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             Sunday April 24, 2011 

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Eddie and Keppy (a Miligold Macaw)

Website of the Day
Conch Creative stylish photography brings out the romance and beauty of weddings, the warmth and character in portraits, producing stunning glamour shots and making ordinary things seem extraordinary.
Eddie Halliday and Keppy (a Miligold Macaw)
Above all… Belize isn’t always what you think it will be.  This is Eddie, (AKA Handyman Eddie).  He’s come to our rescue on more than one occasion to save us from floods and fires.  Honestly – he really has.

 Eddie is Belizean.  With him is Keppy, a macaw.  Belize is somewhat famous for its macaws. Keppy, though, is not Belizean.  Keppy is a Miligold Macaw.  Eddie rescued her from a very uncertain future.  

Conch Creative does not support the keeping of wildlife as pets and would always prefer to see birds flying free, but Keppy was bred in captivity and would never survive in the wild.  She and Eddie have a very close relationship and we were thrilled to be able to capture this special moment between them.

Photograph by Conch Creative              
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