The internet is a powerful tool to let people all over the world know you and your business exist. We can help you place your business squarely in the world wide public eye. Please follow this simple step by step approach to success.


2. BUILD YOUR INFORMATION PACKET: Review the Materials List that accompanies this document, and collect what is required. If you have any literature, photographs, sound recordings, or video tapes beyond what's asked for on the list, please include them. The more you tell us how about you and your business, the better we'll be able to focus your Web Page on the products and services that will make you money.

3. ENCLOSE YOUR FIRST SIX MONTHS PAYMENT for your Web Page. You will receive an email receipt as soon as we have your packet and check. If you decide to move to a larger Web Page size later, we will prorate your payments and construct the new larger Web Page site within a few days.

4. HOW TO GET YOUR INFORMATION PACKET TO Casado Internet Group: You can email us whatever you have in digital form, but we have found over the last six months that we really need to see the color brochures and the pictures you send us in order to successfully and efficiently build the page. So put everything in a large envelope and have it mailed from within the US if you have people flying in. This will save at least a week, and cost much less. Here's our address:

Casado Internet Group
910 W. 16th
Eugene, Oregon, USA 97402

5. WE CREATE YOUR PAGE: Usually this is done within ten days. We will notify you by email as soon as  your webpage created and registered with search engines on the internet.

6. RESPONDING: Get An EMAIL address immediately from BTL. If you don't know how to do this, please speak with any of your neighbors that have  email or call BTL direct. We used to think that you could operate on the internet without it, but we have seen everyone of our clients without email lose potential business.  Get an email address and read your mail several times a day.

CONGRATULATIONS!: You're part of the worldwide internet community!

Marty Casado- [email protected]

Materials List and Prices to get a WebSite on

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Copyright by Casado Internet Group, Belize