Robert and Mates

MK note: Here are two more photos furnished by John Doherty, the son of Robert Doherty (Entry #35). Maybe others of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and/or the King's Own Scottish Borderers will show up to help with the who, what, and where of these photos. MK.

John says:
In this photo of Dad's unit, he is in the third row from the top and is the fifth man in from the right hand side of that row.

The photo was taken by the Kowloon City Studio; but, I'm not sure whether it was taken in Japan or Korea. John.

MK comment: I wonder if he was still an Argyll when he got to Japan and there when he was transferred to the KOSB for his trip to Korea. MK.

John says:
Dad is in the very center of this group {photo to left} and just to the right of the guy in the Argyll hat. John.

MK comment: I wonder also if this one was taken in Japan or Korea, and if the group is Argyll or KOSB. Help! MK.

MK late add-on (8 JUL 2001): Below is a photo of a KOSB beret badge. It was emailed to me by "Reg" Kitchener (#41). Maybe he will be help us with other information which belongs on the Doherty pages. MK.

MK late-late add-on (17 Jul 2001): Part of the puzzlement of the when and where of the Doherty photos has been solved. Reg Kitchener (#41) knew that the Kowloon City Studio was located in Hong Kong and found out from Felix Harrigan (whose BKVA web pages you may visit by clicking "Harrigan") that the KOSB went from Korea to Hong Kong in August of 1952. So, it seems some of the Doherty photos were developed, not taken, in Hong Kong. MK.

MK late-late-late add-on (27 Jul 2001): J. C. M. ("Johnny") Johnston (#43), a fellow KOSB, tells us that the photo of the smaller group is definitely of KOSB and that the top photo must have been taken when Robert was still an Argyll. MK.

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