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Specials and Events

Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

The San Pedro Sun

'Food for San Pedro' assists 157 island families during lockdown
A total of 157 families received assistance in the form of food items on Thursday, August 20th, through an initiative baptized with the name 'Food for San Pedro'. Belize City Attorney at-Law Audrey Matura, along with a host of volunteers on the island, has started this project to assist those that have been heavily affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic and are most in need.

Various Belizean Sources


Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
Monday, August 24th, Meal Pick ups: Location: HAPPY LOBSTER. Times: Village: 11:00-11:45. Bahia: 11:45-12:30.

Bat Chat: Secret Lives of Bats with Dr. Brock Fenton
Tune in to learn about bats and the ecosystem at Ka'kabish site in northern Belize! This is a great resource for guides in the Lamanai area! Join bat expert Dr. Brock Fenton for an evening of virtual bat chat. Learn from Dr. Fenton about how bats live, the basics of bat biology, their amazing diets and why humans have been fascinated by these misunderstood mammals for thousands of years. Q&A to follow. After Brock's talk, Emily and Jon, from the High Park Nature Centre, will be on hand to teach you how to use your bat detectors. All ages (most appropriate for ages 6+)

Eighteen new COVID-19 cases were detected Sunday
A total of 165 samples were processed with 18 new positive cases. The preliminary breakdown is as follows: Orange Walk: 4 Belize District: 7 (3 in city, 1 in Caye Caulker, San Pedro 3) Cayo District: 5 (all in Belmopan) Stann Creek: 1 Toledo: 1 (Border Jumper) In terms of the numbers from yesterday, cases in Orange Walk district came from Louisiana, San Estevan, August Pine Ridge, Orange Walk Town; Corozal District: Alta Mira, Chunox, Patchakan, Corozal Town. Cayo District: Ontario.

BELIZE CONSTITUTION (EMERGENCY POWERS) REGULATIONS, 2020 - STATUTORY INSTRUMENT NO. 121 OF 2020. Good morning all, effective today regulation 121/20 came into effect. The following is now the law under the new SI- San Pedro Santa Martha Shipyard and Guinea Grass remains under complete lock down. The following shall apply to the lock down areas...

Ministry of Natural Resource Closed on Monday for Sanitization
The Ministry of Natural Resources hereby informs the public that it has become necessary for its headquarters in Belmopan to be closed on Monday, August 24, 2020. This closure is to accommodate the sanitization of the office for the protection and safety of staff and the public. For general queries, please feel free to contact Customer Service via email [email protected], or log onto the Ministry's web chat at . Updates will continue to be provided as necessary via the Ministry's website and Facebook page. The Ministry of Natural Resources thanks the public for its understanding and cooperation.

Repatriation Story
Let me tell yall how the repatriation process went: Arrived in Belize between 11:40-50am. We came out the plane and were placed in 2 lines outside in the heat which we thought were the lines to be tested for coronavirus. They then gave us a form to fill out which required out name, address and quarantine details. After being in the line for 45 minutes to an hour, I got to the front of the line where a woman used a temperature gun to test my temperature. This is where I noticed it was bad! The girl took my temperature and said "wow". Got me a bit frighten. Then I realised that the reading would be wrong since I was just in sun for an hour. Apparently, all the readings were wrong! I can't tell you what they were thinking, or maybe they weren't. We were never tested!

Repatriation Story 2
I am not really one to complain but I really feel this repatriation process in Belize deserves it. The flight from Houston arrived in Belize a little after 11:30 am. We did not leave the airport until almost 4pm! Without access to any food or water!!!! So we got off the plane and had to do a line outside the airport, it was very very hot. The line led to some covid testing booths and I thought we were in line to get swabbed which made sense. We were in line for about an hour to an hour and a half (depending where you were in line), when you got to the front of the line they took your temperature. The line was not to be swabbed for Covid, it was for Customs to check your carry on / bag / purse. I thought this was ridiculous, couldn't this be done inside?

Westline Bus Co. Ltd's latest schedule


There was a stabbing Incident in Ladyville Village, Belize District last night just after seven o'clock. 39-year-old Adrian Hulse and 23-year-old Elcide Bainton were in an altercation on Pigeon street when Bainton pulled out a knife an inflicted several stabs wounds to Hulse's body. Hulse transported to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital for medical attention.

Breaking Belize NewsPJ

Director of World Health Organization says COVID-19 pandemic could be "over in two years"
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization says that it is possible for [�]

Bayern Munich defeat Paris Saint Germain (PSG) 1-0 for Champions League title
A Kingsley Coman goal in the 59th minute settled a tense, [�]

18 new positive cases of COVID-19 identified today
The Ministry of Health informed a short while ago that after processing a total of [�]

Escaped convict still at large
Authorities are still looking for a convicted man who escaped police custody on Friday. Kaleem [�]

University of Belize was designed to be hostage to whoever rules in Belmopan
The views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not necessarily those of Breaking Belize [�]

Sunday Vibes Link up goes live on BBN at 3: p.m.
Today marks the second round of the collaboration between Breaking Belize News and the Sunday [�]

Attacker and victim injured in Ladyville stabbing
Two men were injured in a stabbing incident in Ladyville Village last night. Reports are [�]

Commissioner of Police breaks down new State of Emergency regulations
As announced by the Attorney General last night, there are revised State of Emergency regulations [�]

More that 23 million COVID-19 cases reported worldwide, deaths keep climbing
The global COVID-19 pandemic has now affected over 23 million people and killed over 800,000. [�]


Wide Open Nature: Why Belize is Naturally Resilient
Crowded tourist destinations are out of the question. Those seeking rejuvenative solitude can find it in Belize's wide open nature, meaning minimal contact and time to self - unfettered by family or work obligations. Social distancing regulations, paired with lower risks of contracting the virus in open spaces, leaves travelers opting for adventure in nature. After all, spending time in nature reduces negative thought patterns, stress, and depression - ultimately making us happier. While you may not have been a traditionally 'outdoorsy' person pre-pandemic, these experiences in solitude make it easy, with either wind-swept transportation, self-guided trails, or a suite of "at-home" luxuries in far-flung lodges.

Chasing Sunsets in Belize
There's a reason sunsets are constant standbys of writers and poets - they are beautiful, mesmerizing and inspiring. Besides, there is something magical and relaxing about watching a sunset; the sky transitions from brilliantly red and orange tones into darkness. Belize's diverse landscapes allow for watching gorgeous sunsets, with stunning vistas, regardless of what corner of the country your Belize adventure takes you.

Exploring the Belize Spice Farm & Botanical Garden in Punta Gorda
Belize has become a favorite international tourist destination. Divers love to explore the world's second longest barrier reef. Nature-lovers consider the rainforest to be extraordinary, with its jaguars, tapirs, howler monkeys and beautiful birds. The Maya ruins are one of the wonders of the world. Now those who love fragrance, flavor and spice have a new favorite destination. It is the Belize Spice Farm and Botanical Garden in Punta Gorda. When the Mathews, an Indian-American couple, visited Belize in 1989, they found the climate to be just like that of Kerala, in India. They wondered if they could grow the same spices in Belize that are grown in Kerala. These spices include Tellicherry black pepper, cardamom, vanilla, allspice, and nutmeg. Thanks to help from the Government of Belize, the Mathews were able to import seeds and cuttings from India.


  • Q&A session about the Economic Recovery Strategy is online, 90min. A live Q&A with Alexya P�rez, where we go into the Economic Recovery Strategy document to tackle the 2020 pandemic in Belize and talk about what it means for your business!

  • Hot Mama's Belize - SESB On-Grid Solar System, 1min.

  • Belize | Mayan Temples of Lamanai, 4min. Most people hit the beach in Belize, but not us! Join us high atop a Mayan temple, in the remote Lamanai Archeological Reserve.

  • Scuba Diving Belize 2018-11, 15min.

  • San Pedro Belize, 4min.

  • Yuum Balam - the Great Guardian of the milpa, 15min. A most watch film about the Yuum Balam . The Yucatec Maya of Belize know these Spirits as Nukuch Tat or Balamo'ob . The Nukuch Tat is a good spirit ,guardian of the animals ,milpa ,humans and forest . Although they are good spirits who every breaks the rules ,the Yuum Balames will punish. Jos� (Martin Noh) is a young skeptical of his culture, after living outside his community, he loses respect for his Mayan traditions and ignores everything his family has transmitted to him, however, one night while walking on the mountain listen a whistle you will never forget and soon experience an encounter with a being, who leads you to get lost and become one with nature.

  • Pigeons in flight & a fire rainbow cloud developing behind, .5min.

  • Brent's Two Cents Episode 8 - More Community Heroes in Caye Caulker and San Pedro!, 28min. A special "good news" podcast featuring community heroes in Caye Caulker and San Pedro. The Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen is currently feeding over 20% of that village's population daily. While in San Pedro, a chef and restaurant owner is operating her own feeding program for residents of her island. Two inspirational stories of community service on this special "good news" episode of Brent's Two Cents!