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Joined: Oct 1999
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Marty Offline OP
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Election 2012: Belize's Ruling Party Prevails in Closely Contested Vote

CLICK HERE for the Final Results in a spreadsheet

Incumbent Prime Minister of Belize Dean Barrow and his United Democratic Party (UDP) secured a narrow victory in a closely contested general election to win a second consecutive term in government.

Yesterday (7 March), Belizean voters went to the polls to take part in the country's municipal and general elections. The general election, which was not constitutionally required to happen until February 2013, was called early by Belizean Prime Minister Dean Barrow in January with the declared intention of coinciding with the municipal election and thereby promoting increased electoral participation. According to the Belizean Election and Boundary Department, 178,054 voters registered to take part in the general election of which 108,753 are recorded as having cast their ballots, representing a respectable, if not spectacular, turn-out rate of approximately 61%. Although the official outcome has yet to be announced at the time of writing, preliminary results indicate that Barrow's governing United Democratic Party (UDP) won an estimated 16 out of a possible 31 seats in the House of Representatives against the opposition People's United Party's (PUP) 14 seats. One seat remains undecided.

Although 16 seats would be enough for the UDP to secure re-election and subsequently another five-year term in office, the narrow margin of victory will be received uncomfortably by the Prime Minister's party. This is particularly the case when the result is compared with Barrow's electoral victory in 2008, when the UDP, after two terms in opposition, regained office from the PUP in a landslide result that saw Barrow's party win 25 out of the total 31 House of Representative seats. In this context, yesterday's result represents a fall in support for the UDP, which in turn could impact on how it hopes to govern in its second consecutive term in government.

Issues to Watch

How the UDP intends to govern is outlined in the party's manifesto, titled "Always for the People'. That document is constructed around three central tenets--pro-poor policies; honesty and accountability; and sovereign nationalism--and sets out a range of pledges predominantly focused around plans to build new, and improve existing, infrastructure (seeBelize: 24 February 2012:). In addition to these policy promises, there will be a number of issues to watch for in the coming months. These include a possible re-negotiation of Belize's foreign debt, a referendum on offshore oil exploration, and efforts to curb rising insecurity.

Prior to being re-elected, Barrow noted that among his first actions should he regain office would be a possible re-negotiation of Belize's USD546.8 million so-called Superbond. Although the Prime Minister has not yet made clear what form this re-negotiation will take, indications are that it could include negotiating a lower rate of interest, currently set at 8.5%, or possibly delaying the payment itself, which is due by 2029. Either way, suggestions of this possibility contributed to Standard and Poor's downgrading Belize's sovereign rating by two notches to "CCC-" prior to the election (seeBelize: 5 March 2012:).

In addition to foreign debt, the issue of whether to permit offshore oil drilling in Belize has become increasingly prominent in recent weeks. This was brought to the fore by a mock referendum staged on 29 February by non-governmental organisation OCEANA, a member of The Belize Coalition to Save Our National Heritage, which attracted approximately 29,000 voters, of which 96% voted against allowing offshore oil drilling. The UDP, in response, promised to conduct a national referendum on the issue should it be elected, and this is likely to take place in the medium term, although no date has yet been suggested.

Another issue worth watching is that of security. Belize has experienced a sharp increase in violent crime and gang-related activity in recent years, with the homicide rate increasing from 34.4 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2008, when Barrow came to office, to a high of 41.7 per 100,000 in 2010, one of the highest rates in region, which itself is among the worst in the world. Although Barrow has not explicitly outlined his plans to reverse this trend, doing so will be key to getting off to a strong start in his second consecutive term in office, with the UDP likely to strengthen anti-crime legislation.

Outlook and Implications

Overall, the closely contested result will be humbling for Barrow and his government. This in turn could discourage his party from attempting to enact policies that may be overly controversial, and this will have to be taken on board in thinking about how it intends to act in relation to the issues of the Superbond, oil drilling and security. For the opposition, this result will come as a significant improvement from 2008 and will give it a foundation on which to build for the subsequent election in five years' time. Of note, although 61% is a reasonable level of turnout, that 70,000 did not partake in the ballot could have proved decisive, given the narrowness of the UDP's victory. This in turn could mean that Barrow's decision to call the election early, minimising the opposition's opportunity to mobilise its full support, could prove to be a politically and tactically astute move.

The OAS is giving their view of the elections ... very interesting.

They are going to recommend that legal mechanisms be implemented to allow women into the financial process.


  1. Campaign finance reform.
  2. More female participation
  3. Stronger barriers to campaigning at the gates of voting areas.
  4. The seeming melding of state and party before the elections.

Preliminary Statement by the OAS Electoral Observation Mission to Belize

March 8, 2012

As part of its first ever Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) to Belize, the Organization of American States (OAS) fielded a team of 22 members from 13 countries to observe the March 7, 2012 General and Municipal Elections. On Election Day, observers were present in all six districts, visiting over 85% of the nation's polling areas.

The following preliminary observations are based on the direct observations of the OAS team, as well as meetings with electoral authorities, government officials, political parties, representatives of civil society organizations and the media.


First of all, the mission wishes to congratulate the people of Belize for the peaceful exercise of their franchise during this electoral process, in what was a historically competitive and close election. The ability of Belizean political parties to incorporate all of the nation's diverse population should be commended as an exemplary practice for the region.

The mission also applauds the dedication and professionalism of the more than 3,000 polling officials that administered two simultaneous elections and ensured a smooth process throughout polling day.

Pre-electoral period

The OAS mission observed the significant preparations made by the Elections and Boundaries Commission and the Election and Boundaries Department. On the whole, this produced a clean and inclusive process. The mission would particularly like to emphasize efforts to provide voters with timely information through its website, which was periodically updated in the days before the election.

The OAS mission was pleased to observe the strong presence of women in the political process: at high levels of electoral administration, as senators and as secretaries general of political parties. Nonetheless, the mission noted with concern the extremely low numbers of female candidacies in both electoral processes. Only three out of the 74 candidates for the general election were women, a mere 4%.

During the pre-electoral period, the mission heard concerns with regards to the voters list, stemming from the extension of the registration period and alleged irregularities in the registration of newly naturalized citizens. The campaign period was also characterized by a perception of limited differentiation between the state and the governing party in terms of resources. The issue of campaign finance and other concerns surrounding the campaign process will be addressed in further detail in the mission's verbal report to the OAS Permanent Council.

Election day procedures

On Election Day, observers reported that 100% of observed polls opened on time at 7:00 am, that all were equipped with the necessary electoral materials and that the vast majority of polling stations were suitable for the purpose. Observers noted that polling officials were knowledgeable and well trained and worked diligently to orient voters and ensure an efficient voting process. The Mission would like to emphasize that women represented more than half of returning officers, polling clerks, counting clerks and party agents.

The OAS mission observed that political parties were actively engaged with the electorate, orienting voters and educating them about voting procedures. Agents from the two major parties maintained a presence at all of the polling stations observed by the mission. Nonetheless, the active role played by party activists, who congregated in significant numbers outside of many voting centers, produced a less than conducive environment for the voting process. The electoral propaganda observed in the vicinity of polling stations and the prevalence of t-shirts bearing candidate names and symbols could be construed as electioneering. At one polling station, an OAS observer witnessed a party activist distributing money immediately outside of the polling center to a group of people after they had voted.

Tabulation and processing of results

After the close of the polls, ballot boxes were transported to centralized counting offices, where results were tabulated and then relayed to the Elections and Boundaries Department. The incorporation of new procedures to have large polling areas serve as counting stations and to simultaneously count multiple ballot boxes led to a more efficient counting process and prevented excessive delays. However, the counting process still went late into the night. Official results had not yet been disseminated by midnight on election day.


Based on the information gathered by the OAS Electoral Observation Mission during its time in Belize, the mission would like to offer the following recommendations to further strengthen the Belizean electoral process:

1) The promotion of female participation throughout the electoral process

The OAS electoral observation mission recommends that efforts be made by both political parties and the government to promote the participation of women in electoral competition. In particular, the mission recommends the development of legal mechanisms to ensure women are incorporated on the ballot and the promotion of training programs for female political leaders. In this light, the fact that a woman was elected to parliament represents a positive step.

2) The Enactment of Campaign Finance Regulations

The Mission notes that political financing is unregulated in Belize. The current framework places no limits on campaign spending and does not require disclosure of campaign contributions or expenditures. In order to allow voters to make a more informed decision and to ensure more equity in electoral competition, the OAS recommends the development of campaign finance legislation that addresses these gaps.

3) Reduction of Electioneering in and around Polling Stations

The Mission recommends that the government and political parties take positive steps towards reducing the role and influence of party activists at voting centers, through more uniform enforcement of the 100 yard boundary around polling stations and through the enactment of stronger mechanisms to protect the ability of voters to vote without outside pressure or fear of reprisal as they exercise their voting rights.

A more detailed verbal report on the observations and recommendations of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission will be presented to the OAS Permanent Council in Washington D.C. within the coming weeks. This report will be shared with all stakeholders in Belize and will be available through the OAS website at

The OAS mission wishes to express its thanks to the Government of Belize for the invitation to observe this process and for the Belizean people for the warm welcome in which we were received throughout the country. In addition, the mission thanks the governments of Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Switzerland, the United States and the United Kingdom for their contributions that made this mission possible.

Joined: Oct 1999
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Marty Offline OP
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UDP wins Second Term, Narrowly

The UDP will form the next Government of Belize. The party has won a majority of the seats in the House of Representatives, by a margin of 17 to 14.

And while that is comfortable, the race was closer than that. In fact, a difference only 61 votes total in Cayo Central and Cayo northeast gave the UDP the majority it needs to form the government.

That is a razor-thin margin, but nonetheless - party loyalists - are calling it a case of "ugly win betta than pretty lose" and moving on to form the new government.

There is a consequential challenge to the outcome though - as tonight the PUP is contesting the result sand not conceding defeat.

We'll have more on that in a minute, but first, to the victor goes the headlines. The UDP held a press conference this afternoon - and the Prime Minister designate gave his impressions of the election outcome and a preview of the days and years ahead. Here's how that went:

Jules Vasquez Reporting

There were a lot of hearty handshakes and hugs for both winners and losers before today's press conference.

The atmosphere was tinged with disappointment but still happy if not triumphalist: after all the UDP has now won four of the seven elections since 1981 and can rightly call itself the dominant party in the country's post-independence era.

But a close shave not dominance is what the PM opened with

Dean Barrow - Prime Minister Elect
"If things had gone slightly differently, I might not have been here at all today."

And Barrow started on a conciliatory note for his second term

Dean Barrow
"We hope that with the heat of battle behind us, healing in the nation can begin. It has never been the policies of the United Democratic Party to, in any systematic way, practice any kind of victimization. We are always going to give the break to our own supporters, all other things being equal, but there is never going to be - as long as I am here - any calculated policy to seek to inflict pressure on those that did not and do not support us. This is one Belize, and we are all Belizeans. And the Government of the United Democratic Party must be government for all Belizeans."

But, that said, Barrow made it clear that his strong governance style would continue:

Dean Barrow
"Our mandate is greatly reduced, or rather our numbers are greatly reduced, but I want to make the point that what the United Democratic Party stands for and believes in is unchanging, is as constant as the northern star, and is unwavering. Our stand for Belizean Nationalism will continue undiminished, undaunted, and our pro-people and pro-poor programs will actually be expanded. We will want work with all. We will want to extend a hand to the Opposition, to Civil Society, and to the NGO Community. We will always try to be understanding and accommodating, but nobody better ever think that the UDP is, in any sense, weaken. To the contrary, speaking for myself, we have been given a second term, and as I said in one interview that I gave, that provides us with a certain degree of latitude. It gives us the luxury of never ever again having to worry about being a one-term government. Therefore, we will do what is right without stopping to count the consequences. Work with us, we say to all in society. Don't come and test us. Don't test us, because we are not about to back off. We want to embrace all, but if there is any that wishes to fling down the gauntlet, then it will be 'tit for tat' and butter for fish. And I say this, ladies and gentlemen, because I have already begun to hear certain rumblings, but let me not dwell on that. I hope that I have made it clear, that the preferred stance of this government is to try to reach out to all and sundry. The preferred approach of this government is to try to work with everyone. There are going to be differences. We believe that with dialog, we can perhaps resolve most of the differences, and that in any event, we can agree to disagree without becoming disagreeable, but I repeat, don't test us."

And so with that, they are going about their business of forming a new administration:

Dean Barrow
"Tomorrow, I hope to be sworn in. There is an appointment for me with His Excellency, the Governor General, at 10 a.m. Thereafter, I will be looking at the whole question of the re-alignment - if that is the correct word because of certain circumstances that I will get into in a minute - but I will be looking at the re-alignment of ministries. I then expect to take the weekend to contemplate on the question of appointments to ministerial positions. It's a long weekend; Monday is a holiday. I would therefore propose not to announce the Cabinet until sometime on Tuesday. I want to make something clear. There are 17 of us that have been returned to office under the United Democratic Party banner. There will now be 17 members of the House of Representatives on the UDP's side. The constitution of the country is clear. Only 2/3 members of the House coming from the party that makes up the majority and forms the Government, can become ministers. The constitution contains an express limitation. 2/3 of 17 don't give you too very many. Let us forget the percentage, because there is no member of the UDP that's a half, or a quarter, or a fraction. So basically, as I say it - and you all now that I've never been good at math, general paper as well, my friend - it means that only 11 of the elected members of the House on the UDP's side can become ministers. So, gentlemen, all of you who have won, this has nothing to do with me. It is the constitution of the country. The particular section also says that the Government is able to appoint 4 additional ministers to come from the Senate. Altogether then, even if we felt that there was a need for more ministries, in the circumstances, the constitution limits us to 15 ministries, and 4 ministers out of the 15 ministers that will head those 15 ministries, must come from the Senate. I am entirely satisfied with the verdict of the Belizean people. We have a working majority - a clear working majority - and that is more than enough to get the job done for our beloved Belize."

The UDP also won a majority of the town boards retaining control of six municipalities - including Belize City.

We'll have more detailed look at the results later on in the newscast.

But before that we'll tell you about the PUP's reaction. The opposition isn't conceding defeat, instead it's asking why it was not granted recounts in the two deciding Cayo divisions.

Channel 7

PUP Does Not Concede Defeat, Says Elections Not Free And Fair

And while Dean Barrow is going to be sworn in as Prime Minister tomorrow morning - the opposition still has not conceded the election.

At a press conference at the party headquarters this evneing, party leader Francis Fonseca said that the election was not free and fair:

Francis Fonseca - Party Leader, PUP
"I would have hoped to report to you regardless of the outcome that on March 7, Belize had free and fair elections. Regrettably, this has been the case. Across the country, there have been credible, reliable, documented reports of abuse and illegality in the conduct of our election process. Our party has assembled a team of legal advisors, who are examining the documented evidence, and reviewing the legal options available. I can report to the nation that it is the intention of the People's United Party to file several election petitions in respect of the March 7 General Elections: certainly one in respect of the Cayo Northeast Division, another in respect of Cayo Central, and another in respect of the Lake Independence constituency in Belize City. And there may be others. The filing of these election petitions is not a matter we take lightly. Throughout the election campaign, I made it absolutely clear that the PUP would engage in a vigorous campaign, but would always respect the final decision of the Belizean people. That respect is premised on free and fair elections, and on our obligation and duty to ensure that the will of the Belizean people is not thwarted or denied. As I speak, I am yet to receive an official report on the election results from the Elections and Boundaries Department. Despite this, it is my understanding that the UDP Leader, Mr. Barrow is announcing plans to form a government. In an election where unofficial reports show a 30-vote separation between the 2 major political parties in determining which party forms the government, all of our statements, actions and decisions must be grounded in respect and humility. But we feel very strongly that the unofficial results that have been presented to the nation, that based on the documented evidence that we have, that requires us filing an election petition in the courts in respect of several of these divisions, and we expect based on the evidence that the results can be overturned on that basis. It's surprising that we can be having announcements by the UDP Leader that he is in the process of forming a government when the actual official results have not been presented to the people of Belize."

Those official results have since been released - and are available on the elections and boundaries website. We'll also discuss them later on in the news.

But looking past that, the party's director of communications Lisa Shoman told the media today about the specific irregularities they hope to challenge in court:

Lisa Shoman - Director of Communications, PUP
"In respect of the Lake Independence Division, as you all know, the electoral petition challenge there will be to the fact that Yolanda Schakron's name should have been on that ballot, and that her disqualification of her candidacy was not right, and it will be challenged by way of an election petition. In respect of Cayo Northeast, there are several issues, among them, the bribery and misconduct, of Mr. Penner in the issue of naturalizations of Non - Belizeans, and paying for the fees associated with nationality certificates, and the facilitation of immediate registration of persons who should have to have first become citizens, and then resided in Belize for 2 months before being put on electoral roles. We also have photographic evidence that was taken on Election Day of the candidate's agents of bribery and misconduct. And there is additionally - unfortunately - in terms of the Elections and Boundaries mechanism, an outright refusal, despite a formal request for a recount - an outright refusal to allow that recount in circumstances in which not only was the margin narrow, but there were several rejected ballots, and no good - or no reason was given at all for this refusal. And that will also ground a legal challenge. In respect of Cayo Central, serious irregularities were reported by election day workers and agents for the PUP candidate, as to the number of ballots that were in the ballot box, in particular one ballot box, and the subsequent refusal of Elections and Boundaries Officials to allow the right, that is a legal right, of agents to accompany the ballot box to the place where the boxes were taken. And therefore, there was a serious discrepancy in the ballots that we had reported, and that were actually counted. Additionally, there was the refusal of the refusal of the Returning Officer, Mrs. Parks, to have a recount again with no reason at all given. She simply said it would not be done, and her decision was final. Also in respect of Cayo Central, there is evidence of both misconduct and bribery by the agents of the candidate."

Now the last piece of this puzzle is the OAS Observer Mission - they held a losing pres conference today - and later on in the news, we'll look at that.

BUT FIRST, what does the Prime Minister have to say about the PUP's decision not to concede? He calls it a lack of good graces:

Jules Vasquez
"Are you are aware that there are any areas where a clear winner has not been declared or that there is any recount pending in any area, particularly Cayo Central and Northeast?"

Dean Barrow - Prime Minister Elect
"No sir, I am not so aware. In fact, as a far as I know, the elections are over. The official results have been declared. The verdict stands. I will tell you this, certainly, when I lost my first election as leader of the United Democratic Party in 2003 - was it - I had the good grace; I had the sense duty enough to call the Prime Minister - the returning prime minister - to offer my congratulations. I have not heard from a single soul in the Opposition in that regard. My point is that when you lose, you lose. There were several points during the course of what was clearly a very long night last night that I thought it likely that the UDP would lose. I gathered myself, prepared to go forth, and meet the media, to make as dignified a concession speech as I would have been able to muster. That is what democracy is all about, and we in the UDP are certainly democratic."

Channel 7

The Select 31

And so tonight, things have changed but they remain the same.

As the comparative map of the country's electoral divisions shows the PUP has gained control over major portions of the country, but because it increased its hold in Belize City, the UDP still has the majority.

The UDP is having a victory rally in front of its headquarters - and the PUP candidates who flat out lost are licking their wounds - while the party is preparing to challenge in the case of those who lost by narrow margins.

Tonight, we'll run down the list of all 31 winners in the general election.

1. Caribbean Shores- Santino "Santi" Castillo - UDP

2. Freetown- Francis W. Fonseca - PUP

3. Pickstock- Wilfred "Sedi" Elrinton - UDP

4.Fort George - Said Musa PUP 5.Lake I - Mark Anthony King - UDP

6. Albert - Herman R. Longsworth - UDP

7. Collet - Patrick Jason Faber - UDP

8. Mesopotamia- Michael Finnegan - UDP

9. Queen Square - Dean Oliver Barrow - UDP

10. Port Loyola- Anthony "Boots" Martinez - UDP

11. Belize Rural North - Edmond Castro - UDP

12. Belize Rural South - Jose Manuel "Junior" Heredia - UDP

13. Belize Rural Central - Dolores Balderamos - PUP

14. Orange Walk North - Gaspar "Gapi" Vega - UDP

15. Orange Walk Central - Juan "Johnny" Antonio Brice�o - PUP

16. Orange Walk East - Dr. Marco Tulio Mendez - PUP

17. Orange Walk South - Jose Abelardo Mai - PUP

18. Cayo North - Joseph Mahmud - PUP

19. Cayo South - Julius Espat - PUP

20> Cayo West - Erwin Rafael Contreras - UDP

21. Cayo Central - Rene Montero - UDP

22. Cayo NorthEast - Elvin Penner - UDP

23. Belmopan - John B. Saldivar - UDP

24. Corozal North- Hugo Amilcar Patt - UDP

25. Corozal South West - Ramiro Ramirez - PUP

26. Corozal Bay - Pablo Marin - UDP

27. Corozal South East - Florencio Julian Marin- PUP

28. Dangriga - Ivan "Maca" Michael - PUP

29. Stann Creek West - Rodwell Ferguson -PUP

30. Toldeo West - Oscar Requena PUP

31.Toledo East Michael Joseph Espat - PUP

And in the municipalities, the UDP won control of 6 of 9 town and city councils - but there were a few split councils...

The results were interesting. It resulted in 6 UDP mayors and 3 PUP mayors. For Belize City, the UDP came with a blowout victory with all 10 UDP councilors elected along with the UDP Mayor.

In San Pedro Town the UDP was strong with victories for 5 UDP councilors, the UDP Mayor, and 1 PUP councilor.

They had an overpowering presence in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town with all 6 UDP councilors being elected, and, again, a UDP mayor.

In Corozal Town, all 6 UDP councilors won, as well as the Mayor.

In Orange Walk Town, however, the 6 PUP councilors and the PUP mayoral candidate won.

In San Ignacio and Santa Elena Town 6 UDP councilors were elected along with the UDP mayoral candidate.

In Belmopan City 4 UDP councilors were elected, 2 PUP were elected, with the UDP candidate as mayor.

Moving South, in Dangriga Town the 6 PUP councilors won, as well as the PUP Mayoral candidate.

Finally, in Punta Gorda Town the PUP candidate was elected Mayor, and 5 PUP councilors won as well as 1 UDP councilor.

Channel 7

Several U.D.P. seats lost; candidates to blame

The U.D.P. lost eight of its seats and at times during the night it appeared that the P.U.P. might have won. The PM admitted it was a close call and he even considered what he would say to the media if the tide had turned. But what caused the loss in of so many U.D.P. seats? The Prime Minister said that it wasn't that people didn't come out for the party, in some cases, it was the candidate that was rejected.

Dean Barrow

"Could I next thank all the candidates of our great the U.D.P. Many of them didn't win-far too many of them for my liking-but there is not one who has anything to be ashamed of. I can say that during this campaign, each and every single one of those candidates put it all on the line. They all left it out there yesterday. Look at what has happened. There are those seats that we lost, there are other seats in which the margin of victory was too close for comfort, but there were so many other seats in which the margin victory was outlandishly huge. Erwin Contreras won by one thousand seven hundred and ten votes. Finnegan and I increased our majority-I won four to one. I am, sorry to say it, but I always try to engage in straight talk. I can point you to at least six seats in which our seat defeat had nothing to do with party and everything to do with candidate. That is God's honest truth. So I will also concede of course that while I believe our government did a creditable job, while I believe that our policies were the right policies, there is no doubt that we were bedeviled, haunted by the objective circumstances both locally and internationally. So of course, there would in any case be slippage in our fortune. You can't come to power in 2008 on a floodtide of expectations, be confronted by the inherited situation which you can't complain about since you knew that is what would face you, but almost immediately after taking office, find that the entire world is plunged into a global crisis of unprecedented proportions which affect us most in this part of the world. And affect countries like us with small opened economies dramatically. You can't be battling with that set of circumstances for four years and hope to come out unscathed."

PM says some OAS Recommendations impractical

The comments made by the OAS Observer team were not out of the ordinary. The OAS observer mission was well received and felt the experience showed a working democracy. The PM, however, says that some of the suggestions are impractical and that elections are free and fair� but not perfect.

Dean Barrow

"They want to tell us to seize and desist from our time honored tradition of people campaigning vigorously when the voters are approaching the polling stations. Man that is a pipe dream; that is never going to happen. In an ideal world; that may no doubt be desirable but that is never going to happen. In terms of differentiation of state resources from party resources, of course the line sometimes becomes blurred, but again that is perhaps in an ideal world, also undesirable. But I repeat, Adele, we are talking about free and fair elections; not perfect elections. I am sure the OAS-whatever recommendations they made-I am sure the OAS never suggested that in any way our elections can be characterized as either unfair or un-free. So to the extent that they make suggestions for improvements, we must take those onboard except where those suggestions are so very clearly impractical."

The preliminary statement on the Electoral Observation Mission was presented to the government during a meeting following the prime minister's press conference this afternoon.

The Final Tally of DECISION 2012

There were surprise wins and losses in Wednesday's general elections. In the south, the People's United Party won handsomely taking all seats in the Toledo and Stann Creek Districts with the stunning defeat of Melvin Hulse and Eden Martinez. In the North, the opposition took five of eight seats, and made significant gains in the west but the City was a sea of red. News Five's Delahnie Bain has the final tally of DECISION 2012.

Delahnie Bain, Reporting

At the end of a long day of voting followed by a long night of counting on Wednesday, the U.D.P. emerged victorious in the general elections. It was a nail biter as the results flowed in. Taking a look at the numbers, in Belize City it was a clean sweep for the U.D.P., which won in eight of ten constituencies, including Albert and Lake Indepdence; two P.U.P. strongholds that were up for grabs after the resignations of Mark Espat and Cordel Hyde.

In the Albert Division it was a race between two newcomers; Herman Longsworth for the U.D.P. and David Craig for the P.U.P. Longsworth won with one thousand, thirty-four votes; that's a margin of two hundred and twenty-seven over Craig's eight hundred and seven votes. Meanwhile in Lake I, it was a three man race between the U.D.P.'s Mark King versus the P.U.P.'s Martin Galvez and Independent candidate, Carlos Diaz. With one thousand, five hundred and forty-four votes, King beat Galvez by one hundred and seventy-two. Galvez got a total of one thousand, three hundred and seventy-two votes while Diaz only received two hundred and twenty-two. Another U.D.P. newcomer, Santino "Santi" Castillo was victorious in Caribbean Shores, winning with two thousand and one votes. He thrashed the P.U.P.'s Dr. David Hoy by a margin of nine hundred and forty-one. Hoy garnered one thousand, three hundred and twenty-five.

The U.D.P. strongholds in the city also delivered on Wednesday. In the Collet Division, Patrick Faber secured his third term as area rep with one thousand, nine hundred and forty-nine votes; that's eight hundred and eighty-nine more than his P.U.P. opponent, Carolyn Trench-Sandiford's one thousand and sixty. It was a another U.D.P. blowout in Mesopotamia, where Michael Finnegan won his fifth election. He garnered one thousand, eight hundred and forty-one votes compared to P.U.P. candidate, Philip Palacio's three hundred and eighty votes. Finnegan again has the best statistical win with a margin of one thousand, four hundred and sixty-one.

The U.D.P.'s Anthony "Boots" Martinez also won comfortably in Port Loyola where he received one thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine votes, securing a third term in office. The P.U.P.'s Gilroy Usher Senior got nine hundred and ninety votes; he lost by seven hundred and ninety-nine. Wilfred "Sedi" Elrington kept Pickstock on the red team for a second time with one thousand and thirty eight votes, but P.U.P. candidate, Dr. Francis Smith was close behind with nine hundred and fifty six; missing the seat by eighty-two votes. And Dean Barrow secured his seventh term as area representative for Queen Square where he defeated the P.U.P.'s Anthony Sylvestre by one thousand, five hundred and forty-nine votes. The final count is two thousand and thirty-nine votes for Barrow and four hundred and ninety for Sylvestre.

For the P.U.P., Fort George remains a safe seat as Said Musa won for a sixth consecutive term by four hundred and eighty-seven votes. Musa received one thousand, two hundred and two votes while U.D.P. candidate, Dr. George Gough's got seven hundred and fifteen. P.U.P. party leader Francis Fonseca also retained his seat in Freetown, beating Lee Mark Chang by one hundred and fifty votes. It was one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight for Fonseca and one thousand four hundred and eight for Chang.

Still in the Belize District, the P.U.P. also won a seat in Belize Rural Central, where Dolores Balderamos Garcia triumphed over the incumbent, Michael Hutchinson by garnering two thousand and five votes. Hutchinson received one thousand, eight hundred and one votes.

But it was more red in the rest of the district. In Belize Rural South, Manuel Heredia Junior got two thousand, four hundred and seventy-nine votes to defeat the P.U.P.'s Patty Arceo, who received two thousand and twenty-six. VIP candidate, Roberto "Bobby" Lopez had three hundred and thirty-two votes while independent William Campbell got twenty-four. In Rural North, Edmund "Clear the Land" Castro is in for a second term. He received two thousand, one hundred and three votes, a decisive win over Arthur Saldivar who had one thousand, five hundred and sixty-eight.

Heading out west, Belmopan stayed red with John Saldivar, who had two thousand, seven hundred and seventy-five votes. He beat the P.U.P.'s Dr. Amin Hegar, who got two hundred and fifty-seven. Meanwhile, VIP's Richard Smith garnered two hundred and thirty votes.

The U.D.P. also took Cayo West where Erwin Contreras won with three thousand, seventy-nine votes. Oscar Sabido, who ran on the blue ticket lost with his one thousand, seven hundred and forty-five votes. In Cayo North East, a mere seventeen votes gave the U.D.P.'s Elvin Penner a second chance. Penner had two thousand, fifty-one votes and the P.U.P.'s Orlando Habet was right on his tail with two thousand, thirty-four. There was also a small margin in Cayo Central where incumbent, Rene Montero beat P.U.P. candidate, Collet Montejo by only forty-four. The final tally was two thousand, five hundred and twenty-two to two thousand, four hundred and seventy-eight respectively.

But the other two U.D.P. incumbents in Cayo were knocked out by P.U.P. first-time candidates. In Cayo North, Joseph Mahmud garnered two thousand, three hundred and eighty-two votes to beat Salvador Fernandez, who had one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-five. Independent candidate, Marcel Bedran, only received a hundred and ninety-one votes. In Cayo South, P.U.P. candidate Julius Espat, took out incumbent, Ramon Witz by a considerable margin of over four hundred. Espat received two thousand, five hundred and sixty-eight votes versus Witz' two thousand, one hundred and nine.

Moving north, Orange Walk's four constituencies went three to one in favor of the P.U.P. Dr. Marco Tulio Mendez won Orange Walk East with two thousand, seven hundred and sixty-one votes. His opponent, Orlando "Landy" Burns had two thousand, four hundred and ninety-six. Orange Walk Central stayed blue with John Brice�o, who got three thousand and forty-two votes. The U.D.P.'s Denny Gijalva was far behind with two thousand, one hundred and fifty-six. And in Orange Walk South, the P.U.P.'s Jose Mai was declared winner with two thousand, nine hundred sixty-eight votes while Rosendo "Chendo" Urbina lost for the U.D.P. with his two thousand, six hundred and five.

For the U.D.P., Gaspar "Gappy" Vega delivered Orange Walk North. His three thousand, four hundred and five votes gave him with victory over P.U.P. candidate, Jorge Brice�o's two thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven.

Further north in Corozal, two constituencies went blue and two red. Ramiro Ramirez gave Corozal Southwest to the P.U.P. by securing two thousand, one hundred and fifty-three votes. Gabriel Martinez put up a good fight for the U.D.P. with two thousand, one hundred and twenty votes while independent Angel Campus garnered three hundred and eighty-four. Corozal Southeast incumbent, Florencio Marin Jr. earned a second term in the P.U.P. stronghold. He received two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine while U.D.P. candidate, Raul Rosado got two thousand, five hundred and eighty-seven.

The U.D.P.'s Hugo Patt took Corozal North with two thousand, six hundred and seventy-three votes while P.U.P. candidate, Valdemar Castillo secured two thousand, four hundred and sixty-four. And in Corozal Bay, incumbent Pablo Marin delivered the U.D.P.'s sixteenth seat when his two thousand, three hundred and forty-eight vote victory was announced. His opponent Gregorio "Papas" Garcia lost by one hundred and forty-eight votes with two thousand, one hundred and ninety-two. Independent candidate, Carlos Sawers received a mere fifty votes.

And in the south, all four constituencies went from red to blue. In Stann Creek West, U.D.P. incumbent Melvin Hulse was pushed out of his seat by Rodwell Ferguson, who received three thousand, two hundred and seventy-two votes. Hulse got two thousand, six hundred and ninety-eight while the P.N.P.'s Charles Leslie Junior received one hundred and twenty-seven. Dangriga also went from red to blue when Ivan Ramos garnered two thousand, thirty-six votes, beating out Arthur Roches who got one thousand, six hundred and ninety-nine.

The P.U.P. also won Toledo East, where Mike Espat took on Peter Eden Martinez. Espat received two thousand, four hundred and seventeen votes while Martinez had two thousand, seventy-seven. The P.N.P.'s Wil Maheia got two hundred and eighty-two. And the Toledo West division changed hands as incumbent Juan Coy took a whooping from the P.U.P.'s Oscar Reque�a, who won by one thousand three hundred and seven votes. Three thousand, one hundred and sixty-five votes went to Reque�a and one thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight to Juan Coy. The P.N.P.'s Martin Ack received only twenty-nine votes.

At the end of counting, the P.U.P. won fourteen constituencies while the U.D.P. walked away with seventeen seats to form the next government. Delahnie Bain for News Five.

Channel 5

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