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             Monday January 10, 2011 

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Northern Potoo with a chick Northern Potoo with a chick Northern Potoo with a chick Northern Potoo with a chick

Website of the Day
When I first visited Belize, i was searching for the same jungle paradise i enjoyed while shooting Apocalypse Now in the Phillipines. I discovered it tucked in the Maya Mountains and invite you to do the same - Francis Ford Coppola
Northern Potoo with a chick
The Potoo relies heavily on its perfect camouflage and one really has to know what to look for, otherwise, you just might walk by past it. Some of the photos were taken a few feet away from this bird, but not too close to make it uncomfortable.

Called a stake bird in other countries, this bird was at the edge of a large pasture at San Antonio. Walked right past it the first time and never saw it! They are relatives of the Pauraques and Owls and quite a combination of both bird families.

You can search for nesting Potoos during March. Fence posts at the edge of forest is a good place to look for them.

Photograph by Roni Martinez, Conservation Officer at Blancaneaux Lodge              
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