Eating that Catch

Boil up sufficient water Put fillet in boiling -- count 4 minutes after water starts boiling again -- then take out!!

Normally we make up some rice (don't forget the coconut when making the rice!) and cook it with some ripe plantain (cut in small pieces).

Put the rice in a bowl -- apply fillet to the top -- generous amount.

According to a certain Dean of a University that went out with us a while back -- it was the best sea food she had ever had!! (But then she kept saying that about all the meals we prepared!)

I can only agree. Never over cook fresh fillet -- it kills it!! Hard frying fish and covering it with lime is for getting rid of bad taste -- usually from the fish being not fresh. Here, it wiggles while we fillet! No need hard fry or lime!! Simply delicious.

Also -- notice its grill -- not fry!! Fish is like egg. Has a protein in the meat that turns to "rubber" when heated to high. Frying kills fish meat!! But then there is poaching -- another day maybe.

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Sure -- lot's of Belizeans like hard fried (till crispy) eggs and fish fillet -- and use 123 cooking oil (a very cheap Mexican cooking oil that is popular here -- deadly stuff -- I stick with coconut oil). Cancer is a rising!! Especially stomach cancer. If the average Belizean is anything like the average North American was -- it will take then 20 plus years to figure out that connection!!

And of course -- no matter how fancy the restaurant -- they never have it that fresh!

We run a gourmet kitchen on my boat at all times!!

Maybe I should run a high cuisine restaurant? You get on the boat -- we all go out -- catch your meal and cook it fresh. Fresh, folks, is the secret.

And oh -- the customer can snorkel and watch the chef catch his meal.

We spent five days around Bacalar Chico and made $10 -- but ate better than kings!!

Personal testimonial here. I immigrated to San Pedro from New Orleans, world famous for seafood cuisine. Due to the freshness, the cleaner sea water, apparently the more care taken in cleaning the fish, I'll testify that to my taste, a simple filet of any edible fish caught in Belizean waters outperforms the most elaborate concoctions I've eated at Antoine's and such. Spanish hogfish! Sybaritic! Several actual Cajuns, not temporarily adopted like me, who've moved down here enthusiastically munch to that.

Also a hardy WOOF in favor of splitting your victim and grilling it with scales intact. Who needs paper plates, or any other kind? Just seems to be more righteous than forking the morsels off a piece of cold crockery.
John Lankford

Alternative Recipe:
Filet the snapper leaving scales on - cut out rib cage
Salt, pepper and rub with brown/creole mustard
Put scale side down on the grill until done - do NOT turn it over Use 2 spatulas to lift it from the grill when done

The scales/skin will curl up just a little bit keeping the juices in - and the meat will just flake of the skin when you eat it

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