage of cooler temperatures. Some solid 3-4 pound fish were caught and lots of our normal 2 pounders. Even our DIY anglers got some bonefish on both the reef side and the lagoon side.

PERMIT (Palometta): The permit parade continues with everyone getting shots at permit if they spent a few hours concentrating on them. John started it up, Travis added to the list, Peter got his first, Matt and Will had permit whisperer success as we had a total of 12 permit landed over the week. Ms. Shari was the permit queen of the week as the only female angler to land one this week.

TARPON (Sabalo): Marina from the UK started the week off with the first tarpon of the week and her first tarpon ever, a nice 30 pounder and she landed 2 more solid fish at 20 and 35 pounds. Marina's beau, Edd also landed 2 tarpon on the last day and fat 70 pounder and a frisky 10 pounder. John U. landed tarpon, Keelan landed her tarpon, Josh came through with a tarpon that was part of his slam, Mike was successful, Larry landed a real big one, Ken added a tarpon to seal his slam, Peter managed a tarpon to the boat, and Matt and Will both landed tarpon on their slam day.

OTHER SPECIES: Jacks, snappers, barracudas, ladyfish, cobia, snook, tripletail and more!

GRAND SLAM: OK� another 5 Grand Slams this week! Plus a week long slam for Peter. Congratulations to Josh, John, Ken, Matt and Will for racking up the plaques on the Grand Slam Board in the board! The spectacular weather, the guides experience and the angler's skill all came together for these guests. Lots more guests were sooo close with 2 of the 3 species in a day.


FOR BONEFISH - Christmas Island Specials, Gotcha, Foxy Clouser, Squimp

FOR PERMIT - Squimp, Mantis shrimp, small Avalon.

FOR TARPON - Black death, white toad, black bunny, olive Cockroach

This Week's Summary:

5 Grand Slams� need I say more? Ok, how about 1 boat landed 4 tarpon in a day, another had 25 bonefish. Spectacular fishing.

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador guest Larry and his tarpon

El Pescador guest Michael and his permit

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Weeks of Sept. 4th - Sept 10th, 2016

Weather Conditions: Pretty good weather all week, a few less clouds would have been nice.

Winds: 0-10 mph mostly from the east early in the week, switching to NW towards the end of the week.

Air Temperature: 85 to 90 degrees with lows between 77 and 80 degrees

Water Temperature: Temp: 81 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 29.87 - 30.02

Sunrise: 5:35 am Sunset: 6:01 pm

Moonphase: The first quarter moon was on September 9th.


BONEFISH (Macabi): Denver, Hugh, Bill, Mona, Jessica, Casey and others were able to add bonefish to their list of species pretty much the first day, maybe even the first hour they went fishing! Without a doubt all 30 other guests this week landed some numbers as well. The bonefishing was very reliable but the clam weather seduced many folks into pursuing tarpon and permit, resisting bonefish till the later part of the day. Our big bone of the week was right off the dock a solid 4 pounds.

PERMIT (Palometta): There were also a few permit caught right off our dock this week, as well as in many of the skiffs that tried. John and Mike both landed permit early in the week with Rick grabbing one on his own with a little DIY fishing, Bill got three ( he corrected me when I got excited and said " you caught a permit today? He replied " No, I caught 3!" He added more later in the week as well! John Z. and John H. each got at least one permit to the boat.

TARPON (Sabalo): Mark, started off the week with a nice tarpon and some big ones were hooked and lost ( sorry Don about losing that big one, but at least you had another tarpon to the boat to ease your mind a little.). The biggest landed was about 80 pounds, Kent got a beauty, returning guest Wade got his first tarpon ever this week. Cass was extremely proud of her beastly tarpon, John z did a great job with his fish, and of course our grand slammers - Greg, John and Hugh got tarpon to complete their legendary days.

OTHER SPECIES: Jacks, snappers, barracudas, ladyfish, cobia, snook, tripletail and more!

GRAND SLAM: Congratulations to John for a Grand Slam to start off the week! He was on cloud nine never even dreaming this may be possible for him. Wohooo! Our friend Hugh was able to soft slam (we count that over a whole week), day one he got his first bonefish, day 3 his fist permit and day 4 a tarpon. Greg from NRA Outdoors landed a permit , bonefish and tarpon during his stay with us ( returning after a visit eight years ago.)


FOR BONEFISH - Christmas Island Specials, Crazy Charlie tans, micro-crabs, bitters.

FOR PERMIT - Camo crab, Bauer crab, Squimp, Peterson spawning shrimp, mantis shrimp.

FOR TARPON - White bunny, Orange cockroach, purple toad, White toad.

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

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Weeks of September 25th - October 1st, 2016

Weather Conditions: Pretty good weather all week, a few less clouds would have been nice.

Winds: 0-15 mph mostly from the east early in the week, switching to NW towards the end of the week

Air Temperature: 85 to 90 degrees with lows between 77 and 80 degrees

Water Temperature: Temp: 81 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 1011-1015 mbar

Sunrise: 5:41 am Sunset: 5:39 pm

Moonphase: The new moon was on September 30th


BONEFISH (Macabi): Lots and lots of bonefish were landed this week with many first bonefish kudos being flung about the lodge. Bethany, Carleigh, Ashley, Debbie all joined the Woodlands, TX Orvis group and headed out for at least one day and all were successful in landing their first bonefish ever. They were all great casting students and deserve the rewards. Upwards of 20 bonefish in a day were recorded by some boats who concentrated on bonefish with the biggest coming in around 3 pounds.

PERMIT (Palometta): Permit fishing continued to be strong, with the usual frustration of casting to dozens and dozens of fish without a single look or bite, then comes cast number 26� the permit eats, your line goes tight and the game is on! A lifetime dream comes beside the boat and there is a picture and high fives all around. This was the case for Bob and Ray, Mason, Noble, Jose and Terry. The biggest was around 18 pounds and the smallest at one pound!

TARPON (Sabalo): Some big fish were found this week! Our good friend and returning guest Joe was rewarded by extending his Orvis trip by a day and what a day it was! He landed a beautiful 25-pound Tarpon after many tries earlier in his career. Mike landed a very nice 80 pounder, David got into the tarpon action and Darren lost a hundred pound fish early in the day, then proceeded to land a 60 and a 40 pound silver king later that day. Shawn got a few, his new bride Katie jumped one, got his first tarpon ever and his wife Jean landed her first tarpon ever! Taylor got a 50 pounder to end the week. Kathy got her dream tarpon this week, as did Bryan.

OTHER SPECIES: Snook, ladyfish, cobia, snappers, cudas, tripletail, shad, lookdowns, sharks, and many more

GRAND SLAM: Not just a Grand Slam, a Super Grand Slam goes to Terry! A Tarpon, Bonefish, Permit and Snook all in a single calendar day! Wow! Jose from the Woodlands, Texas Orvis store was victorious! His first Grand Slam of his young career!


FOR BONEFISH - Gotcha, Crazy Charlie and the Christmas Island Special lead eye version.

FOR PERMIT - Christmas Island Special lead eye version, Spawning shrimp, Bauer Crab

FOR TARPON - White Toad, Black Death, Chartreuse bunny, black bunny

This Week's Summary:

The Woodlands, TX Orvis store organizes a trip every fall and this year's trip was a big success with 12 boats going out every day. Our heartfelt thanks go to Noble and Jose who as hosts of the trip made everyone happy. Somehow they even got the weather to cooperate.

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador guest and his tarpon

El Pescador guest and their Tarpon

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Weeks of Oct 1 - Oct 8, 2016

Weather Conditions: Hurricane Matthew kindly went well north of our area but sucked out all the wind!

Winds: 0-6 mph Northwest to start most days finishing in the East. People were asking: is it always this calm?

Air Temperature: 85 to 90 degrees with lows between 77 and 80 degrees

Water Temperature: Temp: 81 F. degrees

Barometric Pressure: 1008-1014 mbar

Sunrise: 5:41 am Sunset: 5:35 pm

Moonphase: The first quarter moon was on October 8th


BONEFISH (Macabi): As usual the bonefishing was very reliable. Everyone who set out to catch some did so, even the beginners among us. Kari and her Daughter Liz were eager to get started in saltwater and were successful with bonefish the very first day as they racked up double digits! Veterans like John, Melissa, Chris, Vanessa, Lisa, Justin, Meg, Sharon, Sean, Brendan, Keri, had no trouble with bones and went after tarpon and permit. Newlyweds Matt and Jenn got their first bonefish ever, Lee and Ken filled in the quiet time of their tarpon and permit quests with some bonefishing here and there, while Ryan and Whitney did the same. The biggest bonefish of the week was 4 pounds caught on the ocean side near the lodge.

PERMIT (Palometta): I don't know if it is true but it sure seemed like Tres got permit every day he went out. There were at least a half dozen, but he is humble enough not to want to advertise the exact number. His beau Jeri out fished him at least one day as she landed 2 permit! John got a few small permit off the dock, Bill got a few, Liz ( a first time saltwater fisher) landed one, Chris got a dream permit, Returning guests Brendon and Lee got the job done, Matt and Jenn got a shared honeymoon permit to close out their whirlwind marriage and honeymoon week.

TARPON (Sabalo): Our tarpon anglers lost more tarpon than they landed, but that is true every week! Repeat guest Ken got a fish to the boat early on and it was a big one - Ken, I need a picture of that one! Vanessa proved her tarpon skills, Brendan was victorious, Bill got a couple, Lisa and I went out and jumped a few with one to the boat so in general the tarpon fishing was pretty good.

OTHER SPECIES: Snook, ladyfish, jacks, snappers, cudas, lookdowns, sharks, and many more

GRAND SLAM: 3 grand slams this week but only 2 anglers did the work! Bill got 2 grand slams in one day.. yes 2 slams, one day! I feel like such a loser! Brendan had the best trip of his career with a grand slam mid-week! Congratulations to them both, we will get their names up on the Grand Slam Hall of Fame wall plaque soon.


FOR BONEFISH - Crazy Charlie and the Christmas Island Special lead eye version.

FOR PERMIT - Merkin crab all tan, Christmas Island Special lead eye version, Avalon, Bauer Crab.

FOR TARPON - White Toad, black bunny, white deceiver, black death.

This Week's Summary:

A good solid week of fishing here at El Pescador. With the weather so calm it felt hotter than it was. The fishing gets a little tougher as well as the fish can sense the pressure wave coming off the boat. You could see a tail or a roll a mile away but it gets harder to get close undetected at the same time.

Fish On!
Ed Blank [email protected].

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