As I understand it, all seashore in Belize is owned by the GOB, 66 feet from the waterline.
This rule is obviously broken all over the country, my lot and many others come within 10 or so feet.
This ownership includes docks, which in Belize are built and maintained by the people who's property abbuts the sea frontage, after they have applied and received permission from the Gov. to build them.
This Gov. owned seashore rule is in effect in lots of countries, it was the same in Costa Rica and Florida.
It has it's roots in old maritime law, stops denial of people in distress (at sea) from safe landing.
As always in Belize, a dispute would bring varied arbitrary results, depends on who's dock and who wants to walk on it.
There are lots of docks on CC that have signs and gates.
I had one resentful old codger with an unmarked dock tell me it would be $50 per bonefish caught off his.
I laughed, told him the bonefish are free, he doesn't own the dock, but moved 50 feet to the next one to avoid opening a can of worms.
In typical Belize fashion, for years now he crosses the street when he sees me.