ott, I've come to the conclusion that you just don't know what a jury is going to do. I think it is a good system but with certain people...?

I've been on 2 juries. In one which was a damage case the plaintiff surely did not have a case and was made a fool of on the stand. We go into deliberations and right off one of the jurors says, "I know he's faking it but he worked hard at this case for several years so he should be rewarded" or words very close to that. I did a nutty and I told her and the other jurors that I would propose he getting nothing at all if that position was entertained. We ended up giving him a small amount to cover initial medical bills that where probably covered anyway by insurance.

Another case which was a criminal case was worse than that but it would take a little to explain it. In that case the jury ended up hung and I'm not sure if it was ever retried. I didn't make any friends in that case but I didn't like decisions of his guilt made on the demeanor/looks of the defendant's attorney by a couple of jurors.

I hope I never get picked for a jury again. Right now my wife and daughter have standby dates.

Formerly from somewhere on a beach in Belize