Marijuana Law Subject to Misinterpretation

After introducing for a first reading the bill to decriminalize possession of ten grams or less of marijuana in the House of Representatives in August, Prime Minister Dean Barrow indicated that a public education campaign would be needed to address certain beliefs and concerns floating around during the long-standing debate about marijuana in the last five years. He conceded that the amendment does not go nearly as far as some would like, and further than opponents like the churches want it to. But attorney Richard "Dickie" Bradley revealed to News Five today that some are already looking for loopholes in a law that hasn't even been passed yet.

Richard "Dickie" Bradley, Attorney

"A lot of persons out there believe that the suggestion by the Government, the proposal by the Government, the draft of a bill to say decriminalize ten grams of marijuana - poorly thought out and so on - but the point I want to make is that it is not the law. A lot of people are arguing with me - I'm supposed to be the lawyer, they are the "bush lawyer" and they are telling me that that's legal; they can have ten grams in their house. No law has been passed; you are not protected; they will kick down your door and ker you da station and charge you. No law no pass; it's not true."


"It's not passed yet."

Richard "Dickie" Bradley

"Ih no pass yet, because it's not properly thought out. Who will they buy the weed from? Let me tell you what the "bush lawyers" tell me: if the man dem come ina my house and I have fifty, sixty grams of marijuana, I'll let them know: 'hear weh di happen my boy, ten da fi my brother; ten da fi my uncle; ten da fi my partner whe stay yah and so on; I noh di brok no law.' Dehn done gah dis thing figga out. (Laughs) I'll leave you with that."

The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill is referred to the Health and Human Development Committee of the House. The Prime Minister said in August that nothing has been contemplated at this juncture for those who provide and sell the drug. Offenders can face jail time if caught.

Channel 5