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Specials and Events

Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

The San Pedro Sun

Patrick Faber is UDP's new party leader; Foreign Minister Elrington signals an end to his political career
The United Democratic Party (UDP) elected a new leader on Sunday, July 12th during a leadership convention held in Belize City, when Patrick Faber won 28y-267 over John Saldivar. Area Representative of the Collet Division, Honourable Patrick Faber defeated Belmopan's Honourable John Saldivar by a narrow margin of 19 votes. The race for the UDP leadership also included Foreign Minister Honourable Wilfred Elrington, who only garnered 10 votes. The new leader will replace current party leader and prime minister Right Honourable Dean Barrow.

Various Belizean Sources


Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
Tuesday, July 14th, Meal pick ups. Location: Happy Lobster. Times: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am -12:30pm.

Update on the sidewalk at San Pedro R.C. School
The construction of the sidewalk at San Pedro R.C. School is going well. Stay tuned for the end result!

Ella and Ian Anderson say keep the PGIA Closed
CAVES BRANCH JUNGLE LODGE WILL NOT OPEN to international guests Aug 15. Ella and I personally appeal to the government of Belize to NOT OPEN BELIZE international airport to tourists until some semblance of control and flatlining is the norm throughout the US. Science suggests that a viral load of 5-7 days is required for covid 19 tests to show a positive test result and that the rapid test is less than 80 % accurate and requires the same viral load.

GOB Confirms No Orange Walk District Lockdown
The Government of Belize has confirmed that contrary to local media reports the Orange Walk District will not be placed on lockdown.

Benque Fiesta Basketball Tournament
The Benque Basketball Academy is having their Benque Fiesta Basketball Tournament from Wednesday through Friday. Come out and enjoy this 3 Day mini-tournament starting Wednesday July 15 at 7:00pm at Deacon's court. Make sure to wear your masks!

Mountain Equestrian Trails is having Horsemanship Lessons for kids
We are offering horsemanship lessons for kids here at MET. If interested please contact me via messenger. Cost: $50 BZ per child per session. Includes 3 hours of horsemanship on and off the horses, a light snack and juice. We can do morning sessions from 9:00 - 12:00 or 1:00-4:00 pm.

Cleaning and Sanitizing Guidelines for Tourism Gold Standard Certification
Reminder: Cleaning and Sanitizing Guidelines for Tourism Gold Standard Certification. Register here:

Grand Hudut Sale
The National Garifuna Council Orange Walk Branch is doing a Hudut Sale this Saturday, July 18th 2020 so place your order now!!

Rapid HIV testing free of cost in San Pedro Today
The Belize Family Life Association is visiting our island today (Tuesday July 14) and are conducting rapid HIV testing from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm free of cost at the Community Policing office San Pedro. (Across from Cholo's Golf Cart Rentals)

Rumors of COVID-19 on Ambergris Caye Debunked by NEMO Belize Rural South
"In response to rumours circulating on social media and throughout our island community, take note that there are no new or suspected cases of COVID-19 on Ambergris Caye due to border jumpers, visitors to the island, etc. The public is urged to disregard and avoid sharing unconfirmed, misleading and/or false information about COVID-19 cases. The Ministry of Health will continue to provide accurate information to the public in a timely fashion. Be reminded that It is an offence to spread false information via social media in Belize.

The Beach Club at Caye Caulker to open for only Belizeans
With all the fuss of the upcoming international travel we have decided to remain open ONLY to Belizeans. You deserve a safe and fantastic time in Paradise too. Our Prices Remain the same as seen below. So if have not had a chance to have some fun with us in Caye Caulker. You still can .... and also wear your masks! See you soon

University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union Receives Trade Union Certification
The University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union was today certified as the Bargaining Agent for employees of the (i) Full-time Faculty and Staff and (ii) Faculty and Staff on Temporary Assignment, where employment has been for two consecutive twelve-month contracts. Based on the results of a survey conducted on January 13th, 2020, the Union represents the interests of 237 employees. The certification forum included virtual participation of representatives from the Union and the management of the University of Belize as well as in-person at the Labour Office in Belmopan. All efforts were made to comply with social distancing protocols.

Flood Report and Forecast for July 13, 2020

Webinar: Preparing for Reopening of Schools
For learn more information on this webinar, please contact the Mental Health unit, Ministry of Health at 828-4462.

Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen Report
It's been over 3 months since we served our first meal! Can you believe it? On April 7th the very first Soup Kitchen meal was served. 47 meals were prepared that day. The next day we prepared 114 meals, and the following days the numbers quickly rose to the 300+ meals that we still serve nowadays. It really has been an amazing three months. We've learned many things about each other and our community. We've felt humbled, blessed, stressed at times and beaten down, excited and grateful. But mostly we've felt honored that in the midst of this time of difficulty and struggle, we've been able to witness the BEST in humanity.

Forum: Belize Tourism Industry, Charting a Way Forward
Meet our Panelists! Panel #1: Health and Safety: will the protocols work? Register now via email at [email protected].

Cenote ( La Isla) Archological Maya Site
The small nucleated site of Cenote is located 1.7 km of the outskirt of Sarteneja. It is built on a low rise-perhaps a large platform- that has an area of 0.1 Km2. During the dry season of September through December, the site is virtually transformed into an island surrounding bajo floods to a depth of 25 cm. At present, an inlet of shipstern lagoon erodes the eastern boundary of Cenote which consists of 29 structures arranged about one major plaza( Group A) and several smaller ones. Group A features a small specialized residential assemblage that is found at Patchacan and San Estevan. The most interesting feature at Cenote is an associated network of dry land low stone walls...

Wildtracks Update: We welcome out newest intake, rescued by Jamal Galves and his team in Belize City this morning
Estimated at approximately two weeks old, this young calf would not survive in the wild on its own - manatees depend on their mothers for up to to two years, so this one is going to be with us for a while.

OAS Culture of Peace
We have been blessed to have the solid partnership with the OAS Culture of Peace, even during the State of Emergency March - June, the programs managed to be delivered Via Google Classrooms, a helpful way of maintaining our Children, Youths and Adults engaged and growing in the Arts with their Instructors. We are immensely proud that they were able to upkeep and maintain this avenue very progressive, presently we have been exploring returning to our House of Culture grounds at a very minimum rate and with the most active students who were present through that transition.

Manuel Nahuat "The First Leader" (1800-23 March 1851) Born in Kanxoc, Valladolid, Yucat�n. He was a Maya Priest, Maya M�asewal (Yucatec Maya) fighter, leader of the "Cruzo'ob" who fought for the independence of his people during the so-called Caste War. His nickname, "The First Leader". Founding member of the Noj Kaj Chan Santa Cruz people (Today Felipe Carrillo Puerto) with Jos� Maria Barrera. His fight took place in Noj Kaj Santa Cruz, his role was to make well-meditated speeches aimed at lighting the spirits of the combatants to enthuse them in their fight against the whites...

Channel 7

This Time It's Faber For The UDP
Patrick Faber is the new leader of the UDP. The 42 year old became the party's sixth leader in a national convention yesterday. He bested his opponent John Saldivar by a narrow margin of 19 votes. This is the second time the two had faced off for leader; in an abortive convention 5 months ago, Saldivar won easily. But, after that, the Lev Dermen fiasco unfolded forcing Saldivar to step down. That set the stage for yesterday - which was kind of a rematch - with a third man in the ring, Wilfred Elrington who made it clear, he was not in it to win it.

Did PM Support Faber?
And those other party colleagues are embittered because they feel that the Prime Minister campaigned for Faber - and directly called delegates at the last minute to swing their support. This is anecdotal, but we have received independent reports of this - and we asked Faber supporters if the PM was indeed with them: Reporter: "Did you enjoy the support of the Prime Minister today?" Hon. Patrick Faber- UDP Leader Elect "As I told you on Friday, I believe the Prime Minister voted for me, yes."

Saldivar Concedes In FB Post
And that is part of the reason why multiple standard bearers and representatives are indicating that they will step down. But, John Saldivar is not one of them - not if you judge by his Facebook post this morning. It says, quote, "Against all odds we came close to a magnificent victory for the common people. We will remain in the struggle for the small man and woman and we will remain with the United Democratic Party as the best and only option through which meaningful change and progress can be achieved. I congratulate our new Leader, Hon. Patrick Faber."

Who Would Want To Lead In Times Like These?
And while that stew of dissatisfaction is simmering - Faber has to think about the months ahead. Basically he's agreed to ask the voters for lead at the toughest time in Belize's history. The economy is in a severe COVID-induced contraction, education has stalled and soaring COVID cases surround Belize. We asked him, who would want to lead at this time:

PM Will Stay On Till End Of Term
And the man taking them head on right now is the Prime Minister Dean Barrow. And, he says he wants to continue to do so for the rest of his term. That means he is not handing over to Faber and plans to hold the Prime Minster's seat until elections are held. We asked him about it today: "The Prime Minister cannot stay, he cannot stay. Of course there are those in the party including myself who would love to have the Prime Minister remain if that was possible but we must move on..."

Faber Supports PM Staying On
And while the Prime Minister seems willing to take his chances that there will be no mutiny or majority assembled against him - Faber agrees. He says the Prime Minister will stay for the rest of his term - but can't be around forever:

Elrington Exits, Sharply
But, they will have to do battle without Wilfred Elrington, the three term UDP area Rep for Pickstock. As you heard in our headline story Elrington got only 10- votes in his bid for leadership - and has taken the firm decision to retire from politics.

Blue Creek and San Felipe Under Lockdown
On Friday night we told you how 3 new cases of COVID-19 detected in border jumpers from Blue Creek had prompted fears of community spread and led to a state of emergency being declared for Both Blue Creek and San Felipe villages in the northwestern Orange Walk District. Well, last night in a facebook post, the Director of Health Services Marvin Manzanero warned that more cases should be expected.

Blue Creek and San Felipe Under Lockdown
On Friday night we told you how 3 new cases of COVID-19 detected in border jumpers from Blue Creek had prompted fears of community spread and led to a state of emergency being declared for Both Blue Creek and San Felipe villages in the northwestern Orange Walk District. Well, last night in a facebook post, the Director of Health Services Marvin Manzanero warned that more cases should be expected.

Area Rep Has Concerns About Quarantined Communities
On Friday night we told you how 3 new cases of COVID-19 detected in border jumpers from Blue Creek had prompted fears of community spread and led to a state of emergency being declared for Both Blue Creek and San Felipe villages in the northwestern Orange Walk District. Well, last night in a facebook post, the Director of Health Services Marvin Manzanero warned that more cases should be expected. Those villages remain on curfew and lockdown enforced by a heavy police presence. This morning ACP Joseph Myvette told the media that the only thing coming in or out is poultry and corn.

Keeping The Border Jumpers At Bay
DHS Manzanero has also noted the growing numbers of COVID-19 cases in the Mexican municipality of Othon P. Blanco - which includes Chetumal, Botes and all those communities along the Rio Hondo. At midday yesterday they had 883 active cases and 48 related deaths, with one of the highest rates of infection in Mexico. What's alarming is that Othon P. Blanco is just a skip across the river from many of Belize's northern villages.

Fratricide In Cowpen
There were also southern checkpoints over the weekend. These were near San Juan village where the cops were on a manhunt for the guilty party in a fratricide. It's a shocking story with an almost biblical narrative. But over the weekend when one brother killed the other in San Juan village it wasn't because he was highly favoured, but because he'd lost a cellphone.

Man Fell Off Truck to Death, Driver Never Knew
The weekend's other traumatic death was caused by a fatal accident where 41 year old Earl Armstrong also became a fugitive from the law this weekend. That's after a tragic accident that left his passenger 39-year-old Nestor Grant crushed beneath the wheels of his trailer. Grant had been riding in the pan of the pickup and must have fallen out somewhere along the way. It's unknown at what point Armstrong realized what had happened because he never came forward.

Cause of City Fire A Mystery
There was a late-night fire in Belize City yesterday, which has now resulted in the displacement of a family of 5 and 1 of their neighbors. It happened at about 11:00 at the w 2-story apartment building, at the corner of Central American Boulevard and Nargusta Street. The lower flat had a single tenant, and last night, the home suddenly burst into flames which originated from the only room being used in that part of the building.

Danny Mason Sentencing Postponed
The sentencing hearing for William "Danny" Mason, and his 4 co-defendants who were convicted of the most heinous murder in Belize's recent history, has now been postponed for a second time. The Court staff for the presiding judge, Justice Antoinette, has informed the defense attorneys that it will take place next week instead. In December of last year, Justice Moore found Mason, and his employees: Ashton Vanegas, Keiron Fernandez, Terrence Fernandez, and Ernest Castillo, all guilty of the 2016 beheading murder of Pastor Lewellyn Lucas.

Senate Report Stalled?
On Wednesday, there will be a special sitting of the Senate in Belmopan, and the best information to 7News tonight is that a minority report on the 2017 Senate Hearings on Immigration will be tabled. Viewers will remember that in December 2017, those hearings, which were publicly broadcasted, concluded after 13 months, and well over a hundred hours of testimony was recorded. In those hearings, the Senators on the committee called a long list of public officials to give account, under oath, of clear instances of fraud and corruption, which the Auditor General documented while auditing the Immigration Department for the period between 2011 and 2013.

Hon. Finnegan Scolds Shyne?
In our headline story you heard the UDP's Mesop standard bearer Shyne Barrow give an impassioned explanation of why he switched his support from John Saldivar to Patrick Faber. He was plain spoken and remarkably candid - saying basically that Saldivar is not at all suitable to lead the UDP. But, did he go too far while speaking of a senior colleague?

Castro's Tailgate Tacos Outside Convention
Shyne says he doesn't consider it a scolding. And, no on could scold Edmond Castro when he set up a sort of salt beef pop up shop outside the UDP convention. Police had already blocked off the street, so he pulls dup in his jeep with smoked, salted beef on sale. It was an absurd juxtaposition and we asked him about it:

Pearl Departs
In one other bit of UDP news, we asked the Prime Minister and outgoing Party Leader Dean Barrow about the UDP Secretary General Pearl Stuart, who stepped down yesterday. He said it is a natural progression:

Betancourt Got The Barrel of a Police Shotgun
Turning now to police news, Guinea Grass resident Minor Betancourt found himself in the northern Regional Hospital over the weekend after what was supposed to be a fun night out. He had gone to a nightclub with a family member but it was on their way out that Betancourt's companion was pulled aside by the police, his offense?: failure to wear a mask. Betancourt reportedly approached the cops asking for the release of his companion, that's when he was allegedly shot to the chest with a round of rubber pellets from a 12 gauge shotgun.

Bar Brawl In Armenia Leads to Maim
A weekend bar fight in Armenia village has left one man chopped and a female bartender maimed. It happened just after 10:00 on Saturday night when Walter Castillo attacked a pair of brothers with a machete. They managed to subdue him and tonight he is the one in the Western regional hospital. Residents say that more police presence is needed in the village. And this morning ACP Myvette responded saying that while a police man is posted to the area, he isn't always there. "On Saturday night sometime after 10:00pm there was a fight inside a bar in Armenia village just outside of Belmopan where one of the victims who was the aggressor at that point..."

Robbery In Jacintoville Injures American And Dog
And while that lawman will face jail time, two cruel and callous robbers are still on the run. That's after a home invasion they committed against an expat and his dog in Jacinto Ville. This morning ACP Myvette told us what the police are doing to get to the bottom of this robbery which has left the expat bruised and his dog with chop wounds. "On yesterday's date sometime after 5p.m. police were called to Jacintoville at the home of one Julian Fisher who reported to police that shortly before five whilst inside his yard he was approached by two dark complexion male persons wearing masks..."

UBFSU Certified
After publicly complaining for 2 weeks, The University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union has finally been fully certified as the bargaining agent for 237 employees at the national university. The Ministry of Labour announced this evening that a certification forum was held at the Labor Office in Belmopan. The forum had virtual and in-person participation from the representatives of the union and the university's management.

Forfeiture Case Proceeds
On last Wednesday's news, we told you about the continued prosecution of the 8 foreigners who police caught last year in the act of landing a loaded narco-jet on the Coastal Road. Well, while that criminal matter is taking place in the Magistrate's Court, the police department is also pursuing a civil matter against them. Police is asking the court to order the forfeiture of the aircraft and 2 vehicles that some of the defendants were busted in.

Channel 5

Patrick Faber is the New U.D.P. Leader Elect
Voting started at ten o'clock in the morning at the ITVET compound in Belize City; the delegates from Corozal were first to cast their votes for the new leader-elect of [...]

PM Remains in Office Until the End of His Tenure
While Patrick Faber is the new leader elect of the U.D.P., he will not be sitting in the Prime Minister's chair in the current U.D.P. term. And that's because Prime [...]

Sedi Won't Run for General Elections
Pickstock Area Representative Wilfred Elrington garnered the least number of votes in Sunday's leadership convention. Ten votes in all, which is five less than the total number of voting delegates [...]

Ashton McKenzie Won't Run for PG Town Council in 2021
Punta Gorda Mayor Ashton McKenzie will not be offering himself as a candidate in the 2021 municipal elections.� That's because he has indicated that he will be retiring from electoral [...]

Pearl Stuart to Step Down as U.D.P. Secretary General
The U.D.P. Secretary General Pearl Stuart is also stepping down.� The former executive director of the National Committee for Families and Children took up the post in 2008 when the [...]

"A Couple of More Positive" COVID-19 Cases to be Confirmed This Week in O.W.
And from politics to health; Belize has fifteen active cases of COVID-19 with nine being in the Orange Walk District. On Friday, four more cases were identified and the persons [...]

Quarantine Family Not Cooperating with Health Officials
According to Doctor Manzanero, officials have not been able to trace whether or not the infected persons travelled outside their community. He says that the family has not been forthcoming [...]

COVID Patient Says They Did Not Illegally Cross the Border
As you heard, the infected family has not been forthcoming with information to officials about their recent travels. That family remains in quarantine in the Orange Walk Multi-purpose Complex and [...]

Man Kills Brother over Cell Phone in Cow Pen!
Tonight, there is a tragic case of fratricide to report down south. It's not often we report on such crimes - where a sibling kills another - and when you [...]

Official Police Report on Cow Pen Fratricide
Police also spoke today about this latest murder. ACP Joseph Myvett told the media that the men were intoxicated and they believe that contributed to what transpired. Here's the police's [...]

Guinea Grass Resident Shot in the Chest by Police Officer
Guinea Grass resident, Minor Betancourt was hit on the chest by a volley of rubber bullets on Saturday night. Betancourt was among a group of persons hanging out at La [...]

Sentencing of Mason Five Further Adjourned
The sentencing of the five men convicted of the beheading of Pastor Llewellyn Lucas has been further adjourned. Today, William "Danny" Mason, Ashton Vanegas, Ernest Castillo and sibling, Keiron and [...]

Claver College Extension Eviction Notice to be Settled in Court
Attorney Norman Rodriguez is also representing the Board of the Claver College Extension in Punta Gorda in a lawsuit brought against the church. According to Rodriguez, the Saint Peter Claver [...]

San Andres Villager Earl Armstrong Charged for Manslaughter by Negligence
San Andres villager, Earl Armstrong is arrested and charged for a slew of traffic offenses, including Manslaughter by Negligence, following a fatal road traffic accident on the night of July [...]

Man Dies Inside Cell at Corozal Police Station
The Belize Police Department is also investigating the death by hanging of a man inside the Corozal Police jail cell. Rayford Anderson was taken into custody for a domestic violence [...]

International Financial Assistance is Trickling in for Belize's COVID-19 Response
The economy has been ravaged by the COVID-19 and up to date, not all the assistance sought from the international financial institutions has been received including from� International Monetary Fund� [...]

B.C.C.I. Calls on G.O.B. to Exercise Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance
The Barrow administration is being called upon to exercise transparency, accountability and good governance. �This comes on the heels of long term contracts recently issued past the life of the [...]

U.B.F.S.U Receives Union Certification!
Today, the University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union was officially certified as the Bargaining Agent for Full-time and Temporary Assignment of Faculty and Staff employed for two consecutive twelve-month [...]

Fire Partially Destroys House in Belize City
A family of five needs assistance to recover from a fire that damaged their house. Kendra Timmons and her four children were watching television on Sunday night when the fire [...]

A Chopping in Armenia Village
There is more on the crime blotter. Walter Castillo is in a stable condition at the Western Regional Hospital in Belmopan after he was chopped multiple times during a fight. [...]

An Elderly Man is Assaulted and Robbed in Jacintoville
There were two robberies reported over the weekend in the south; one included the assault and robbery of an elderly man in Jacintoville, on the Southern Highway in Toledo. Sixty-five-year-old [...]

Anna's Store in Independence is Robbed; Named Suspect Being Sought
Meanwhile in Independence Village, ACP Joseph Myvett says that police in that area are looking for a known suspect in a robbery at Anna's Store in the village. While the [...]

San Felipe and Blue Creek on Total Lock Down
No one goes in and out from the villages of San Felipe and Blue Creek in the Orange Walk District, but there is movement of poultry and agricultural products. Those [...]

Police Week Replaced by Citizen Appreciation Day
Traditionally, around this time, the Belize Police Department would put off an entire week of activities to celebrate police week. But due to COVID-19 pandemic police will instead be celebrating [...]

The Reporter

The Belize Chamber of Commerce has written the Government of Belize demanding that it implement stricter procurement practices
The letter states that it once again calls on the Government of Belize to adhere to the principles of transparency, accountability and good governance and reminded the government of its own guidelines which are, "are intended to steer any government away from transactions for goods and services which could be deemed as encouraging nepotism, preferential treatment, amongst other corrupt practices."


BCCI calls for the government to be transparent in real estate rentals
The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry has called out the Government of Belize to adhere to the principles of transparency, accountability and good governance. According to a release from BCCI the government is not being transparent and fair as it relates to employment and real estate rental contracts.

UDP Representatives step down following results of the convention
On the heels of yesterday's convention and its outcome reports are surfacing of several resignations and retirement within the United Democratic Party. On the list that has surfaced are Gaspar Vega, Wilfred Sedi Elrington and Ashton McKenzie. While we have been unable to get a comment from Vega, we did speak with Punta Gorda's Mayor McKenzie who explained that this is more of a retirement from politics and not a resignation.

Is Saldivar's name tarnished ?
John Saldivar's name has been written in Belize's annals of history as the shortest serving UDP leader elect. Saldivar's name is now associated with the Lev Dermen and William Mason saga that unfolded right before the eyes of the Belizean people. So, how did this man who managed to claim victory back in February 2020 lose the support of the UDP delegates? Perhaps most importantly, is how was he able to re-enter the leadership race. According to the Prime Minister no one objected to his candidacy.

Belize registers 37 covid-19 cases
Belize has now registered thirty-seven confirmed cases of Covid-19. Four new cases were uncovered among a set of tests that was carried out on Friday.

University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union gets trade union certificate
The University of Belize's Faculty and Staff Union (UBFSU) has received their trade union certification. This was one of their demands when they took to the streets in a peaceful demonstration on Thursday.

Businesses close their doors to international tourists amid COVID-19 endemic
The Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) is set to reopen on August 15, but many Belizeans have asked the government to consider postponing the date. In protest of the reopening of the airport several businesses have taken a stand including Ian Anderson's Caves Branch Jungle Lodge.

Patrick Faber, UDP Party Leader-Elect
The United Democratic Party held its UDP Leadership Convention for a second time in five months. Despite the thousands of dollars spent back in February for the first round of the leadership race, there was a failure to launch as the leader-elect was forced to resign within seventy two hours of his victory. Our news team was out at ITVET yesterday for full coverage of the day's event. We join the News Director, Renee Trujillo for the story.

House fire in Belize City displaces family
A Belize City family has been displaced following a house fire on Central American Boulevard in Belize City. The incident occurred just after eleven o'clock last night.

Breaking Belize NewsPJ

Orange Walk Mayor encourages public to protect themselves and families and follow established regulations
Mayor of Orange Walk, Kevin Bernard, issued a statement today expressing concern about the danger [�]

Caribbean passes 65 thousand cases of COVID-19 but nearly half have recovered
As of Sunday COVID-19 has passed 65 thousand cases in the Caribbean, reaching 65,716. Of [�]

Danny Mason et al. continue to await sentencing
Twice in the last few days, circumstances have caused presiding Supreme Court Justice Antoinette Moore [�]

Chamber warns GOB: "irresponsible behavior with public funds will no longer be tolerated"
The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) charges the Government to adhere to the [�]

British Virgin Islands advises all non-nationals to leave once they are not working
The government of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) has notified all non-nationals that they should [�]

Flood levels continue to fall
The National Hydrological Service informed that flood levels continue to fall. The river conditions are [�]

"Two-dollar vans the new norm, decision unlikely to be reversed," says Dollar Van Association
Members of the Belize Dollar Van Association (BDVA) have begun charging $2 per passenger instead [�]

Government confirms NO Orange Walk lockdown
The Government of Belize issued a statement just now stating that it is aware of [�]

John Saldivar congratulates Patrick Faber on beating him in leadership convention
John Saldivar has just issued a statement congratulating new UDP leader-elect, Patrick Faber. Saldivar extended [�]

What are the UDP, PUP, and BPP anti-corruption policies?
The views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not necessarily those of Breaking Belize [�]

Parents concerned about school reopening on August 10
The Ministry of Education informed their intentions to prepare for school reopening on August 10. [�]

UDP NATIONAL CONVENTION II: Faber commits to campaign financing laws; says P.M. is not going anywhere
Leader-elect of the United Democratic Party (UDP), Patrick Faber, intends to introduce campaign financing laws [�]

Over 15,000 COVID-19 cases reported in 1 day in Florida
On Sunday, July 13, Florida registered an increase of more than 15,000 new cases of [�]

Wilfred "Sedi" Elrington announces retirement from politics
Another top member of the United Democratic Party is retiring. Pickstock area representative and Minister [�]

UDP NATIONAL CONVENTION II: Faber hopes to keep electoral departures to minimum
Already having lost two effective campaigners in Prime Minister Dean Barrow and Michael Finnegan, not [�]

Ministry of Health monitors COVID-19 situation in neighboring countries
The Ministry of Health continues to monitor the growing number of cases of COVID-19 in [�]


  • Weight loss Fitness Bootcamp, 17min. If you are looking for a complete regime to help with your weight loss goals; Kaya Cattouse has a program that can help. She talked with us about her Weight loss Fitness Bootcamp. The program offers meal support and an exercise session designed to help you lose fat.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability - how to adjust to our changing circumstances, 29min. With all the changes occurring locally we scheduled this mental health check-in with Clinical Psychologist, Deshane Gutierrez -Lopez. She helped us understand how to develop the skill of flexibility and adaptability to be able to cope and adjust to our changing circumstances. She says it's all about focusing on the things you can control.

  • State of Emergency for the South Side of Belize, 27min. We had a conversation with Kendra Hoyt, Adjunct Criminal Justice Lecturer, at Galen University. She shared her thoughts on the current State of Emergency for the South Side of Belize. She explains that it is an ineffective approach to tackling crime and violence and that efforts should be focused on addressing the underlying poverty and human development issues that lead to a life of crime.

  • Rumajay Dutty Mas Band - Update, 19min. Rumajay Dutty Mas Band is hosting their first event this Friday at the Vibes Day & Night Club. We talked with Demmy Williams about the event and what party-goers can expect. The doors open at 9:00 pm.

  • Zayvha Sarai Designs, 27min. We asked Ronelli Requena, Owner and Fashion Designer at Zayvha Sarai Designs, to help us make masks that are affordable and stylish. She showed us how to re-purpose clothing into mask that are custom fit and offer you protection with a bit of personalized style.

  • Sweet Lemon Desserts, min. Sweet Lemon Desserts introduced us to their Cheesecake on a stick dessert. The husband and wife team make specialty cakes and cheesecakes and sell from their home in San Ignacio. They came up with this new treat that is now available in Brodies. We had a sample and talked with Gabby Guerra about the various flavor combinations available.

  • Brent's Two Cents: Episode 2, Faber Shocks the UDP! Another State of Emergency. What's Really going on at Elections and Boundaries?, 22min. Patrick Faber pulls off a David vs. Goliath and is the new leader-elect of the UDP. What will that mean for both major parties come election day? How do we balance the desire to be safe with the right to be free? One retailer bans men from their store while another state of emergency gives Police the power to ignore our constitutional rights. And why can we only transfer voter registration in July and August? My two cents on the real reason for such an odd policy. It's episode 2 of Belize's newest podcast.

  • Jael August in a vocal presentation 'Seven Nation Army', 4min. Starting off the work week with an entry from the BIJF's Online Competition.

  • Aventura Archaeology Project 2019, 73min. As part of our look back at the House of Culture's annual Ancient World event, we offer this video of Dr. Cynthia Robin's presentation last summer on the latest finds in mapping and excavation at the ancient Maya site of Aventura! We wish to thank Jan Wilson of for documenting the presentations! Aventura Archaeology Project_2019, by Dr. Cynthia Robin, Northwestern University. Part of Ancient World Week, Corozal Town, Belize, 16 July 2019.

  • Covid -19 Update / UDP Convention results, 17min.

  • Garifuna Drumming & Spirituality, 16min. Josh Arana - Drumming Expert

  • UDP Convention - Hon. Patrick Faber New Leader, 51min. Hon. Patrick Faber Leader Elect

  • The Business Hour, 90min.

  • Meet Cinco!, 2.5min. Our "Bringing The Belize Zoo To You" series continues with zookeeper Gerson and Cinco the collared peccary!

  • Aerial visit to the Blue Hole off Lighthouse Reef, Belize, 4min.

  • Shari Flam on Raw Cacao from Belize and Ecuador, 34min. We've all heard some of the benefits of chocolate, but Shari Flam is harnessing the medicinal benefits of cacao beans by using the fermented beans in her tasty treats. Listen in to learn about ethically sourcing cacao beans, the health benefits of eating raw cacao, the different processing methods, and some of the treats she makes using the unprocessed cacao beans. She also discusses the mineral and chemical components of chocolate and how it interacts with the nervous system.

  • Another joyful element is the fireworks segment in celebration of Our Patron St.Our Lady of Mount Camel, 4min. Waking up at 3:00 a.m. and hourly to the sounds of the Alboradas bombs is quite our unique experience during the season!