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             Sunday December 27, 2009 

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Maralyn and Albert Gill, at Rasta Pasta in 1996 when it was upstairs above Crazy Canuck's at Playador
Website of the Day

Genesis in the Jungle
Maralyn Gill brings you condiment mixes that are unique to Belizean cuisine We sell seasonings in bulk to local restaurants, and also offer retail packaged seasoning blends. People love our products for several reasons. 1 ) Tourists want to re-live their Belizean memories when they get back home, and some of those memories are from pleasurable culinary experiences. 2) All our seasonings come as a complete package including recipes. The recipe/spice packages are very attractive to cooks, and also make great gifts for friends back home. 3) Caribbean seasoning is very popular around the world right now, and tourists are particularly fond of the Western Caribbean seasonings that we offer 4) And of course most tourists like the idea of bringing home some local flavor from Belize. Many people are also fascinated with the fact that some of our spices come from the local rainforests.
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Websites of the Day
Maralyn and Albert Gill, at Rasta Pasta in 1996 when it was upstairs above Crazy Canuck's at Playador (and a few other photos of Albert)

Top photograph by Marty Casado, other photos courtesy Maralyn Gill              
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