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The entire country is trying to understand how two police officers could do what they did on San Pedro on Saturday morning. The videos went viral on every kind of social media over the weekend; they show police abusing a woman and menacing residents with loaded weapons in a way that's just never been captured before. Daniel Ortiz has compiled the lawless and monstrous behaviour captured on the cell phones of fearless bystanders:

The Professional Standards Branch of the Police Department, which specifically investigates officers for allegations of misconduct, has already gone to the island to do their own investigation into the incident. They report that Police Constables Norman Coye and Darnell Madrill have both been charged with wounding. We have conflicting reports from authorities which refute this police report. Our checks say that they haven't been charged yet, and that the formal arrest should take place tomorrow, when they are expected to be arraigned. As you saw, they were moving about freely up until midday.

Victims of Police Lawlessness Speak

So, what happened to the residents who you saw in that video of the police misconduct? Well, we've been following the story since the weekend, and multiple sources told us that at least 4 people were injured by those gunshots that the Police Constable fired at the ground.

One of them is San Pedro resident Alfredo Cowo, who we got a chance to speak to at the Belize Healthcare Partners Hospital. He and his brother were injured by those gunshots which bounced off the pavement and hit them in the leg.

He told us that at around 4 o'clock that Saturday morning, he came out of the club and saw 3 officers he recognized, and they were dragging two women. He began recording the incident on his cellphone, and to document the police excess. He says that PC Darnell Madrill approached him, demanding that he hand over the device. He said that he refused, and that's when Madrill punched him in the nose. He said that the officers were trying to detain his brothers, George and Jose, and caused a confrontation, in which he was hit over the eye with a gun. He says that Madrill was the one who hit him, and he had a shot gun in his hand.

He's pressing charges, and today, he granted us an interview outside the hospital to describe what happened. Here's what he told us:

Alfredo Cowo, Alleges Police Brutality
"The San Pedro QRT police beat up 2 girls. I went there and I took out my phone and I videoed it. I videoed one, PC Madrill saw me and came to me and ask me for my phone, I told him that I wasn't going to give him my phone and then he punch me in my nose. Then my brothers came and ask why were they chancing me. The police told the other ones to detain my brother, because I ask why they were chancing me."

"When PC Madrill grabbed my brother from the neck, everybody there told the police to let him go. Then when I turn around, PC Madrill knocked me with something, I don't know if it's the gun, but I just feel pain and I eyes start bleeding and then PC Coye started shooting and I got shot on my feet. I have about 13-14 pellets in my feet. I went to Karl Heusner Hospital and they couldn't take it out and that's why I came here."

"They took down my statement and they just released me without a charge, because I told them about how they will charge us for aggravated assault when we didn't assault anyone with a weapon. That was it. They just released us and then I came here to try to remove the pellets from my foot and see what will be the outcome."

Cops Bullet Hit Him In the Eye

The other victim of that wild shooting who we got to meet today is 54 year-old Enfield Henry. One of the bullets ricocheted off the ground and hit him in the eye. He's at the KHMH getting medical treatment, and that bullet is lodged behind the eyeball.

Today, at the KHMH, he told us that he was an innocent bystander, who wasn't involved in that confrontation with the police, but he got injured in that reckless shooting:

Enfield Henry, Injured in Police Confrontation
"I was in the night club with my son and the off-duty police officers were in the night club too and when it closes, everybody came out from the club. Right there 2 Spanish guys wanted to fight with the police officers who was on duty."

"I was trying to ease them off, but they insisted to have fight with the officers. The police officer Norman, ask the two officers to arrest the guys. I was away on the street talking to my son and that was when the first two shots fired. I turn around and heard about 3-4 shots fired. That was probably when I got hit. The police officer was shooting on the ground. I turn around and I felt my face numb and warm."

"I told my son that I got shot. My son call the police and said "Norman you shot my father." and then the police said "why would I shot your father for." The police came over and try to assist me and when he saw me in blood, he took me in the police vehicle and took me to the polyclinic."

"If they shoot off a warning shot, I think they are supposed to be train that a warning shot shoots in the air."

"What are the doctors saying to you?"

Enfield Henry, Injured in Police Confrontation
"I am expecting any time from this morning and he hasn't reach yet, If I will get surgery or not, because he said that the bullet is still in my eye."

"It's still dangerous at this point."

Enfield Henry, Injured in Police Confrontation
"Well I think so. When he came on Saturday to see me, my eye was swollen up. So he only ordered the treatment to give me and then today we was to come back to see me. But according to what the x-ray is showing is that the bullet is in the back of the eye."

"I want to see if I can get support from the police, because all this while I will not be working and who will be supporting me and even this hospital bill. I think it's their duty to deal with that or at least help me out until I could start to work again."

Cops Cautious In Make Judgment Statements

So, what is the Professional Standards Branch saying about this incident? The video makes it clear what happened, but today the lead officer, Assistant Police Commissioner Keith Lino, told us that it's not so simple. In a press briefing today, he told us what the officers involved are reporting to his investigating team:

ACP Keith Lino, OC - Professional Standards Branch
"We had conducted an investigation that have shown the police and the public had a confrontation. The confrontation had apparently had occurred because the police were dealing with a female who allegedly was under the influence. The police reported that they had handcuffed this female and they were trying to put her under control to be escorted to the police station."

"While they were doing that, it was then that the crowd believe that they (the police) had abused the female and they commence in aggressing the police. The police then reported to us that they attempted to protect themselves and it was then that the crowd continued to aggressed them. The police then took out their service revolvers and to try and deter the crowd from attacking them. So they use their firearms to shoot in the air as well as on the ground to avoid the people from attacking them."

"We have since gotten their statements and two of the policemen who were out there brandishing their firearms had use their firearms to protect themselves, one, PC Norman Coye and the next PC Madrill. We had subsequently charged the 2 of them for wounding, for the offence that had been committed against the Cowo borthers."

"The investigation as I said is continuing, because the police officers will be charged likewise disciplinary for the action that they had committed whilst out there in San Pedro."

"The woman who police were initially trying to put into the vehicle, is it believe from what you gathered that the police employed brutality against her and is she one of the individuals who is seeking court action?"

ACP Keith Lino, OC - Professional Standards Branch
"Our investigation is continuing as I said. That particular young lady, we haven't found her yet. I am told by sources out there that she is an immigrant and that her style is a lifestyle that works particularly as one of the waitresses at the club. Since the weekend we haven't located this particular young lady, but we have intention to return and to see if we can locate her."

So, what about those questionable aspects of the incident that the video shows? Well, ACP Lino took a few questions from the press, and here's that conversation with him:

"What is the standard operating procedure in terms of an officer attempting to defuse the situation using a firearm? IS he allowed to discharge in the air? IS he allowed to discharge on the ground? How does that work?"

ACP Keith Lino, OC - Professional Standards Branch
"First and foremost we discourage our officers from using firearm in regards to being attacked, as they allege. We would prefer for them to use their baton, because each police officer is issued with a baton and hence the reason why we have establish that there are some challenges and hence the reason we also had charged the police officers to have caused the wounds to the complainants."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"Those snapshots showed the officers brandishing the firearms and pointing them at the ground and at people. It's a public relations nightmare for the police department. Would you acknowledge that?"

ACP Keith Lino, OC - Professional Standards Branch
"Yes it's a challenge to us."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"How many bullets were discharged from those service weapons?"

ACP Keith Lino, OC - Professional Standards Branch
"We found about 10 expended shells out there."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"Is that unusual to find that many shells trying to defuse a situation with the public."

ACP Keith Lino, OC - Professional Standards Branch
"I think it is reasonable."

"In terms of the video, have you seen the video and what weight would it bear in a situation like this?"

ACP Keith Lino
"What I saw made me to believe that the police, their actions, it would appear that they weren't justified in what they did."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"Is there any reason to believe that the officer who use their weapons were under the influence of alcohol?"

ACP Keith Lino
"We are looking at that angle likewise, because people are saying yes they were, but at this time we are looking at that."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"Had any samples been taken from them as you would per say in a traffic accident situation?"

ACP Keith Lino
"Only the traffic accident legislation provide for that."

"Then you all wouldn't be able to prove that they were or weren't under the influence of alcohol."

ACP Keith Lino
"No, investigation can prove, because by going to different establishment, if the police were drinking, people would say that. They have different method of proving whether or not they were drinking. We may not be able to prove if they were drunk, but we can prove whether or not they were drinking."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"Why is it that the police are contemplating harm as compared to grievous harm or aggravated assault with these weapons? Because they are firearms. Don't the firearms act can be applied to officers even though they are allowed to have service weapons if they abuse the use of those weapons?"

ACP Keith Lino
"To answer your question, we goes by the medico form and I have indicated the medico form certified by the doctor had indicated wounding. So you can't go against that. Hence the reason the officers has been charged for wounding."

"I mentioned earlier that we will be proceeding against the officers, disciplinary likewise which is the police act and any breach on discipline that they will be dealt with under the police act."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"For those when they view the answers you've given to the questions we asked, and they may interpret it as "the police department will try to cover up for this situation." Can you assure us that that is not going to happen in this case?"

ACP Keith Lino
"We've been out there since Saturday and we have already charged yesterday. This morning they have been arraigned in the magistrate court out in San Pedro. So there is no cover and hence the reason why we are able at this early stage to come and brief the media, because investigation is ongoing and it could take 3-4-5-6 months."

In the initial report on the incident, the Police department said, quote, "The Commissioner of Police is disturbed by a video he saw of the incident, and as is customary in all police related shooting, he has directed Commander Professional Standards Branch to fully investigate the criminal and disciplinary aspect of this incident." End quote.

Channel 7

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Ambergris Shaken; Mayor Calls Police's Actions "Brutality"

The blasts of up to fourteen shots could be heard in the video, but authorities say only ten expended shells were recovered from the scene in the prime tourism destination.� On the island today, business owners are still reeling from the shooting, which is likely to have an impact on the industry as the Easter holidays draw closer.� As for the mayor, he agrees that those responsible must face the music. News Five's Duane Moody reports.

Duane Moody, Reporting

The events, described by many as acts of police brutality and abuse of power, unfolded near the Central Park in the presence of hundreds of San Pedranos as well as tourists to the island. One restaurateur, who was up preparing for breakfast, says she came out to see a woman being beaten and within minutes the assault escalated to a shooting. But she couldn't identify whether the shooters were police because they were not in uniform.

Restaurateur [Translated]

"I saw the commotion in front at the park. I thought it was a fight because there are usually fights. But I didn't think that it would escalate to what I saw. As I was going inside, I heard the shots and I run and jumped to the ground. I looked out again and I saw that they were shooting and it is something that I never thought I would see in the center of the island of San Pedro. I didn't see anyone with police uniform. What I saw was pure civilians and I didn't go closer to see if it was police or regular people. I didn't see anyone with uniform. I only saw the shooting."

It was a frightening experience that has business owners up in arms because it threatens their livelihoods.

Restaurateur [Translated]

"It looks bad. For an island where tourism is our livelihood, we have get together and I make a call to all businesses that we try to do something to get back peace on the island. We need tranquility for tourists to continue coming back."

The incidents, captured on amateur footage, spread like wildfire on social media. It is of great concern to Mayor Daniel Guerrero, who disagrees with the action taking by the officers. He says that it will not be tolerated in San Pedro.

Daniel Guerrero, Mayor, San Pedro

"We are way over concerned just by viewing the video on social media and yes there are two officers that went beyond their powers-call it police brutality. It is an unfortunate incident that happened that early hours in the morning, around 4:30 if I am right. It's right in front of the heritage bank that puts you right almost at Central Park. Like everybody knows, San Pedro has a night life and is a party town and where we have tourism at the highest point at the moment and there is a lot of tourists."

Mayor Guerrero says that while the officers must be reprimanded for the abuse of power, there must be law and order within the society. That is the mandate of the police department.

Daniel Guerrero

"We as a country, we need to move forward. We cannot give the back to the police department, to the police officers-even though I know that the Belmopan people came immediately the following day to do an investigation, I don't know the results yet. But if they are to be punished, I am totally in favor of that. I would support something like that. But as a town, as a tourist place, we need to move forward and the police needs to continue doing its job within the law and not to go over."

Brawl Escalates to Police-Involved Shooting in San Pedro

The police say they are carrying out a thorough investigation of an early morning shooting in San Pedro.� Since Saturday morning, two videos have been circulating on social media.� In one the police are seen manhandling a handcuffed woman, pinning her down and then hitting her.� That incident happened at about four o'clock on Saturday morning on Barrier Reef Drive.� That incident apparently triggered a second and dangerous confrontation also captured by video.� Police are caught firing at least fourteen shots to stop a brawl.� Many persons are seen at the scene as the shots ricocheted off the concrete street, injuring as many as five persons.� The behavior of who appear to be trigger-happy cops has sparked outrage in the community. We start coverage with News Five's Duane Moody.

Two officers attached to the Quick Response Team of the San Pedro Police Formation, PCs Norman Coye and Darnell Madrill,� are tonight under investigation following a shooting in the heart of the island. A team from the Professional Standards Branch was deployed over the weekend to determine, if any, the infractions committed by the officers.

Duane Moody

"At around 4:30 a.m. on Saturday, the unthinkable would happen. As Patrons of the popular Daddy Rock Nightclub were retiring for the night, an altercation ensued with on-duty police officers. Within minutes, this escalated to a shooting, at the hands of the officers, injuring four residents."

Alfredo Cowo, Shooting Victim

"When I turn around and I notice something just knock me dah my eye and when I touch mi eye, I feel like I di bleed, but I neva see dah what cause as I turn, ih knock me. Afterwards, Coye�he just start shoot up about the place and the bullet touch me. Right now I got about fifteen pellets right now I have to take out of mi foot."

The shooting was an unorthodox approach used by the officers to quell a fight that started between two women around four a.m. inside the Central Park. PCs Madrill and Coye, along with one PC Maga�a, responded. But the telling amateur footage shows one of the women on the ground, screaming out, before being hit multiple times to the head and body. Her attacker is in fact a police officer, who was not dressed in uniform.

Alfredo Cowo

"I see wah commotion and when I gone closer and see, I see police di beat wah female. When I reach closer I haul out my phone and start video. And one of the police officers from the San Pedro QRT Team, name PC Madril, notice that I mi di video. And he come up to me and ask me for my phone and I refused. And then he knock me ina my nose and make my nose start bleed and then the next police grab me from the back and put me pan wah lock."

While Cowo was injured to the foot by bullet fragments and late this afternoon received initial treatment for the injuries; his brother Jose was also hit to the leg. Several others including a female and Enfield Henry Garcia, were injured in the shooting.� Initially, Garcia received treatment at the San Pedro Polyclinic before he was transported to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital for a bullet lodged in his eye.

Enfield Henry (Garcia), Shooting Victim

"I deh turn this way from the street di talk to my son and when I heard the first two shots and when I turn around I heard about three or four more shots�the total dah about five or six shots I hear when I probably get hit. But the police officer he mi di shoot pa the ground. When I turn around back I feel my face numb and warm. And dah when I do my hand so, I tell my son boy I get shot. And I shock, I get shock and he hail the police and tell ahn, "Norman you shot my pan." I mi deh like probably wah twenty, twenty-five feet away from them, which part deh di shoot cause dehn pan di street in front of Heritage [Bank]; dah out there he and the bwai them end up. Dah out deh dehn end up and we deh ina di park di stand up."

Police confirmed that up to five persons were injured in the melee�but many more were pistol-whipped by the officers. Aside from the woman who was physically beaten by a male officer and those who were injured after the shots were fired; the amateur video also shows an off-duty police officer, pulling out a firearm before hitting another resident multiple times to the head.

Enfield Henry (Garcia)

"He haul out ih gun, but instead of he shoot the warning shot up, he shoot it pan the street. And according to what I heard too, dah noh only me one get injured; dah like four or five other people get injured on that same night."


"Sir, as an observer to this situation, did you think that it was necessary for that police to fire off his gun like that to handle the situation?"

Enfield Henry (Garcia)

"No, I noh think so. If dehn wah shoot off a warning shot, I think they trained enough to know that a warning shot fi shoot ina di air and not on the ground."

Police Tell P.S.B. They Were Only Protecting Themselves but 5 Injured

Suffering from a black eye in the wake of the shooting, the police called a press conference this morning.� While two of five officers have been charged for their roles in the shooting incident, the Professional Standards Branch of the Belize Police Department says it continues to conduct an investigation into the shooting incident.� According to Assistant Commissioner of Police Keith Lino, who has been tasked with leading the probe, the officers reported that they were only protecting themselves when they began brandishing their firearms. Even as Lino says the police shot in the air, the video captures the cops shooting onto the pavement.�� Following the melee outside of Daddy Rock nightclub, as many as ten expended shells were recovered from the scene.

ACP Keith Lino, Commander, Professional Standards Branch

"The Professional Standards Branch was directed by the Commissioner to proceed to San Pedro and to conduct an investigation into the alleged incident.� We then proceeded to San Pedro where we had conducted an investigation that has shown the police and the public, they had a confrontation.� The confrontation apparently had occurred because the police were dealing with a female who allegedly was under the influence.� The police reported that they had handcuffed this female and they were trying to put her under control to be escorted to the police station.� While they were doing that it was then that the crowd believed that they had abused the female and they commenced to aggressing the police.� The police then reported to us that they attempted to protect themselves and it was then that the crowd continued to aggress them and the police then took out their service revolvers and to try and deter the crowd from attacking them.� So they used their firearms to shoot in the air, as well as on the ground to avoid the people from attacking them.� The crowd didn't resist, the crowd of people who were out there, as I said, they were at a bar or a club and at that time the club had closed down and most of the patrons from the club were out on the street.� The police reported to us that they were being attacked and having been attacked they used their service revolver to try and put control under the situation that was out there.� In that incident we had five persons who got injured, that we found out, the investigation found out.� Of the five, we have three brothers who were Cowo.� We have Alfredo Cowo, we have Jose and George Cowo.� I have a fellow Mr. Enfield who is currently at the hospital.� He got injuries to his left eye."

Charges Laid Criminally and Disciplinarily for Involved Officers

The officers in question clearly acted outside of the rules of engagement when they began firing their weapons during the disturbance.� Both have been charged for wounding as many as five persons and will also be facing disciplinary charges as a result of their actions.� The investigation, says ACP Lino, saw interviews being conducted and statements being recorded from a cross section of persons who witnessed the fracas.

ACP Keith Lino, Commander, Professional Standards Branch

"The other female had given us a statement but she requested no further action from the police, or no court action.� But the three Cowos who got injuries, they requested court action.� As a result of that we have since gotten their statement and two of the policemen who were out there brandishing their firearms had been using their firearms to protect themselves; one PC Norman Coye and the next one PC Madrill.� We have subsequently charged the two of them for wounding for the offense that had been committed against the Cowo brothers.� The investigation, as I said, is continuing because the police officers will be charged likewise disciplinarily for the actions they had committed whilst out there at San Pedro. We interviewed independent people, as well as those people who have been affected by the incident.� So we are still in the process of conducting the investigation, it isn't finished as yet but I'm here primarily to brief the media and to give the media an update as to what occurred because it occurred Saturday morning.� Yesterday was Sunday and today is Monday so it's still early with our investigation."

Isani Cayetano

"ACP Lino, what is the standard operating procedure in terms of an officer attempting to diffuse a situation using a firearm?� Is he allowed to discharge in the air? �Is he allowed to discharge on the ground?� How does that work?"

Keith Lino

"First and foremost we discourage our officers from using firearms in regards to being attacked as they alleged.� We would prefer for them to use their baton because each police officer is issued with a baton, hence the reason why we have established that there are some challenges and hence the reason we also had charged the police officers to have caused the wounds to the complainants.� We charged them because we believe that what they did, the action that they have committed was against the protocols of the police department and the discipline of the police department."

What Happened to Woman at Center of Melee?

At the heart of the chaos was the failed detention of an unidentified woman, whom officers assigned to work duties at the establishment, were attempting to subdue.� That woman was being severely manhandled and roughed up by the officers, even though she was in handcuffs.� Despite the ordeal being recorded by patrons of the night club, that individual is yet to be located by police to take down a statement.� The possibility that the officers may have been under the influence of alcohol is also being looked into.

ACP Keith Lino, Commander, Professional Standards Branch

"Our investigation is continuing, as I said, that particular young lady, my investigation has proven that�� We didn't find her any at all, we haven't found her yet.� I am told by sources out there that she's an immigrant and that her style is a lifestyle that works particularly as one of the waitresses at the club.� Since the weekend, we haven't found her.� Since the weekend we haven't located this particular young lady but we have intention to return and to see if we can locate that particular young lady.� To answer your question we haven't gotten a complaint from her as yet."


"From the interviews conducted from people who were present, is it your view that in fact police were acting in a manner they should not have in relation to her detention to cause the crowd to react in the way that they did?� And in answering that, can you say what was the ratio of police to people to the crowd that was out there?"

Keith Lino

"Totally there were five police officers and the crowd; I think everybody has seen the crowd.� So that ratio would be a big ratio of the civilians against the police."


"Sir is there any reason to believe that the officers who used their weapons were under the influence of alcohol?"

Keith Lino

"We're looking at that likewise sir.� We are looking at that angle likewise because people are saying yes they were, but at this time we are looking at that."

Channel 5

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Two San Pedro Police officers charged for Central Park shooting

A shooting incident that took place in the early hours of Saturday, April 1st has caused much friction between the island community and the San Pedro Police Department. The latest police report on the incident which occurred at Central Park and involved local police officers, states that two officers were arrested and charged on Sunday, April 2nd. 27-year-old Norman Coye was reportedly charged with two counts of wounding, while 22-year old Darnell Madrill was charged for one count of wounding. However, the island community believes these charges are not enough, as the officers' actions threatened not only the lives of those present, but the peace of the community.

PC Norman Coye

According to other residents, this is not the first time Coye has attacked residents. They expect the local authorities to do their job and removed these abusive officers from the island. The on-going investigation has yet to indicate if the accused officers will also be charged for discharging their weapons in public and assaulting civilians. It has also been alleged that both Coye and Madrill were intoxicated, as eye witnesses claim to have seen both officers socializing at a nearby bar earlier. While the Commissioner of Police has directed personnel from the Commander Professional Standard Branch to fully investigate the criminal and disciplinary aspect of this incident, no official comment other than a police report has been given.

Click here to read the rest of the article in the San Pedro Sun

Police Report:

On Saturday, April 1, 2017, at 2:36 p.m. Alfredo Gaspar Cowo Mancia reported that at about 4:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 1, 2017 while at the Central Park he reportedly saw PC Norman Coye, PC Madrill and PC Magana dragging two females and began recording the incident with his cell phone.

He was approached by PC Madrill who told him to stop videoing and tried to take away his cell phone. PC Madrill reportedly then punched him on the nose causing it to bleed.

His brothers Jose and George Cowo approached the officers and PC Coye told them to leave and when they refused he told the other officers to detain George Cowo. George ran away but was caught by PC Madrill and when Jose and Alfredo went to talk to PC Madrill, PC Coye came toward them and pulled out his 9mm. He then felt a blow on his left eye and saw PC Madrill with a shot gun in his hand.

PC Coye then started to shoot in front of his feet and as he stepped back, he saw his right foot bleeding. He also saw PC Madrill shooting and then noticed his left big toe bleeding also. He was detained and taken to the Police vehicle where he was later transported to the San Pedro Polyclinic.

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Checks and balances in gear.

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I hope for the best.

BTW, I have no professional interest in the outcome.

Last edited by RobertJ; 04/04/17 01:34 PM.
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Nor personal interest, but we do

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Lawless Constables Charged

Tonight, two San Pedro Police Officers, 27 year-old Norman Coye and 22 year-old Darnell Madrill are out on bail after being criminally arraigned for that embarrassing confrontation with island residents on early on Saturday morning. The entire unsettling episode was caught on camera, and these officers remain the subject of public outrage for their lawless behaviour, especially the reckless use of deadly weapons.

The Opposition PUP's United Women's Group has condemned their actions for the excessive use of force against the woman, whose distress was the cause of the confrontation between the cops and a group of San Pedranos.

In a press release, the PUP's UWG says, quote, ", clearly showed a woman who was already subdued, being subjected to excessive and unnecessary force by police officers."

They also took a swipe at Assistant Police Commissioner Keith Lino for his comments in yesterday's press briefing. The statement says, "The response of the Police Professional Standards Branch's spokesperson during a press briefing on Monday, clearly cast derogatory aspersions about the character of the subdued woman in what can only be described as a desperate attempt at cover-up."

That's strong language, and since the weekend, that video has been the subject of quite a lot of discussion about police and their use of force. Quite often, we hear the complaints of residents who swear that officers have wantonly abused their authority, but this is one of the few times that such an allegation has been caught on camera. Tonight, Daniel Ortiz takes a second look at the incident in the wider context. Here's his story:

Daniel Ortiz reporting
Seeing these two Police Constables, Norman Coye and Darnell Madrill, leaving the Island's Police Station, yesterday, it was rather difficult to reconcile that these were the men who gained infamy over the course of one weekend. Here, they appeared like respectable officers, heading out on some patrol, or heading home, but on Saturday night, their behaviour appeared more thug-like.

So, as with any of these types of interactions with the public, there are always 2 sides. There is the version that the officers involved give to their police bosses, which often paints them as responsible professionals doing their duty under adverse circumstances, and then, there are the allegations from the victims who often describe them as rogues who abuse their authority.

In this case, Coye and Madrill have given an account that is in stark contrast to what the camera captured. In this case, however, the camera is giving an unusual and unbiased account of what happened.

This is how the officers explained the incident,

ACP Keith Lino - OC, Professional Standards Branch
"The police and the public had a confrontation. The police were dealing with a female who allegedly was under the influence. The police reported that they had handcuffed this female and they were trying to put her under control to be escorted to the police station."

That all sounds innocent enough, but as the video shows, that the officers weren't gentle. In fact, they manhandled the woman.

That account is also corroborated by Alfredo Cowo, who rushed in to take a video recording to document the police excess.

Alfredo Cowo - Shot by Police
"The San Pedro QRT police beat up 2 girls. I went there and I took out my phone and I videoed it."

The Professional Standards Branch also received reports like that one.

ACP Keith Lino
"While they were doing that, it was then that the crowd believe that they (the police) had abused the female and they commence in aggressing the police."

The video clearly shows that bystanders were very incensed by the police's behaviour, and that's why they got involved.

The officers' account appears to gloss over those rather controversial details, and cuts to where they recklessly started firing shots at an angry crowd, endangering the lives of those around. But, to hear their version, it sounds as though they showed great restraint and professionalism.

ACP Keith Lino
"The police then reported to us that they attempted to protect themselves and it was then that the crowd continued to aggressed them. The police then took out their service revolvers and to try and deter the crowd from attacking them. So they use their firearms to shoot in the air as well as on the ground to avoid the people from attacking them."

The video shows a rather careless use of firearms. Keep in mind that these are deadly weapons, but the officer fires live rounds like it's pop-shot.

To show how dangerous their actions where, there were 4 people injured by those wild shots.

Alfredo Cowo
"Then when I turn around, PC Madrill knocked me with something, I don't know if it's the gun, but I just feel pain and I eyes start bleeding and then PC Coye started shooting and I got shot on my feet. I have about 13-14 pellets in my feet."

Enfield Henry - Shot by Police
"I was away on the street talking to my son and that was when the first two shots fired. I turn around and heard about 3-4 shots fired. That was probably when I got hit. The police officer was shooting on the ground. I turn around and I felt my face numb and warm. I told my son that I got shot. My son call the police and said "Norman you shot my father." If they shoot off a warning shot, I think they are supposed to be train that a warning shot shoots in the air."

From a viewer's perspective, it is almost automatic to condemn the actions of these officers, but, the man who's investigating their misconduct, was careful in his choice of words.

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"Those snapshots showed the officers brandishing the firearms and pointing them at the ground and at people. It's a public relations nightmare for the police department. Would you acknowledge that?"

ACP Keith Lino
"Yes it's a challenge to us."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"How many bullets were discharged from those service weapons?"

ACP Keith Lino
"We found about 10 expended shells out there."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"Is that unusual to find that many shells trying to defuse a situation with the public."

ACP Keith Lino
"I think it is reasonable."

Daniel Ortiz, 7News
"Is there any reason to believe that the officer who use their weapons were under the influence of alcohol?"

ACP Keith Lino
"We are looking at that angle likewise, because people are saying yes they were, but at this time we are looking at that. What I saw made me to believe that the police, their actions, it would appear that they weren't justified in what they did."

They two were arraigned in the Magistrates Court today. Constable Norman Coye has been charged with 2 counts of wounding, while Constable Darnell Madrill has been charged with 1 count. They were released on bail of $1,000 cash, and 1 or 2 sureties of the same. They must return to court on April 28, and their interdiction letters have already been sent from the Belmopan Police High Command. That means that they are removed from active duty, and they will be on half pay until the case is completed.

There is no indication that they will face firearms charges for the gunshot injuries that those 4 persons suffered due to those wild shots. Today in a release , the PUP said, QUOTE, "the reaction of the Commissioner of Police…does not go far enough in light of the fact that these police officers brought shame and disgrace to the Police Department..."

Mayor Worries About Image Of Lawless Lawmen and Easter Tourism

So, while the Police Department has a lot of public relations damage control to do for the actions of these officers, the Mayor of San Pedro Town is worried that all this negative publicity will hurt the tourist visits for the Easter Weekend. Yesterday, he gave us a sit-down interview to make the case:

Daniel Guerrero, Mayor - San Pedro Town
"Definitely they are disturbing pieces on the video that was taken early morning around 4:30am more or less. An incident that happened by central park, actually right in front of what is Heritage Bank. I notice that and I think the video shows it very clearly. I think there is no one that can deny what happened by the use of power by the police officers - two of them there and I think they never followed protocol or the right process to defuse a crowd, but yet again, if we come back to the old saying "you need to create a fight," so we need to find the real story of the police and the real story of the people provoking the police."

"I personally think it's a very unfortunate incident that happened here in the town. Tourism is at its highest right now and Easter is getting close and we are just facing the first issue before Easter. I am hoping that this doesn't happen. I say the word "unfortunate" because people use the social media for everything. They don't realize how much damage they are doing to the island when it comes to tourism. But yet I understand and I can see the point of people frustrated, putting it immediately on the social media, because they want to call the attention to the central department, not only San Pedro, but including Belmopan."

"Fortunately, the following day, people from Belmopan, from the department came in to start up the investigation. I personally think that the police has to continue its job. They are here to make sure that law and order is on its place. We cannot let the people know okay - they will be reprimand or something. They have to slowdown. The police have to do their work."

"Unfortunately, the social media and the media are good at reporting negative, highlight negative reports, which is fine - all the bad. If someone is killed, if somebody got stabbed, if somebody got hang... you would see it big time on the social media. When the government and all the different municipalities are doing a great job and you don't see that out there."

Channel 7

"Wild West" cops charged for wounding

A confrontation between the San Pedro police and some residents of the town ended with police shooting in the air and into the ground to disperse the crowd, which resulted in five persons being injured by flying splinters of rocks and cement.

The ruckus occurred at the San Pedro Central Park at about 4:30 Saturday morning, and it was captured on cell phones by people who were at the park. Footage of the shooting was posted on Facebook, and it went viral.

The crowd reportedly became hostile toward the police officers after they pinned down a woman on the ground who was reportedly behaving disorderly and began to rough her up badly as they attempted to take her to the police station.

The woman was repeatedly kicked while she was on the ground.

Quite a few individuals in the crowd, who considered the police's actions to be an abuse of their authority, started to express their hostility, and one police officer responded to the aggression of the crowd by firing about 10 to 12 rounds of his 9mm pistol into the air and onto the ground to disperse the crowd.

The video footage being circulated on Facebook shows a member of the Belmopan Quick Response Team pointing a shotgun at people, and firing at the feet of people. The policeman walked around them in a semi-circle and fired at the ground near their feet, causing injuries to five persons when the bullets hit rocks in the ground and concrete.

One person's eyes were reportedly injured as a result.

Commissioner of Police Allen Whylie, who saw the video of the shooting, dispatched officers of the Professional Standards Branch, led by ACP Keith Lino, to investigate the incident. ACP Lino held a press conference today at the Racoon Street Police Station to update the media on the investigation.

Lino said that the five persons injured in the shooting have been identified as Jose, Alfredo and George Cowo, three brothers who are residents of San Pedro. They suffered injuries to their feet and have reportedly requested court action as a result.

A woman whose feet were also injured requested no court action.

Enfield Henry, 38, also of San Pedro, suffered injuries to his eyes. Enfield, according to a report, this morning will undergo an operation on his right eye, which has become very swollen.

Lino said that the officers who carried out the shooting have not yet been charged for this injury, pending the outcome of Henry's condition.

The woman who had been held down by police, and was reportedly treated in a rough manner, has not yet been located, and she has not yet given a statement. The three cops have therefore not been charged as yet for any injuries she might have suffered. Lino said that they are trying to locate the woman so that she can give them a statement.

Two policemen of the QRT were arrested and charged with wounding. They are PC Norman Coye and PC Darrell Madril. They were given police bail on Sunday and will be arraigned in court on Tuesday. They have been charged with three counts of wounding and may face additional charges.

Lino said that although the officers will be arraigned at the Magistrate's Court criminally, they will also be dealt with internally. They will be charged for various breaches of the Code of Conduct governing the behavior of police officers.

Lino said that police are issued with batons, and firing a gun is discouraged. He said that they have checked footage taken by cameras on buildings in the area, and they have talked with many eyewitnesses of the incident about what transpired.

A police report of today, Monday, April 3, states the following regarding the incident: "Alfredo Gaspar Cowo Mancia reported that at about 4:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 1, 2017, while at the Central Park, he saw PC Norman Coye, PC Madrill and PC Maga�a dragging two females and began recording the incident with his cell phone.

"He was approached by PC Madrill, who told him to stop videoing and tried to take away his cell phone. PC Madrill reportedly then punched him on the nose, causing it to bleed.

"His brothers, Jose and George Cowo, approached the officers and PC Coye told them to leave and when they refused, he told the other officers to detain George Cowo.

"George ran away but was caught by PC Madrill, and when Jose and Alfredo went to talk to PC Madrill, PC Coye came toward them and pulled out his 9mm. He then felt a blow on his left eye and saw PC Madrill with a shotgun in his hand.

"PC Coye then started to shoot in front of his feet and as he stepped back, he saw his right foot bleeding. He also saw PC Madrill shooting and then noticed his left big toe bleeding also.

"He was detained and taken to the police vehicle, where he was later transported to the San Pedro Polyclinic.

"On Sunday, April 2, 2017, police arrested and charged 27-year-old police officer Norman Coye, with two counts of wounding and 22-year-old police officer Darnell Madrill for one count of wounding, as investigation continues."


Police Officers involved in Shooting Incident arraigned

Two officers of the San Pedro Police Formation, 27-year-old Norman Coye and 22-year-old Darnell Madrill, were officially arraigned, Tuesday, April 4th at San Pedro's Magistrate Court. The officers face charges of 'wounding' after being involved in a shooting incident on Saturday, April 1st at the island's Central Park, in which four persons were injured. According to the court, since the offences are not indictable, they were granted bail of a $1,000 along with two sureties of $500 each. Their case was then adjourned to May 31, 2017. If found guilty, they can serve up to seven years in prison.

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Minister of Police: San Pedro Incident was 'Regrettable'

The Belize Police Department continues its media offensive tonight, in the wake of disturbing footage of officers shooting indiscriminately at residents in San Pedro on Saturday morning.� The department has been doing damage control since the video went viral.� In the aftermath of the mayhem on Barrier Reef Drive, a press brief was convened by the Professional Standards Branch to provide an update into a two-pronged investigation that has subsequently been launched and on Tuesday, Police Constables Norman Coye and Darnell Madrill were arraigned for wounding.� As if that were not enough, sustained public outcry has prompted the Ministry of Home Affairs to take additional measures to offset or minimize damage to the reputation and integrity of the police department.� This morning, flanked by Commissioner of Police Allen Whylie, Minister of Police Elodio Aragon Jr. took on the media and presented new information insofar as the ongoing inquiry into the weekend melee. Junior Minister Aragon concedes that the incident is indeed a severe black-eye for the law enforcement agency.

Elodio Aragon Jr., Minister of Police

"What has happened thus far [is that] we have two police officers who have been placed on interdiction, on half pay.� These two officers have also been charged, arrested and charged for wounding, various degrees of wounding and we also, the investigation is still ongoing because there are other statements being taken from other witnesses and, of course, we are looking to see what other charges can be laid on these officers and possibly other officers, you know, that were involved in this incident.� I just want to tell the media and the public out there that, you know, from the ministry side of things and the police department, we sympathize with what has happened.� I mean this has involved where we have a conflict or a situation between the police officers and the community.� We've always as a police officer looked to work towards and with the community.� In these situations it's unfortunate but at the same time we must bear in mind that the police department will at no time cover up any kind of thing.� We will do our job because at the end of the day the department's good name must stand out and tall for everyone to see."


"Sir, as a seasoned officer yourself, what is your opinion of what you saw, if you've seen the video?� Did these officers handle the situation as a responsible police officer should have?"

Elodio Aragon Jr.

"Well you know, every scenario is different and police officers are trained to deal with certain scenarios.� They understand the use of justifiable force and harm.� They understand the laws that govern their powers as police officers, et cetera.� From the video I've seen, definitely this incident is regrettable.� I must say that this incident was not an incident initiated by the police.� If you all look at the video and understand the facts of the case, this situation initiated when two females were fighting and the police intervened and then of course we had police officers who were not on official duty come and assist and this situation grew to where it is now.� The fact of the matter is that police officers have to be professional officers.� We have to have better trained police officers."

More Charges Coming after Medical Report

PCs Coye and Madrill are on interdiction following their arraignment in the San Pedro Magistrate's Court.� The gun-toting officers, specifically Police Constable Norman Coye, wounded as many as five persons when he discharged his service firearm unto the pavement during the scuffle.� Enfield Henry Garcia was struck in the left eye by fragments of a slug that ricocheted off the ground, but Garcia told News Five on Monday that he did not wish to press charges and wanted assistance to defray medical expenses. In his case, PC Coye has not been charged.� According to Aragon, the department is awaiting a report from the doctors before proceeding with additional charges against the men.

Elodio Aragon Jr., Minister of Police

"It is a regrettable situation, I sympathize with those victims and, of course, the investigation goes on.� And remember, for there to have been a situation like this it's not only about the police, it had to have involved people from the community that resisted the police's authority and it is regrettable but, at the same time, like I said, we are holding no bars to carry out a proper investigation into this to deal with the matter as professionally as possible because at the end of the day this is what the department does and no police officer will be spared in terms of saying, we wahn try cover it up or things like that because we will not tolerate that, we will not condone that."


"Sir, someone has a bullet lodged behind their eye.� Why weren't the officers charged for wounding?"

"Well, at this point in time, as any other investigation, we have to get a medical report from the medical practitioner.� At this point in time, from what I have been informed is that they are waiting for the swelling to go down and after they have done whatever they need to do to look at his eye et cetera then the doctor will classify what is the situation and based on that, charges will be laid.� Like I said, this is a thorough investigation taking place and as soon as whatever, however it develops we will deal with the situation and that is in regards to that specific person you are speaking of.� Like I said, this is twofold: criminal actions and likewise dealing with the disciplinary aspect of it in terms of the policing part of things. The fact is that we have men and women and we are dealing with human beings.� Of course we have police officers who, we would want all police officers to be exceptional police officers but at times we have police officers, they are human beings and they make mistakes and they cross the line.� But when that happens, that is why we have a Police Act to deal with it disciplinary and we have a Criminal Act that governs how we deal with people when they pass and overstep their bounds.� Like I said, this is an investigation that is ongoing."

Channel 5

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Video: Minister of Police: San Pedro Incident was 'Regrettable'

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