I look forward to the road north being properly paved. I look forward to great drainage and adequate speed ramps installed just as we see in town, along with proper safe street lighting.

I have lost count of the number of tourists I have spoken to in the last year or two who have been appalled by the deplorable state of the road north of the bridge. It has been embarrassing trying to explain this ridiculous situation to them. We need to treat them better than offering them a golf cart and a drive on a mud-mogul of a dirt track.

Time to pave and light the road.

Now that dry season seems to be upon us and the road is at least navigable the complaints have somewhat slowed....except tourists really don't like the dust and neither tourists nor residents like the speedsters.

Helpful real estate hint: When buying a house in the bush pay for a survey before finalizing the deal. When buying a plot of land do the same unless it has recently been surveyed and markers are clearly visible. But, before you build, pay for a NEW survey anyway just in case.....You don't want to encroach on someone's property (or a public road).