That's right - you read correctly. We had our very own Price is Right here in San Pedro! As part of San Pedro Lobsterfest 2017, The Truck Stop put on their very own version of the Price is Right! It took a lot of creativity and construction, but they pulled it off!

For those wanting the opportunity to be called on stage, there was a sign-up sheet. After you signed up you were given an official name tag!

It worked just like on TV - the four contestants were shown an item and they had to bid on it�.but it was a little different because they used white boards to write their answers on. But just like on the real show, there was a "Barker Beauty". Brittany Lynn Cory did the most amazing job of presenting all of the fabulous prizes!

Click here to read the rest of the article and see LOTS of photos in the First World Refugee Blog