The question is often asked: "How bad is Belize for hurricanes?".

Well, here are the hurricane track maps of the last 10 hurricane seasons (2010-2019), during which time we have lived in Belize.

These show the 5 times that Belize was hit by Hurricanes or Tropical Storms, out of 155 named storms, in this period:

2010 - TS Alex, TS Matthew and H(Cat 1) Richard
2011 - TS Harvey
2016 - H(Cat 1) Earl

[Source: National Hurricane Centre (USA)
Categorisation based on Maximum sustained winds
(Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale)

Tropical Storm: 39 to 73 mph
Hurricane: 74 mph or higher.
Cat 1 - 74 to 95 mph
Cat 2 - 96 to 110 mph
Major hurricane: 111 mph or higher.
Cat 3 - 111 to 129 mph
Cat 4 - 130 to 156 mph
Cat 5 - 157 mph or higher]

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