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The latest figures from the Statistical Institute of Belize put the population of Belize at an estimated 387,879 persons for 2017. When compared to Jamaica which is half the size of Belize, Belize's population is only thirteen percent of Jamaica's population which stood at 2.89 million at the beginning of January. According to SIB, the 2000 census figure shows that the population stood at 248,916, thereafter, the 2010 census showed the population at 322,453. Therefore, it can be said that the population doubles every 25 years. Meanwhile, it was believed that there are more females than males, the Statistical Institute of Belize says that there are as many males as there are females. Meanwhile, there are more males living in Jamaica than females, there are 969 males to 1 000 females. In Belize, the average life expectancy for a female is 76.6 years, five years longer than life expectancy for a male who on average live to 71.1 years. The population of Belize grows at an annual average rate of 2.65 percent annually.