Real Estate Corner - The color of money

I picked the title for this weeks' column partly as a little joke, but also to point out that there are some beautiful colors in this world, that beautiful buildings are lovely things to behold, and that they are more valuable for their colorful beauty as well. Add to that the sheer delight of living in a colorful place, and you have a situation that is both enjoyable and has increased value.

Angel Nuñez has his "Hall of Fame" for people - I'd like to start a hall of fame for wonderful colorful buildings! I'll start by mentioning a few that particularly catch my eye ......... there is a house on middle street, just south of the BEL plant - when its wooden shutters are open you see the most glorious contrast of red and blue. Or walk a bit further south on Middle Street and pass the Palace, where tropical pastels abound. The Xanadu apartments picked a bright shade of green when they repainted, and the purple trim at Rock's livens up my day whenever I see it. The color I have always called "Town Board Blue" is a wonderful reflection of the colors of Caribbean Sea - it's the trim at the Town Board, and on the wall at the basketball court. There is a charming purple and white Victorian house on Coconut Drive, and the colors of the buildings at the Island Academy delight the senses. Take a little jaunt north of the cut and see a lavender house sitting next to a peachy-orange one with a delightfully painted Sweet Basil Grocery just nearby. Don't miss the stunning colors at Mata Chica Resort while your heading north, and take time to appreciate the Alijua building while your in town.The Coral Beach Hotel knows a thing or two about color - and take a look at the murals we are seeing around San Pedro as well. There is a great painting on the wall at San Pedro Hardware ......... and when the Central Park fountain is at its fresh best it brightens up all of Front Street. Take a ride out to San Pablo and look at the office of the San Pedro Sun - suns are brilliant gold and so is this building! There are more beautiful and colorful buildings in San Pedro (so please don't feel left out if your house is colorful and it didn't get mentioned) but just sitting here at my typewriter I can recall and envision these pretty places. The developer at the "Pink Place" also known as Caribe Island Resort, tells me that he thinks that the brilliant color was a big asset in selling those condos. You see, we remember colors ........ they make an impression on our minds.

What color should you use when it's time for you to repaint? Any color you like. An artist once told me that there are no ugly colors. She said that colors look different to your eye depending on what is beside them. The more colors you have in one place the prettier they all become. Like a flower garden. Like a coral reef. Like tropical fish. Like Belize!

So San Pedro - don't fight it - when you paint think COLOR. (I'll be home this weekend picking out colors for my own plain wood house...... you're free to make suggestions, just don't tell Dr. Love.)

Thanks for reading ...........

Diane Campbell

Real Estate Corner - The color of money

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