On one of our early trips to Belize, I was outside my favortie Paradise Resort Hotel taking sunrise pictures. Several men passed by on their way to work. Each one said, "Good morning, Mum". I responded in kind, and added, "beautiful day, isn't it". By about the fifth man I chuckled and said, "But I guess they all are". His answer was, "Yes Mum, it only we who make them otherwise". So true of the folks in Belize, they make the days good for all. Please don't go to Cancun, you will hate it. Belize is the kindest place. Trust me, you will love it. I take off every morning for a sunrise walk, for years now, and never have been pestered or the least worried. Its wonderfully safe and nice. Also note how rare it is to hear a child cry. They are just loved to pieces there. Please give it a try. Marie