Originally Posted by RMT
It seems to me that being a Slut does not necessarily make one a murderer IF she WAS in fact that

I agree with you, but that's not the point. The point is that her family (apparently) genuinely believe she is an angelic product of her Jesuit education and no more capable of sluttish behaviour (which is not disputed by the defence, though of course they don't use that word) than of the crime she was charged with. They base their defence of her (in the public arena) initially on her pure white character.

Now whether there was enough detailed evidence to convict her I don't know, and nor do any of us. We only know what's been reported. Suffice to say that the Court did find the evidence convincing. Have you seen that she has willingly stated from prison that she believes her trial to have been fair and just? She doesn't agree with the outcome of course, but she has no problem with the process. Or so it's reported.