More computers for San Pedro High School

Press Release From San Pedro High- Three more top of the line computers, IBM 486's equipped with Windows 95, have joined the desktops at San Pedro High bringing our total number of computers to 23. The average size of a class is 30, the total that San Pedro High envisions to have in its laboratory one day in the near future. Studies in computers are offered to juniors and seniors at San Pedro High.

This latest addition which includes a lap top computer is the donation of the National Christian Foundation from the USA who distributes data processing hardware and software donated by businesses that are upgrading their equipment. Our contact person was Mr. Mark Hendrickson of Bagley, MN. Hendrickson visited in San Pedro in October along with dentists of the Christian Dental Society. Hendrickson communicated with Principal Nuņez about the possibility of bringing more technology to S.P.H. and on Friday, March 26, Hendrickson, his wife, Gloria and two of their children arrived at Lily's Hotel in San Pedro with holiday gear plus several large boxes containing the equipment. Their daughter has been corresponding since December by e-mail with Miriam Graniel, a senior student at San Pedro High. The Hendricksons left the island on Friday, April 4, reddened by the sun, sad of leaving many friends behind, but joyful at having extended a helping hand to children in another part of the world. They hope to give more of their time and efforts to help more children in Belize.

More computers for San Pedro High School

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