You aren't being disrespectful at all -- I always appreciate being challenged when valid -- and your challenges certainly appear valid -- especially if you have more direct knowledge from European sources.

Here is one of the articles mentioning the scarves...

I'll see if I can find a you tube of some "man/woman on the street" interviews from weeks ago.

My point is that any exhibition from the jury such as this (if true) seems quite inappropriate, and if you go to my original post, it was simply being referenced to say that this doesn't seem like it would fly in the U.S. We've seen mistrials in the U.S. where the jury admitted to looking to the Bible for guidance, and any reference point other than the law should be reason for an appeals court to re-consider the verdict -- at least in the U.S.

Again, I'm not saying she is innocent or given a raw deal in any way -- just seemed very odd to me.

That's all smile

I will have a Belikin -- put it on klcman's tab.