On a $659.45 BOS to BZE on Continental there are $311 in fees. the Belize and the US fees seem modest but the fuel surcharge is a killer. mad
I've read various reasons for this surcharge and I've never been able to figure who is responsible for it and if it can be reduced.

U.S. Federal Transportation Tax $16.10
U.S. Security Service Fee $7.50
Fuel Surcharge $240.00
U.S. Passenger Facility Charge $12.00
U.S. APHIS User Fee $5.00
U.S. Immigration User Fee $7.00
U.S. Customs User Fee $5.50
Bellize Conservation Tax $3.75
Belize Passenger Service Charge $15.00
Belize Security Tax $2.50
Belize Airport Development Fee $18.00
U.S. Federal Transportation Tax $16.10

Certain taxes/fees list above are included in the originally quoted price.

Formerly from somewhere on a beach in Belize