Let me throw in my two cents worth here too.
My house with Butch is VERY SMALL compared to average in the US, and it costs us approx $500 a month BZ, just for the essentials (ok, I include cable and phone as essentials). We have AC's, but only use them during the hottest times, which running them just at night adds about $250 BZ a month. Luckily, we paid cash for the house, so we have no payment or rent. Golf carts and their upkeep is VERY expensive. Just had to replace the batteries to the tune of about 850. I think that food and beverage costs are very expensive... unless you eat like the Belizeans. That means no Doritos (8.50 bag), and no olive oil!
One thing I would like to say about Belizean employees (we have approx 15), they are extremely polite when needed, they smile much more than their US counterparts, and they are part of the Belize Experience to our guests. But we have just recently fired 4 employees for acts of theft, not performing the minimal duties required, and total insubordination to their supervisors-who are also Belizean. There is a Belize way to do things and Belize time. If you can fit into their mold, then you will be a good employer there. Would I hire Gringo's if it was possible?? In some cases YES. But I certainly would NOT want the Westin- Atlanta staff down there. They wouldn't give our guests the same feeling that Butch and I got on our first Belize experience. And that is certainly what will keep our Island going!!