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Cascade Game Foundry (CGF�) is pleased to announce the release of their Virtual Reality (VR) experience, 'Dive with Sylvia VR,' now available in the Oculus Rift® Store, in the Gallery section.

'Dive with Sylvia VR' is CGF's first Oculus Rift-enabled experience and features a relaxing, 5-minute scuba dive with National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Sylvia Earle. The legendary oceanographer leads you on a tour of a real dive site in Belize with authentic wildlife: accurate corals, reef fish, sea turtles, groupers, and whale sharks. Because the wildlife on each dive is different, as it is in the real world, you never know what you may see.

'Dive with Sylvia VR' was nominated for Best Travel/Tourism VR Experience at VRFest Las Vegas 2017, then featured at Earth Day TX in Dallas, the UN Ocean Conference in New York City, and the International Marine Protected Area Conference in La Serena, Chile. The beautiful, authentic VR diving experience is a small slice of Infinite Scuba®, the award-winning simulation game for Windows and Mac PCs also created by Cascade Game Foundry.

The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality system that completely immerses you inside virtual worlds. The Rift headset displays a fully immersive 3D experience that transports you from your desk or sofa to another world. By moving your head from side to side and up and down in 'Dive with Sylvia VR', you will experience what it's like to be a real scuba diver exploring a fully-realized undersea world. The hand-held Oculus Touch controls also enable you to aim and shine a light on the wildlife and surroundings during the dive, as well as check your depth and air supply, just like real divers do.

"We're thrilled to release 'Dive with Sylvia VR' as our first Oculus Rift-enabled experience," says Kathie Flood, Managing Director and CEO of Cascade Game Foundry. "Virtual-reality technology has enabled us to give people a powerful, realistic, hands-on experience of being in the ocean. They leave the virtual water inspired to learn more and to protect the ocean, acting on Dr. Earle's mission."

CGF will donate all the proceeds from sales of 'Dive with Sylvia VR' to Mission Blue. Founded by Dr. Earle, Mission Blue is a non-profit organization that creates public awareness about critical ocean issues and inspires support for organizations, projects and scientific expeditions that make a positive difference for the ocean. (Belize is in the Mesoamerican Reef, one of Mission Blue's Hope Spots, special places around the world that are critical to the health of the ocean.)

In addition to working closely with Dr. Earle, CGF works with the Diving Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA) and over 20 diving equipment manufacturers, including SCUBAPRO®, Oceanic, and Body Glove, to ensure the integrity of 'Dive with Sylvia VR' and Infinite Scuba while raising awareness of critical ocean and marine life issues.

Infinite Scuba was a runner-up in the Intel Buzz Workshop in June 2016, a finalist in Game Connection America's Selected Projects 2014 competition, a finalist in the 2013 Seattle Independent Game Competition, and the winner of the Best in DEMA Show 2012 award. Cascade Game Foundry is a 2013 Graduate of the Washington Interactive Network's REACTOR Accelerator.

For more information about 'Dive with Sylvia VR', please visit:
