Don't quite understand what you're saying, TQ. My views haven't been arrived at through a closed mind, but from evidence I've seen reported that has already convinced a court of law. Or is the problem that my views don't correspond with yours? Do bear in mind that someone killed her, and most brutally. You can't just exonerate everyone because you don't want to think ill of them.

That said, I woke up this morning with some different ideas in my head. I think I may have dreamt about the subject, though I don't remember that. I now feel uncomfortable about the Congolese that she accused who was subsequently cleared on the basis of alibis. I know absolutely nothing about him and I haven't read either her accusation or the reasons he was cleared, but he comes from an unbelievably bestial part of the world - I know, I was there for several months once - and brutal murder is a normal part of the culture there. Human life counts for absolutely nothing, and they practised cannibalism as recently as the 1960's. I emphasis that I am in no way making an accusation, but I'd be very interested to go into those alibis that apparently totally cleared him with a very fine toothcomb.