Bogus story: his spokesman now claims he received a voice mail from an anonymous caller ID, the message the gentleman stated, "John was picked up crossing the Mexican border" and since, he claims, he hasn't heard from McAfee. All to stir up the media who excel in their copy/paste reporting with sensational headlines.

What makes me so angry about all of this is that there is someone that has been murdered here, and Mr. McAfee has got valuable information - that information can be that he is innocent, or that he knows who might have done it, or point the police in the right direction - he refuses to cooperate. In what other country can you do this creating a total drama about imaginary threats? Certainly not in the USA or in the UK.

He is now creating this media circus around him with preposterous accusations and it looks like he has prepared it well before. He claims he has tons of pre-written material for his blog - at least a year of posts - in case he would be captured and the funny part is that he is not even wanted for murder, just for questioning. I don't think the police is actively looking for him, just waiting for him to resurface. I loved this quote in the "John McAfee Wanted for Questioning in Murder" thread: "What do you call someone running from people who are not looking for them?"

It is just like after the raid at his home in Orange walk - that was 100% self inflicted by the way. The New York Times describes it best: "A rich guy, in the middle of the jungle, with a lab surrounded by a lot of men with weapons, and links to area bad guys: it looked highly suspicious to the Gang Suppression Unit, which in late April raided his compound looking for what it assumed was a meth lab."

Don't forget he was asked friendly to show the Police around on his compound several times before he was raided, he refused and started to call the Minister according to Mr. McAfee himself. Again, in what Democratic country can anybody call the Minister to prevent the Police from searching, acting on credible suspicions?

After this he went into "hiding" according to his interviews, while strolling around San Pedro with his prostitutes, openly visiting bars, restaurants and riding the Coastal Xpress. He even posed for the local press, with 2 of his girls, the Mayor and the Police while donating material to them - that, I have been told, has been returned to his home, since this drama.

Have you seen the "Boycott Belize" section on his blog? Boycotting the people of Belize who have accepted him here, some of them whom he bribed, as he admits in his many interviews. Does he think he is Natalee Holloway? I think he should be more concerned about what the people of Belize think of him after this theatre performance, once he has been questioned and goes back to his home, than being afraid of the Police!

What makes me even more angry are the sensation seekers and adrenaline junkies who are coming on this and his board with their "expert" opinions about everything that is wrong in Belize. There are a lot of things wrong in Belize, just like in many other countries like the USA and the UK. Sometimes different things, often the same issues. Belize is working hard to address what is wrong in Belize, and Mr. McAfee does not help; he makes it worse! Please people, get a life! By ignoring this oversexed junkie and wannabe action hero, the sooner he comes out of hiding and can assist the police with resolving this murder. Then we can all get on with our lives.

I hope this thread too gets locked soon!

Live and let live