Originally Posted by Cooper
Its the taxes and airport fees that keep fares here high..if you remember 5 yrs ago it was an average fare RT SFO..LAX..$400 rt...dallas..Miami about $290 RT..when they expanded the airports capacity for BIG planes hoping to pull in direct European flights that Belize Government jacked up the fees. They really dont have a clue what they have done by reducing tourism here,
Still RT flights from Cancun to most US destinations are about $350...compared to $800 from Belize..we thought we would never have to go that route again...but just did...

I'm not sure that's true Debbie, Source? If you look at the above breakdown it is the fuel surcharge and that seems to be a cost added by the airline, not Belize Government or Airport Co. Cancun flights are reportedly that low due to subsidies.