Imjin Buddy Bunker - Page Four


Entry # 24 - 3 Feb 2001

Ray Flaherty
375 Mockingbird Lane
Merritt Island, Florida 32963

E-mail: Ray Flaherty

Served in Korea: Apr-Dec 1952 in Co L and 3rd Bn Hq Co, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

The Story: I retired in 1967 after 22 years in more than a few outfits; but, L/15 (although over 80% non-regulars) was one SUPER unit - from Company Commander W. A. Sidney to the lowest ranking private. I'm proud to say I served with them.

During the time my platoon had its position on a bluff overlooking the river and directly across from Nori, we saw a bit of action on Nori; and, on 8 Aug 1952, we were involved in one hellofa fire fight out from Nori but on the same hill mass - I think it was called "No Name" then. Later, I was wounded on a combat patrol out to Hill 121 in the valley beyond Nori. The picture of the Nori area triggered a few memories.

MK note: The location of Hill 121 is marked on Corporal Key's Map as is Hill 117 which is part of the same hill mass as Nori and, I guess, was known as "No Name" to Flaherty's platoon.

Sherwin Arculis (#6) note: I remember Wilbur Sidney. When I ended up in Hq 3rd Bn, the two of us took a jeep to Seoul and stole a generator from the AF so the Bn CP would have light and power. Later, I ran across him at Ft Campbell when I joined the 11th Airborne Div. Arc.

MK note: After I added Arc's above note, he gave me the long version of the same story and it goes like this:

"One day Wilbur Sidney, the Bn S2 at the time, and I took a jeep with driver and headed to Seoul to do some scrounging. We went to an AF compound that was in the University of Seoul. The motor pool was filled with small generators, one of which is what we were after. As we agreed in advance, Wilbur went inside to convince an AF Major to sign out to us a generator. In the meantime, the driver and I found a generator on a trailer and hooked it up to the jeep. I went inside and told Wilbur to forget it and go home. The old crook knew what I meant. We bid the Major farewell and ambled to the jeep. We then zapped out of that motor pool in a huge cloud of dust and didn't stop until we all the way back up to the Bn Cp. I guess this was in November (1952) or so because it was after the Jackson Heights attack. In 1953, I ran into Wilbur and Mary at Ft. Campbell and we often regaled listeners with the story of the stolen generator. By the way, the Bn CO was overjoyed!" MK for Arc.

MK add-on (10 Oct 2002): Ray is now mentioned on a new photo page for which Dan Wolfe (#59) of Co L furnished the makings. That page tells about both of the Co L operations which Ray mentioned and much more. For instance, L on the Imjin mentions things about Ray that he must have been too modest to mention himself. MK.

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Entry # 25 - 4 Feb 2001

Reginald E. Romeo

Served in Korea: KIA 31 Jul 1952 while in 2nd Plt, Co A, 15th Inf Rgt.

The Story: MK note: I have posted a remembrance of him and talked (too much, maybe) about the circumstances of his death on Romeo's Page.

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Entry # 26 - 12 Feb 2001

Gerald (Jerry) A. Arnold
538 Virginia Avenue
Erie, PA 16505

Phone (home): 814 453 3992
E-mail: Jerry Arnold

Served in Korea: Apr-Dec 1952 in Co G and Med Co, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

The Story: In these recollections, I may have something wrong, out of sequence, etc. If so, it was never intentional, and corrections are welcome. I have no desire to ever contradict or dispute another soldier's story. Knowingly myopic, this is how I saw my part.

In April '52, I transferred from the 187th Airborne RCT, (then in Japan). I was assigned to the 4th Plt, G Co, 15th Inf. At that time, they were in a reserve area.

In July, we moved onto the MLR to a position over looking Kelly. I believe G Company shared responsibility for the security of Kelly with other units. A "safe lane" through the MLR minefield started at our position and terminated in the valley below Kelly.

At first Kelly had been pretty much a platoon size outpost. However small, it did prove to be an irritant to the Chinese; they frequently contested the presence of the 15th Regt there. In late July, they over ran it; one of G Company's platoons was badly mauled. This may have been the incident that caused the escalation of events to come?

In the predawn hours of July 31st, most of G Company started to move from its position towards Kelly. I was nearing the end, but not yet out of the minefield, when the column stopped. At first light, we must have been spotted, and we started to take a lot of artillery/mortar fire. With no place to hide, I made an earnest effort to move from the minefield to any cover available. I don't know which Company (or Companies?) made the initial sweep; but it didn't take long for us to move onto Kelly.

Once on Kelly, I could see other troops on the hills to our left. There were also guys moving forward in the valleys between us. The incoming continued; I just kept digging and ducking.

About mid-morning, a platoon from another unit arrived, bringing with them some timbers and a lot of concertina wire. Through out the day, they assisted in building a small bunker for a command post, and pretty much ringed the hill with concertina. This was accomplished while under a lot of fire. Got to salute those guys!

Our company had quite a few causalities; this included several of our medics. I suppose because of that, the reinforcing platoon stayed on. (I don't believe this was part of the original plan). The only thing I can recall about their identity is that they were lead by a Lt. Black.

The following day, Lt. Black's platoon left. Other troops arrived. There were some badly needed medics, and the remainder of G Company. They included the cooks, clerks and the mess boy, Kim. When things quieted down, Kim was promptly sent back.

G Company owned Kelly for about a week thereafter. I'm not sure which Company relieved us. We went from there to a reserve area.

After about two weeks, we returned to the front. This time, we took no position on the MLR, but went directly to Kelly. We stayed there for about another week. Once again, I'm not sure who relieved us. (Maybe it was this time, the last time, or both times; but at some time I'm pretty sure it was unit from the 65th Regt). We went from there to a reserve area.

While in reserve, I had an opportunity to transfer to the 15th Medical Co. I took it.

Before I leave G Company, I have to mention a few names that are important to me. Two guys from my MLR bunker: Doug Flannery, (killed on Kelly, 7-31-52); and Cook, who hurt as much as I did. Our CO Capt. Charles Neilson, he put the welfare of the Company first. And finally, there is Murphy, who helped me to laugh.

At the 15th Med Co, I was assigned to a "casualty recovery team". In it were eight men from the Korean Service Corps, who were litter bearers, and me as an escort. When the 15th was on line, we went where needed. Periodically, I would be relieved from MLR duty, and would drive a litter jeep between the forward aid stations and a field hospital.

After leaving Kelly and its environs, there was the Chorwon area. With names such as Outpost Harry, Jackson Heights, Hill 391 and White Horse Mountain, (my last outpost).

Near the end of December '52, I rotated home.

MK note: It was Able Company that was to the left (on Breadloaf) on the morning of 31 Jul 1952 and, I think, it was Baker and Charlie that made the initial sweep up Kelly. I guess that the "safe lane" he speaks of is well remembered by all who have visited Kelly; I was back and forth on it several times that awful day. It may have been Able Co that relieved G Co. I remember being there for some days after my R&R Aug 4 to 12 - good timing, no? My machine gun bunker was on Kelly's right flank facing Tessie. Of course, the rain of water and mortars was still coming off and on, and there were lots of Chinese dead strewn about between Kelly and Tessie. Yes, Able Co also had more casualties on Kelly after it was retaken. MK.

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Entry # 27 - 16 Feb 2001

Jerome Golder
6318 Greenspring Avenue - Apt 101
Baltimore, Maryland 21209

Phone (work): 410 653 9000
(home): 410 764 7710
Jerome Golder

Served in Korea: Jul 1951 thru Apr 1952 in Co B, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

The Story: I want to thank the Imjin Buddy site for helping to refresh some of my memories of my tour of duty in Korea.

Reflecting on some of the ordeals and laughter there, I want to thank: the medics, doctors, and nurses, who brought a lot of wounded back from the brink of death; and, the cooks, quartermasters, and all others who were involved in the logistics of getting the goods and equipment necessary for those at the front to persevere. Without them and their skills, any combat situations (past or present) would be a total failure.

I want to thank those citizens of South Korea who struggled, sometimes under fire, to get a lot of the wounded and KIA off the front line to get medical attention and GR.

God bless each and everyone of those.

For those who gave their lives there: I pray to God to embrace their souls, for these are truly the valiant.

Again, thank you for your site. Jerome Golder.

MK note: Thank YOU, Jerome, for your kind words and especially for the first of your stories which I have posted as Golder Add-on One. Maybe you'll find some old buddies here and make some new ones - that's the main purpose of the Bunker. MK.

J. C. Poe note: Welcome to IBB, Jerome, and thanks for your stories on Golder Add-on One. So far, you are the only Bunker Buddy who was on Baldy when I was. I know Baker Co had a little different part of the objective, but I am curious if you can recognize my photo of the ridgeline (On Top of Old Baldy). Your description confirms to me that you were there, and I too have never seen so many human bodies in one place. As I say on the photo, it was taken after they had been covered or removed.   I was beginning to think no one else who made it up the hill that day was still around. Good to have you in the bunker. JCP.

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Entry # 28 - 18 Feb 2001

Sid Vaughan
Deceased 8 Jun 2003 - formerly of
Versailles, Missouri.

Served in Korea: Dec 1952 - Nov 1953 in Co B, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

The Story: I think I must have been a replacement for one of you that I am reading about here. I arrived at Baker Co just before Christmas 1952. The Reg was in reserve so I am sure we had a big dinner, but I do not remember that Xmas.

I was in the Weapons Plt. I spent the first six months on Outpost Tom and the MLR in that area. If anyone has a picture of Tom, taken from the MLR, I sure would like to see it posted.

You have a great page here, keep up the good work.

MK note (26 Nov 2003): For quite a while, my email to Sid had been returned and marked as "undelivered". So, tonight, I tried to give him a phone call. A lady answered and told me that Sid had died last June 8. She asked for my address and offered to send me some details so that I can write a more proper note about the sad news - so, more is to come here later. MK.   

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Entry # 29 - 20 Feb 2001

Samuel L. Kellogg
1745 N 10th Street
Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410-1260

Phone (home): 402 873 7312
Sam Kellogg

Served in Korea: Oct 1951 to 31 Jul 1952 in Co A, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

MK note: The information for Sam's story came to J. C. Poe (Entry #2) from Sam and his wife, Mary, who handles his email for him. Poe made this registration for Sam. MK.

The Story: Sam joined Co A just in time to spend the winter of 1951-52 on the Imjin across the river from Nori. He became a 60 Mortar Squad Leader and, of course was part of all the Co activities along the Imjin and at the POW camp in Pusan where the 1at Battalion went in the late spring of 1952.

Sam was one of the Iowa farm boys who (as I do) remember the fun we had with a farmer's cows near the large ammo dump which blew up just prior to our entrance into the POW Compound. Our riding the cows and causing the bulls to fight brought the wrath of a Korean Farmer on us, but we talked our way out of that one.

SSG Kellogg lost his right arm in the fight of 31 July 1952 at Outpost Kelly, thus ending his Korean tour of duty. Sam is a retired farmer and Charter Member of the Nebraska Korean War Veterans Association. He asked me to make this entry for him and I am very proud to do so. He has furnished several great photos of the men in Able Co, including a copy of the Company in formation. I will send Merv several good photos of Sam along the Imjin and at The POW Camp. I know they will bring back memories for the Vets who knew him.

Welcome to the Bunker, Sam. J. C. Poe.

MK note (5 Jun 2001): A little late, I have begun to post the photos which are mentioned above by Poe. Sam, a River, a POW Camp, and a Jeep is the name of the page with the first six photos and some of Sam's comments about them. (12 Jun 2001): Another seven  of Sam's photos are now posted at Sam, His Buddies, and a Tank along with comments by Sam and some of my (more expansive than usual) mouthings. MK.

MK late note (27 Aug 2003): Another of our too frequent losses of an Imjin Bunker Buddy has happened. On Aug 16, Bob Tartaglione (#66) relayed to me a  very sad email he received (the same day) from Mary Kellogg, Sam's beloved wife, and now I relay it on to you, after a few deletions of a personal nature:

"As expected, I write all on my e-mail list (the easy way for me) that my Sam died last night at 9:15 pm.

"All day yesterday he did not speak or open his eyes. Needless to say this past week has not been easy and we know Sam is in a better place now. His battle is over and he fought like my hero - no surprise about that.

"Hospice and the Ambassador saw to it that he was comfortable at all times. I am waiting until 7 am to call the church secretary to be sure the service can be at the church Wednesday at 10:30 am.

"Thank you for all of your prayers for Sam and for our family. We felt the love. It helped us so much since Sam entered the hospital on Memorial Day. I love you all! Mary."

As mentioned above, J. C. Poe (#2) helped Sam jump in our Bunker, and both J.C. and Bob, having been in the Weapons Platoon with Sam, both remember Sam well, whereas I (a 2nd Plt guy) just can't manage to bring him into focus - but, maybe I knew Sam better than I can remember. MK.

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Entry #30 - 16 Mar 2001

Henry H. Burke
1122 Palisades Circle
Columbia, South Carolina 29223-3409

Phone (home): 803 782 7517
Henry Burke

Served in Korea: Oct 1951 - Jan 1952 in Co G, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

MK note #1: All the information for this entry was relayed to me by Sherwin (Arc) Arculis (Entry #6). He also typed out and emailed me The Story which, in reality, is a record of a speech given last year by M/Sgt (ret) Henry H. Burke at a 15th Inf Reg reunion dinner in San Francisco, California. It has been edited only slightly. MK.

The Story: I am sure that Sgt. York, in World War I, when he was drafted, said where is Europe. In World War II, we said where is Pearl Harbor. When the Korean Conflict broke out, we said where is Korea. Now we say where are Kosovo and Bosnia.

When the Korean War, as we know it now, came along no one would give you a job, as they knew you would be drafted. So I enlisted in the Army on March 16, 1951 in my hometown of Burlington, NC. John Burke, President of the 15th Infantry Regiment Association, and I met on this day. He was from Franklinville, NC. We lived approximately 40 miles apart, but we were not related. We took Basic at Ft. Benning, GA in the 30th Infantry Regiment. We went to Korea to G Co, 15th Inf. Rgt about 10 October 1951.

G Company had just lost a lot of men, wounded and killed, on Hills 477 and 487. With a reinforced company of 350 men, on 3 October 1951, the objective was won at the point of fixed bayonets. The company's full fighting strength was reduced to 19. Our 1st Sgt., Lyle Penfold, a combat veteran of World War II, was in the assault. We arrived as their replacements. After Corps reserve, we moved to the front line.

On November 25, 1951, Thanksgiving Day, dinner was along the road in a blocking position on Hill 238 with enemy artillery coming in. I was one of a few to eat. Being one of twelve children, I knew you had to get to the table to eat. I didn't worry about artillery. Two soldiers from the British Commonwealth Division ate with us. They commented that " You Yanks sure do eat well." We did not tell them that it was Thanksgiving Dinner.

Our first combat was Hill 355 known as "Armistice Heights", "Dagmar Hill" and "Little Gibraltar Hill, the highest hill on the central front. It was here that we were facing the enemy, The Chinese, on the front line. We lost our Platoon leader, Platoon Sgt., 1st Squad leader, and a rifleman. The company strength was about 150 men at that time. After reporting the hill taken, we were hit with a reinforced regiment of Chinese. We withdrew to the base of the hill and called in artillery airburst on the hill. At daybreak, it began to snow; another company went up the hill but did not fire a shot and by 3 p.m. had counted 1,500 dead Chinese.

We moved to a blocking position, manned the outpost, and pulled combat patrols until our new replacements arrived and wounded returned to the company.

I received my draft notice at this time. I wrote on it "believe me, I'm in Korea in G Company, 15th Inf. Rgt, 3rd Inf. Div" and then returned it.

On Christmas Eve, 1951, near Yonchon and the Imjin River, George Company was assigned the mission of sending out a combat patrol to get a prisoner. What a surprise! And here it was Christmas Eve, 1951.

The armed forces all along the line were trying to get a live prisoner. We needed information on the enemy. Knowing the lowest private had meaningful information as to what was going to take place, we needed to accomplish this mission. My Platoon, the 3rd, was selected to go on the mission.

We had just received our shoepacks a few days earlier. It was a big improvement over our regular boots. (SA note: He must mean they got rid of the "Mickey Mouse" boots. SA.) We had been give two sets of innersoles and two pairs of socks. We wore one set of each and put the other set under our armpits. This way our body heat would dry one set so we could change when our other's got wet.

We got into white uniforms for this mission as we had snow on the ground. The patrol leader was given a steel ball about the size of a baseball in a sock to possibly hit a prisoner over the head since we wanted to bring back a live prisoner. He was also given a clicker to "click, click" like a cricket to be identified by friendly forces when returning from the patrol. I think this was used in World War II. He was also given a tape reflector that turned red for identification. When our preparations were all made, the company fed us Christmas dinner thinking that we may not make it back, becoming prisoner ourselves. This was like maybe out Last Supper.

The night before it snowed and was 15 degrees below zero. As the platoon moved out at dusk dark, there was 2 feet of snow and it was still snowing. The platoon reached a position on a small hill overlooking a cornfield approximately 1000 yards in front of friendly forces. It was a good position to set up a covering force. We had a phone line from their back to the company command post. With men and machine guns in position, this would give the 6 man patrol good cover if returning with unwanted company. We took no radios with us. We were strictly on our own.

The 6 man patrol, made up of myself, Cpl. Nile Stuart, the platoon Sgt. (and only ranking man on the patrol) John T. Burke, Fred A. Perry and Salvador J. Tiscareno, proceeded slowly down and across the cornfield. It was becoming increasingly cold. After about 1000 yards, we heard sounds like the bolt action of weapons on our right and left. The smell of garlic was so strong we thought we were in the middle of an ambush. We backtracked slowly out of there, back to our covering force. The platoon leader, Lt Roger Peterson, in his checking with the company command post was told that other companies of the Battalion had set up ambushes on our right and left and knew that we were in the area.

It was now around midnight and we moved out again on our mission. It was so very cold, I prayed nothing would happen, as I don't think my trigger finger could have moved. As we found out later, it went to 5 below zero that night.

We moved along slowly, everything was white. There was snow on the ground, snow was falling and we were in white. It was hard to see the person three or four feet in front of you. We stopped often to listen. I thought I heard a bunp, bump. I did! It was my heart.

We continued moving across the cornfield and on over the frozen rice paddies. About 300 yards short of the Imjin River, the patrol leader set up a covering force, with three men and took two with him to patrol the riverbank. As we got closer to the river, we could see the mist hanging over it. It was so cold! We patrolled along the bank, the dampness seeping through our clothing. I don't think I'd ever been so cold. As we continued along the bank of the river, what a surprise! Hanging on the branches were Christmas cards from the enemy. Some read "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Chinese People's Volunteers". We collected the cards and returned to the covering force with the "click, click" signal and reflector. Daylight was breaking as we returned to the battalion headquarters for a debriefing of the patrol.

It had been one cold surprising night in Korea. The first of many combat patrol for us in this war.

I have served in all three of 3rd Divisions Regiments: 7th, 15th and 30th. In my twenty-three year career in the Army, never have I served with better men! As someone once said, "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only friends will leave footprints on your heart."

These men left footprints. God bless all of you "Can Do" people.

MK note: You'll enjoy a visit to A Reunion, By George! (a photo of ten G/15/3 survivors at a 1997 reunion) and Christmas Cards (two lovely cards of which Msg Burke spoke). MK.

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Entry #31 - 20 Mar 2001

Roger R. Peterson

Served in Korea: 30 Nov - Aug 1952 in Co G and Co H 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

The Story:

MK note: You will see his name and some pix here and there in the "Can Do" Photo Album, and we all hope we'll hear more of his story by him or others right here. (27 Feb 2002) I just remembered that, after this entry was made, Roger sent some great 1951-52 photos of himself and some of his buddies to Sherwin "Arc" Arculis (#6) - one of those buddies. Arc sent the photos on to me to, along with the story that goes with them, to be posted on Arc, Roger, and Buddies and another page linked to from there. MK.

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Entry #32 - 22 Mar 2001

Edwin A. Parrott
Chicago, Illinois

E-mail: Ed Parrott c/o Jay Parrott

Served in Korea: Jan 1952 - Jan 1953, mostly in Co B, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

The Story: I wish to share information on my father, SFC Ed Parrott - RA 263 63 493, who served along the Imjin River in Korea. Unfortunately for me, my family, and you veterans, my father passed away 8 Aug 1994. He was very proud of his service and always wondered about his army buddies.

Ed served along with his brother, Gilbert, who also was with Company B in Korea during 1952. The only history I know about my father and his service was that my my father's platoon was the only platoon during the Korean war that had two sets of brothers that served in combat together - the Parrott brothers and the Twigger brothers.

I have emailed Merv several photos, taken in Japan and Korea, for use in the Bunker. Please enjoy the photos.

If anyone has remembrances about my father or uncle, please share them with me.

Take and God bless,
Jay Parrott.

MK note: I hope that Ed's brother, Gilbert, and the Twigger brothers also come into the Bunker, and that the remembrances of which Jay spoke are shared with all in the Bunker. As the "Baker Can Do" guys send them in, I'll peck away at them and get them posted (the remembrances, not my Baker buddies) on the goodies in Ed's photo album, the first of which is a photo of Ed's Gang. That one will be much appreciated by all visitors to the Bunker and, especially, by the Co B guys. MK.

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Entry # 33 - 2 Apr 2001

Hans H. Kroeger
46 Crestwood Drive
Huntington Station, New York 11746

Phone (home): 631 427 5045
[email protected]

Served in Korea: Oct 1951 to Aug 1952 in Co B, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

The Story: Participated in the struggle for OP Kelly starting in Jan 1952.

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Entry # 34 - 20 Apr 2001

Vito Bellflower
E-mail: Vito Bellflower c/o John Bellflower

Served in Korea: During 1951 and 1952 in D Btry of the 336th AAA Gun Bn, while it was attached to and serving with the 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.

MK note: His story is best told by snippets of E-mail from his son, John Bellflower, and other guys in the Bunker. Most of the photos mentioned below by James and John) have been added to the "Can Do" Photo Album, along with comments about Vito and his story - to see, just go to the page Vito in Wheels and a Cornfield. Maybe those photos will help John (and, now, us too) in the search for buddies who knew Vito. (20 Sep 2001) Other pages with photos from Vito's photo album are now published in the "Can Do" photo album. MK.

The Story:

James McGlew (#5): I'm going to send you some photos I got from John Bellflower. His dad Vito was in the 15th. John is hoping to find someone Vito served with in Korea. I don't recognize anyone in the fotos but maybe some one in the Bunker will. Jim.

John Bellflower: Hi, Merv. My father was drafted 11/07/50 and discharged 7/31/52. My sadness is that he died last year. I'm trying to learn more about his time in Korea and, maybe, find someone who knew him. His DD214 also shows that he earned the Korean Service Medal with 4 bronze service stars, the CIB, and the United Nations Service Medal with one overseas bar. His place of separation was Camp Edwards, Mass.

He did not talk much about the war. He did, however, make references to Pusan and a place called Chorwon. I think he was in battles there. He was almost captured once went they went to get a damaged tank. I suppose they were ambushed. Not really sure. Talked about the Chinese (said some were pretty big). He worked close with the Turkish men and the 1st ROK. There is a picture in his album of a wide, flat river, but it is not named. Lots of mountains and heavy snow as well.

He talked about going out on a vehicle that had tracks and was very fast. It might have been some sort of recon, not really sure. I have pictures of it. It looks like he was in an armored unit with infantry. John.

J. C. Poe (#2): Merv., the 336th Anti Aircraft Artillery Gun Bn would have been armed with the Quad 50's on a halftrack and the Twin 40's on a full track, and they could both haul ass very fast. That unit may have been the one we got our Q50 and T40 from for Able Co. I am very familiar with those two weapons as I was once a gunner on both in the 27th AAA platoon at Fort Benning (1957) and we helped to put on the Mad Minute for the ROTC Cadets there. You know Maj Pearson mentioned the Benning mad minute in his story about our support of the 65th when they were overrun.

The Q50 and T40 were used for ground support a good deal of the time as there was little threat from the air.

Another thought: he had to have been serving in line with the Inf to get the CIB. He may very well have been attached to us with those guns we had. I don't think an untrained straight leg like one of us could have operated that equipment without a good deal of special training!   If this was the case, I can see why only the AAA unit assignment would be mentioned in his records. Later, J.C.

Sid Vaughn (#28): Hi, Merv. Poe's thoughts about the T40s and Q50s being used for ground support is correct. During the first part of 53, when Baker Co was in the area of OP Tom, there was a battery of them set up on a hill just south of the MLR. Almost every night they put on a show firing on the southern slope of Jackson Heights. The 50s used an AP round that looked like a swarm of fire-flies when they hit the hill. Re Vito's reference to the Chinese being big men: there was a Mongolian Rgt in that area. We ran into them a couple times and some of them were six footers. Sid.

John Bellflower: Hi, Merv. I do remember my dad talking a little about the quad 50s. I bet it put out a lot of hurt on the bad guys for sure. John.

MK note: Putting all of the above information together and noticing that one of the pictures is of Vito wearing a 3rd Div arm patch while sitting in a jeep with "Can Do" markings, makes it apparent that Vito Bellflower must have served on the same hills as (and in support of) the 1st Bn of the 15th. John, we are honored to have your father in our Bunker.

Incidentally, I remember well how just one Quad 50 would light up the whole valley between Nori and Tessie. MK.

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