Huge snake across the road in the Mountain Pine Ridge, 2005
Oh mein, this is MPR.... got to watch when go camping... Wow... something to think about. More where that came from.
Many moons ago my dad said they were doing chiclero work and sat on a log, he felt the log moved, sharpened a stick n stick it tru the head. It was sleeping after a meal.
Yes that was how they use to handle it with a shapen point stick or in smaller cases snakes with a crutch and they would keep it to sell on the market many are the days when the skin had much value.
Saw one similar going to Dangriga bout 5 mile after the swimming hole.
The guides here say it's a Wowla, probably a kriol name for big boa constrictor. They eat monkeys, coatimunda and wild pigs. ..and get to be 15 to 20 feet long.
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