There were something like 8-9 people on McAfee's property the night Mr. Faul was murdered, and at least 3 of them were arrested/detained for a period of time. McAfee maintains that all of those people on his property that night, should have been able to verify his whereabouts, which was at home all evening.

I understand the position that one should provide themselves to the police for questioning, but considering what he's been through in the past, I can certainly understand why he's seriously reluctant.

Further, this seems like someone else's handprints on the gun that killed Mr. Faul. What is McAfee to say? "I was home all evening and never heard a thing and didn't know about it until the next day, when I found out the same way everyone else did."

Just as iluvbelize said, from my armchair perspective, my instincts say he might be cuckoo but he didn't do it and the police aren't looking any further than the end of their out-of-joint nose.

Mr. Faul and his family certainly deserve better.

A fish and a bird can fall in love, but where will they build their nest?