Blue Hole Dive Shop
The Royal Piper, Norman Eiley
Coral Beach Hotel & Dive Club
Amigos del Mar Dive Shop
Hustler Tours


Most people who do not know Belize, on hearing it is in Central America immediately think Third world country! Unstable government! Poor literacy and therefore poor service! Communication problems due to the language barrier!. . among other things! In fact, it is quite the opposite! The official language is English but most people are bilingual. The government is extremely stable and the laws are based on the British system and have a lot in common with the American legal system. Belize also has a literacy rate of 90% and its services are professional without losing thc friendly local flavor.

Click here for three pages of underwater photos....
Ambergris Caye is justly the most popular attraction to the tourists who come to Belize. The factor that most contributes to this is the unbelievably superb diving conditions. Accessibility to the dive sites, excellent weather conditions, clear warm water, variety of dive sites and in the unlikely chance that a diving accident should occur, the hyperbaric chamber is minutes away from any of the dive sites.

Click here for Hol Chan Marine Reserve....
San Pedro Town is the site of major development which evolved from a laid back fishing village to an important tourist attraction. The pace is slow, the people are very friendly, the streets are still dirt and sand and the resorts are small and intimate.

Conservation and protection of the natural resources is very important for the government and people of Belize. Proof of this is the designation of one of the most popular dive sites off Ambergris Caye, Hol Chan, a marine reserve. Strict supervision is in place and no fishing or removal of coral is permitted. Mooring buoys have been installed so that anchors may not destroy the coral.

Training is the basis of new regulation instituted by government this year to improve the services guides render to tourists. To become a dive guide in Belize, one first of all has to be Belizean, study to become a dive master, work with an experienced dive master for a considerable period of time, know the dive sites well, be versed in first aid and safety, and be of sound character. The San Pedro Tourist Guide Association which is 175 members strong plays a significant role in making sure that guides perform well, and guiding is safe. The basic San Pedro dive boat is an island built skiff in the 20 to 26 foot range powered by twin outboard motors. These are fairly fast, traveling to most dive sites within 15 to 20 minutes. Dives are usually done one dive in the morning at 9:00 a.m. and another dive at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. The cost for these two dives, including tanks and weights, ranges between $45.00 to $55.00 U.S. for the two dives the same day. Dives are also arranged to suit diver's schedules. Night dives at the Hol Chan Marine Reserve are done regularly at a cost of$30.00 to $40.00 U.S. Most diving is done outside the reef at depths ranging from 40 to 100 feet. Marine life is more abundant in the Hol Chan Marine Reserve because it is protected and also because the tidal currents bring nutrients to the area which attract a variety of marine life.
Click here for Blue Hole info...

Click for Map of Ambergris Caye Dive Sites

Skin Diver magazine describes a typical dive area off San Pedro as an area outside the reef where "the corals gradually siope to about 50 feet along a bottom of scattered heads, seafans, and gorgonians. From about 60 to 90 feet, the corals form immense spur and groove surge channels perpendicular to the shoreline. These high profile channels are adorned by yellow tube and azure vase sponges, large barrel sponges and a respectable amount of marine life. Rays and schooling jacks are frequently seen, and the most common reef tropicals such as groupers, coneys, angelfish and barracuda are almost sure to be seen. For a more interesting and convoluted bottom featuring caves full of copper sweepers and a resident school of horse-eyed jacks, the dive site Caverns, just outside the Mata Cut, is another local favorite."

Eight professionally run dive shops serve the divers with clean air and well kept diving and snorkeling equipment. Dive instructors work out of these dive shops providing full PADI and NAUl certifcation, referrals for divers wishing to complete the open water certification, and "discover diving" for the snorkelers who dare taste the exciting world of scuba diving.

Scuba diving has come a long way in Ambergris Caye! Safety, protection of the natural resources and convenience to the diver are very important to our diving community. The government and people of Belize have decided that development of our tourist industry will be planned; it will grow slowly and gradually, never losing sight of the vital importance of protection of our precious reef and the dangers of over-development. But, please don't take my word for it, come check it out yourselves!

by Fidel Ancona

Editors Note: The offshore reef and its protecting of the inland sea around the island makes for extremely clear and calm water for diving. Most of the area inside the reef is 6-8 feet deep, and you can see more here with just a mask and/or snorkle than you can see most places while diving. In that mere 6 feet deep of water, there is an amazing diversity of marine life. Dolphins (very friendly), nurse sharks, rays, zillions of multi-colored fish of many varieties highlight a quick dip in the water around Ambergris Caye. Any novice can come here and be amazed, and then go to the dive shops and become an expert!

As a child said, "Its like Seaworld without the glass..."

Marty, ChiefNerd,

Click here for three pages of underwater photos....

For more information, follow these links:
Blue Hole Dive Shop
The Royal Piper, Norman Eiley
Coral Beach Hotel & Dive Club
Amigos del Mar Dive Shop
Hustler Tours
Diving the Atolls
Diving off Ambergris Caye and the Belize Barrier Reef
Ambergris Caye Barrier Reef
Map of Ambergris Caye Dive Sites

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