Do you have any flights from Cancun to Belize?

Maya Island Air will start flying to Cancun, Guatemala City, and Honduras next month. The airline announced that it is going regional on July 8th. That’s when the airline will begin flying two return trips to Cancun daily and daily roundtrips to San Pedro Sula Honduras and Guatemala City.

It is easy to get to Cancun on holiday charter flights, but also easy to get to Cancun from Mexico city. Mexico city has many international connections, so people coming from Europe now have a way to get to Belize without all the eye scanning, fingerprinting, lack of transit facilities, and just general chaos that having to travel through the USA, when you don’t actually want to go there at all, generates.

Sometimes Aerocaribe ( will fly from Cancun to Chetumal. Aerocaribe is very sporadic with that flight. Contact them and see if that flight exists currently.  

If you need transportation from Mexico to Belize, or Belize to Mexico, check with George And Esther Moralez at or the Menzie’s at . They can help you.
  1. Alma de Mexico ceased service in October 2008

  2. Alma de Mexico makes you go from Cancun to Mexico City and then back to Chetumal for $211USD. Great if you want to visit Mexico City but you might as well catch the ADO bus with AC and movies as the flight takes 4hrs and 20 mins not including the 2 1/2 hr wait in Mexico City. You would get to Chetumal an hour or more earlier by catching the bus.

  3. I know for a fact that next october 15th its going to start a new flight chetumal- cancun-chetumal daily . It will be operated by a new airline called ALMA ( Chetumal airport is near to Corozal airport just consider the time with custums and inmigration in the border line

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