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Step One - Starting Out

If you are thinking of buying property in Belize - relax. Titles are secure, laws are sensible, and there is no more beautiful place you could choose to invest or live. Buying property here is not very complicated. It requires a little work on your part_.. so here is what you need to do.

First - come to Belize. There is no sense in "researching" available land from afar if you have not been here. The realtors and other professionals in Belize get an avalanche of such requests every day - and at most 1 in 50 of such requests for information result in a person who actually materializes in the country. All of us here have searched for years to think of a way to give others the sense of the country from afar - and there simply is no way that works. So- just do it - show up. That is step #1.

Second - Relax and see if you like it here. Travel around a little. Listen. You will never learn if you like Belize if you waste time telling other people about your stress level and what it's like in your home country. If you like the stress you came from, then don't even think of moving here. If you are a big-shot at home and like it, don't even think of moving here. If you are racist and greedy - don't even think of moving here. If you think about short term gain - don't even think of moving here. All these traits are pretty common in today's First World - and they are abrasive and unwelcome in Belize. Belizeans will not confront you with their dislike for these attitudes. They are far too polite for that. What will happen instead is that whatever you wish to do here will simply not work out- you will never know what hit you, or why everything failed, but you will end up leaving and have lost a great deal of money along the way. If on the other hand things "unfold" easily for you here - if you like people and nature - if you can sit with another person on a verandah for an hour watching the reef and the birds and can do this comfortably without talking - then you are most likely ready for Belize. If you have a drinking problem and haven't managed to do something about it before coming to Belize, you will most likely find yourself in big trouble - seek AA before you have tropical heat, spare time and great beer tempting you at every turn. If you are a self-starter and enjoy freedom - you will fit in fine. If your marriage is in trouble, don't move here together - divorce will definitely be the result. If you and your spouse are good friends then you will find Belize gives you the chance to really enjoy each other and to fall in love all over again. If you are single, you might just fall in love and you might just get married.

Third - If you think Belize is right for you - start looking for property. By the time you have done # 1 & #2, you will have a sense of how to view what you see, and how life works. Many people make decisions based on price alone, and find out in the end that they have missed certain essential items that make the "cheap" lot cost the most in the end. Observe - and ask questions from the professional who is most likely informed on the subject. Where do you look? In the newspaper. In the offices of realtors. Read listings on real estate websites. Walking around your favorite area and look for "for sale" signs. Nothing too exotic about it - it's pretty much the same process as you would go through "at home."

Fourth - If you like it, and you can afford it - buy it. Now. Prices are still very reasonable but are steadily going up. Inventory is going down. Buy what you like, what you can afford and what you will use.

Inspect - title, boundaries and terrain. Check - zoning and condition of buildings. Use - professionals only, including an attorney for title transfer. Find - people you can trust and be loyal to them. Build relationships within the community from day one, and you will find that buying property in Belize may be the best thing you ever did.

Thanks for reading. Diane Campbell

IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION on buying property in Belize, or to contact Diane or her husband Bob Campbell, click here.

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