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             Saturday, February 28, 2009 

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Mexican and Belizean experts meet to evaluate the technical and scientific cooperation program
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Embassy of Mexico to Belize
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Mexican and Belizean experts meet to evaluate the technical and scientific cooperation program
The inaugural ceremony of a meeting of experts of the Mexico-Belize Technical Scientific Cooperation was held February 25th at the House of Culture in Belize City. Both delegations of experts carried out four work sessions on the 26 and 27 of February to evaluate and plan specific projects within the five areas of interest for Belize. Those topics are: Environment, Health, Agriculture, Tourism and Security.

The objective of the meeting was to identify and agree on the terms of the cooperation program between Mexico and Belize for the period 2009 to 2011, which will be formalized at the 7th Session of the Mexico-Belize Mixed Commission on Technical and Scientific Cooperation that will take place later this year.

The Mexican government sent a delegation of 17 high level officers from different departments of the federal government, namely: Environment and Natural Resources, Health, Agriculture, Tourism, Foreign Affairs and the General Attorney’s Office. The Mexican Delegation also has representatives from the state of Quintana Roo.

The inaugural ceremony was headed by Ambassador for Foreign Trade and Head of International Cooperation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Belize, H.E. Adalbert Tucker, and by the Ambassador of Mexico, H.E. Luis Manuel Lopez-Moreno.

The strong ties between Mexico and Belize on matters of technical and scientific cooperation are based on the first bilateral Basic Agreement signed in 1985. In November of 1995 Mexico and Belize signed a new Basic Agreement for Technical and Scientific Cooperation. The last meeting of the Mixed Commission was held in 2005.

For more information, please visit the Embassy’s web page at

Photograph courtesy Embassy of Mexico to Belize Press Office              
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