Ed and Gil Beforehand

MK note: Jay Parrott, Ed's son, sent me these photos from his Dad's memorabilia. Jay says, "I sent these photos to George Twigger and he said these were taken prior to Korea, so probably middle of 1951." Because Ed's DD214 (separation paper) says that, from May to August of 1951, he was at Fort Benning, Georgia. I guess it's safe to assume that these photos were taken there. Jay also made the identifications given below each photo. MK.

Gil on top, Ed on bottom.                                                   Gil alone.                  

Ed (right) with an unknown Sgt.

                Ed (standing) with same Sgt.                                 Gil (left) with an unknown.

3rd Division Page         IBB Map and Photo Index
Ed's Gang          A Parrott, a Twigger, and a Porky
IBB - Page Four        "Can Do" Photo Index

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