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Joined: Oct 2008
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a person claiming to be Ken Karas' daughter posted on Patrick Jones' Facebook page, in the topic mentioned above:

Imari Soraya - You people are disgusting. Ken Karas is my father and I refuse to sit back and watch you maliciously judge him. Firstly most of you are completely contradicting yourselves. Save the animal, punish my father? Get the hell out of here! Of course, as I have expected no less of you, you all have jumped to conclusions. Let me put this in simple language for you: we were UNAWARE that these animals were not being fed. I have learnt that funds for our jaguars have been misused. Anyone with a business and who have gone through this can understand the disappointment and betrayal. For the past ten years we have closed for the end of the season and care for the jaguars have proceeded as usual. For ten years we have given them the best possible home. I have never failed to boast about how well they have been taken care of. For the umpteenth time, they were never used for glorification purposes. We were honored to have them in our care. Our jaguars were our top priority. We are disgusted to have learnt of their conditions recently and are completely appalled to have discovered that one of our jaguars has perished horrifically. While we are currently mourning the loss of Xupi allow me to give you a glimpse of a different insight. I grew up surrounded by my father's love for nature and animals. He would never condone inhumane treatment to animals he loved. If he had only known the conditions of these animals he would have taken care of it immediately. He fell in love with Belize decades ago and marveled at the beauty and potential. In the midst of creating lodges that offered a rare experience in Belize - and also providing an outlet of trades and jobs for our indigenous people of the south- we were given these jaguars from a highly reputable park in Mexico. TIDE, The Belize Forestry Department and other organizations in Belize have known about our jaguars. Never was there a problem that surfaced about them. So go ahead, let these organizations let you believe they are unaware of these cats and our purposes with them. They just end up looking quite ignorant. As for the obvious problem - we are undoubtedly taking full responsibility for our jaguars - regardless of the reasons surrounding the matter. No matter whose fault it was in the outcome. Personally I feel melancholy about this entire matter. I am heartbroken that these cats I have had so much pride in and grew up with have suffered such a fate. One is detrimentally ill and the other no longer with us. May Xupi rest in peace and forgive us for indiscriminately allowing this to occur. We are doing what is best for Bosh in attempting to get him rehabilitated and off to what we believe is a better, SAFER home. Stop with presumptuous judgements. The matter is being dealt with currently.

about an hour ago � Edited �

Joined: Apr 2000
Posts: 3,054
Great job, Marty, on providing information on this sickening situation.

In looking at the photos it must have been going on for many weeks, possibly months.

It is beyond my comprehension that the managing director of the company, the captain of the ship -- and this is not some small mom 'n pop operation, as it is, or was, a multi-million dollar operation -- could just walk away and remain totally unaware of this happening.

I myself should have done more than I did to help these poor creatures.

--Lan Sluder

Originally Posted by Lan Sluder/Belize First
It is beyond my comprehension that the managing director of the company, the captain of the ship -- and this is not some small mom 'n pop operation, as it is, or was, a multi-million dollar operation -- could just walk away and remain totally unaware of this happening.

The bigger the ship, the further the Captain from the helm. It is a damn shame to loose two fine animals and there should be accountability.

Yet, how many times have we read or heard of workers taking advantage of "the captain of the ship" being away? Far too often in point of fact.

Should "the captain" have considered this in the plans to maintain his property and charges during his absence? Definitely. Is the worker going to be held on charges of animal cruelty and theft? Most likely not - there's nothing to gain in press or prison by going after the individual closest to the action but we can probably get a few dollars from the "multi-million dollar operation".

Joined: Jul 2012
Posts: 79
Belize has an animal cruelty act; will any of the guilty parties be punished under this act?

Last edited by DogLady; 07/18/12 03:10 PM.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
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Marty Offline OP
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from a friend.....

Karas' statement doesn't pass the sniff test.

Belize Lodge & Excursions is not some mom 'n pop hotel. It's a big operation with at one time five different lodges in Toledo (the number of open lodges has since shrunk to I think three). In-season at least they have dozens of employees, and even if they close off-season they would have to have a crew of security guards to watch the place -- you don't just walk off and leave a multi-multi-million dollar operation unprotected -- plus other staff to take care of at least the big lodge at Indian Creek and the Jaguar Lodge nearby.

Surely someone would have been around and would have seen what was happening to the jaguars. The cage where the jaguars were kept -- and it IS a CAGE (look at the photo of the black jaguar) is just a few hundred yards off the Southern Highway.

And in the end Ken Karas is responsible -- he's the captain of the ship. To blame it on some poor local Mayan employee is despicable.

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Marty Offline OP
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more for your "sniff test"

Response from the KARAS family

Imari Soraya - You people are disgusting. Ken Karas is my father and I refuse to sit back and watch you maliciously judge him. Firstly most of you are completely contradicting yourselves. Save the animal, punish my father? Get the hell out of here! Of course, as I have expected no less of you, you all have jumped to conclusions. Let me put this in simple language for you: we were UNAWARE that these animals were not being fed. I have learnt that funds for our jaguars have been misused. Anyone with a business and who have gone through this can understand the disappointment and betrayal. For the past ten years we have closed for the end of the season and care for the jaguars have proceeded as usual. For ten years we have given them the best possible home. I have never failed to boast about how well they have been taken care of. For the umpteenth time, they were never used for glorification purposes. We were honored to have them in our care. Our jaguars were our top priority. We are disgusted to have learnt of their conditions recently and are completely appalled to have discovered that one of our jaguars has perished horrifically. While we are currently mourning the loss of Xupi allow me to give you a glimpse of a different insight. I grew up surrounded by my father's love for nature and animals. He would never condone inhumane treatment to animals he loved. If he had only known the conditions of these animals he would have taken care of it immediately. He fell in love with Belize decades ago and marveled at the beauty and potential. In the midst of creating lodges that offered a rare experience in Belize - and also providing an outlet of trades and jobs for our indigenous people of the south- we were given these jaguars from a highly reputable park in Mexico. TIDE, The Belize Forestry Department and other organizations in Belize have known about our jaguars. Never was there a problem that surfaced about them. So go ahead, let these organizations let you believe they are unaware of these cats and our purposes with them. They just end up looking quite ignorant. As for the obvious problem - we are undoubtedly taking full responsibility for our jaguars - regardless of the reasons surrounding the matter. No matter whose fault it was in the outcome. Personally I feel melancholy about this entire matter. I am heartbroken that these cats I have had so much pride in and grew up with have suffered such a fate. One is detrimentally ill and the other no longer with us. May Xupi rest in peace and forgive us for indiscriminately allowing this to occur. We are doing what is best for Bosh in attempting to get him rehabilitated and off to what we believe is a better, SAFER home. Stop with presumptuous judgements. The matter is being dealt with currently.

Joined: Jul 2012
Posts: 79
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? "Their future was uncertain and we were able to rescue them from being placed in a private zoo in Mexico." this is a helluva thing to say when you just let animals starve to death--

NEWS FLASH Mr. Karas...YOU are as bad if not worse. Please do not pretend that you are any better than the "private zoo in Mexico", that is simply insulting.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 82

Response from the KARAS family

Let me put this in simple language for you: we were UNAWARE that these animals were not being fed. I have learnt that funds for our jaguars have been misused. Anyone with a business and who have gone through this can understand the disappointment and betrayal. For the past ten years we have closed for the end of the season and care for the jaguars have proceeded as usual. For ten years we have given them the best possible home.

As an open letter to the Karas family.

I have to take exception to this. Owning an animal, any animal, means you have to take some sort of responsibility. Just handing over that responsibility to someone who is not a trained animal keeper was just plain irresponsible, no matter how many times it has been adequately taken care of. Plus giving them the best possible home is also stretching the truth. Although these were captive bred animals, they were not domesticated animals and as such needed far more space to roam other than a concrete floored cage in the middle of a hotel.
These animals existed purely and simply to attract business to a resort. There was no 'love' of the animals or else they would not have been on display. They were simply living ornaments to attract trade. No wonder you feel upset and betrayed, one of your cash cows has died and the other is very poorly and the negative publicity will hurt you further.

I have never failed to boast about how well they have been taken care of. For the umpteenth time, they were never used for glorification purposes. We were honored to have them in our care. Our jaguars were our top priority. We are disgusted to have learnt of their conditions recently and are completely appalled to have discovered that one of our jaguars has perished horrifically.

They were most certainly used for glorification purposes, they were stuck slap bang in the middle of a hotel. There also was no honour involved in having them in your care as you abandoned these animals every year for 10 years and every year we used to hear stories about things not being done correctly.
While we are currently mourning the loss of Xupi allow me to give you a glimpse of a different insight. I grew up surrounded by my father's love for nature and animals. He would never condone inhumane treatment to animals he loved. If he had only known the conditions of these animals he would have taken care of it immediately. He fell in love with Belize decades ago and marveled at the beauty and potential. In the midst of creating lodges that offered a rare experience in Belize - and also providing an outlet of trades and jobs for our indigenous people of the south- we were given these jaguars from a highly reputable park in Mexico.

Was this the same love that forced the removal of the monkey rehab facility to our premises and then on to Sartajena after no money was provided for the care of the monkeys? What about the caged birds? Was this love the same love that caused him to order the release of non rehabilitate monkeys into the wild where hey almost certainly wouldn't survive? Was this the same love that when he found out that he wouldn't be able to display the monkeys that he lost all interest in the project?

TIDE, The Belize Forestry Department and other organizations in Belize have known about our jaguars. Never was there a problem that surfaced about them.

There was no problem because these were jaguars owned by the resort. If they had been wild caught jaguars then believe me you would have heard about it. Breeding Jaguars in captivity has led to a glut in captive Jaguars in zoos. Nobody wants them. The are too may in zoos. If you hadn't taken them they would have been euthanised.

So go ahead, let these organizations let you believe they are unaware of these cats and our purposes with them. They just end up looking quite ignorant. As for the obvious problem - we are undoubtedly taking full responsibility for our jaguars - regardless of the reasons surrounding the matter.

None of the organisations are denying that they knew of these jaguars. But they all will robustly insist that they did NOT agree with what you were doing with them. Even though you say you are taking responsibility for these animals, you are not. The people responsible for them right now are the people who are feeding them until they are well enough, The Belize Wildlife Conservation Network, The Belize Wildlife Rescue Team, and the Belize Wildlife and Referral Clinic. All under the authority of the Belize Forest Department.

No matter whose fault it was in the outcome. Personally I feel melancholy about this entire matter. I am heartbroken that these cats I have had so much pride in and grew up with have suffered such a fate. One is detrimentally ill and the other no longer with us. May Xupi rest in peace and forgive us for indiscriminately allowing this to occur.

Crocodile tears?
We are doing what is best for Bosh in attempting to get him rehabilitated and off to what we believe is a better, SAFER home. Stop with presumptuous judgements. The matter is being dealt with currently.

As I said before, you are actually doing very little. You are leaving it all up to others. Has Ken Karras flown back to Belize to take responsibility?

I hope people will avoid doing business with any establishment that displays wildlife as a tourist attraction

Joined: Jun 2001
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Funny also nothing on either channel 5 or 7 that I have read about this?

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Black Jaguar Left to Starve At Hard Time Resort

A rare black jaguar called Bosh is at the Belize Zoo being rehabilitated after he was left to starve by a the management of a resort in the Toledo district.

The cat was found at Belize Loge and Excursions, in the Boden Creek Ecological Preserve adjacent to Indian Creek village in Toledo. The property was formerly a high end, five star, ecotourism resort featuring captive animals to display to their guests. But the resort seems to have fallen on hard times and management stopped paying their staff and stopped feeding the animals.

Marchilio Ack, the haad ranger from the Ya'xche conservation trust became aware of their plight on Saturday and told us what he found when he went to the resort:..

Marchilio Ack, Head Ranger - Ya'axche Conservation Trust
"When I reach out there I saw the jaguar barely moving, he was starving to death because you could see that he is very slim. There were two of them, we saw the other jaguar motionless - not moving, we tried to give him stuff to see if he could move but he was already dead. There was no water in the cage and they has not been feeding the jaguar. That the reason why one of the jaguar died."

"On Saturday I start feeding the jaguar that was alive with chicken; we can see that he gain some energy and started to move around. The condition that we found him in he was barely moving."

"It was outrageous because as a person working for 12 years being an environmentalist, I mean this sort of behavior in treating this wildlife is out of order. I think we have laws governing this, especially for the jaguar because they are endangered species and somebody needs to look after them very carefully. I felt very sad about it, it's really hurt to see how they are treating the jaguar at the site."

The cat has been rescued by the Belize Wildlife Conservation Network and was this morning transferred to the Belize Zoo. The Forestry Department is working on charges to be levied against the owner under the Wildlife Protection Act. He did not have a permit to have possession of the cats.

The owner, Ken Karas is also facing major backlash from workers who said they were not paid for an extended period of time.

Channel 7

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